

The Reseach of the Value of Human Life

【作者】 王定功

【导师】 路日亮;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 人的生命价值,可能是人类认识和发现的最后一块处女地。追寻生命价值是千百年来人对自身和群体存在的一以贯之的确证。生命价值研究是重构当代国人生命价值观尤其是推动生命教育发展的现实祈盼。作为祀续数千年光辉文明与传统负累的当代中国,作为承载现代性问题诸多累积的后发展国家,在保障国人生命价值、树立适宜的生命价值观方面,面临迥异于传统和西方的理论挑战。诸如:怎样在传统与现代的思想纠结中保持良性的二元张力;怎样在消除威权主义的“指教文化”、倡扬生命个性追求生命价值的同时又能避免重走西方社会工业文明进程中的个体主体性膨胀、个人生命价值被“物化”和“异化”的老路;怎样才能避免物质主义、消费主义威权及“现代生存综合症”等等,都是一些沉甸甸的理论难题。另外,国内生命教育虽“摸着石头过河”,却以一种沉着坚定的力量悄然而深刻地渗入了校园,并滚雪球似地影响到了社会不同群体,转眼间竟具席卷天下之势,“理论跟进”、“理论补课”尤其是从哲学层面对其进行反思和指导也迫在眉睫。本论文并非完成也没有希冀完成对生命价值论的整体建构,为篇幅和研究条件所限,笔者仅仅将“初论”当作本论文的问题域和研究目标。这一研究目标可以具体表述为:本论文基于当世哲学关注人、关注人的生命、关注人的价值这一基本语境,在此“中国特色的理论坐标系”中尝试构建生命价值论的本体论框架——探讨生命价值论视域中的“人”、“人的生命”和“人的生命价值”,由此出发去审视当代国人生命异化的表现和根源,表达对个体生命保障生命价值的基本生命关切。为达到上述研究目标,本论文确立的研究原则是:强化问题意识,力图价值独立,淡化学科界限,避免先入为主,坚守研究界限,规范言说姿态,审慎推导一家之言。由此,本研究的基本思路是:从现实到理论“溯流而上”,试图在中西马历史语境的理念纠结中条分缕析,叩问生命价值的本真意蕴,为生命个体追寻生命价值提供鹄的,并为表达生命关切提供依据;再从理论到现实“顺流而下”,试图在现代性境遇里批亢捣虚,对当下国人生命个体追寻生命价值表达基本关切。亦即,在厘清人、生命、人的生命价值的概念及其关联的基础上,在历史和现实、人类与国人的境域里渐次聚焦,对处于转型后期、受现代性簇拥的当今国人追求生命价值过程遭遇的生命异化进行剖析,寻找纾解死亡焦虑、克服自杀诱惑、肯认生命意义的方略,并寻求建构适宜的当代生命价值观的教育路径。第一章,即导论,生命价值论的提出。本论文考察了人的生命价值这一本来内在于人自身的生命诉求,何以成了一个亟待哲学应对的理论问题。世上生命万千,唯有人在追问自我确证的生命价值,亘古如此,当下尤甚。一部人类发展史,无异于人的生命价值的理性开显史。通过对生命价值理论进路的通览,尤其通过对传统生存论、诗化哲学、现象学、诠释学、语言哲学、马克思主义人学理论菁华的借鉴,本研究审慎提出了生命价值论这一理论构想,并试图完成这一理论的初步架构。第二章,生命价值的本体论构建。在生命价值论看来:所谓人,即是追寻自身生命价值并朝着生命意义渐次生成的实践着的此在;所谓生命,即人基于肉体自然追求价值超越的存在特性;于是,人的生命价值在本研究中就界定为内含于人之整全生命并在自然和超越二层面多维度展开的生命特性。第三章,生命价值论对生命异化的审视。本研究并没有一味对生命异化义愤填膺地大加挞伐,而是对异化的情形作了分解。人之进化、人之发展过程存在着本源的异化,这是我们不能不接受的代价。而生命异化的发展史伴随着假与真、丑与美、恶与善、俗与圣竞冲纠缠,生命价值在其间时隐时现。在当今,社会发展表面上凯歌行进,人的主体性空前张扬,但对生命价值的认同感却逆向退化,症结百出。第四章,生命价值论的基本生命关切。人的生命的自然价值不可公约,应对其抱有必要的敬畏之心,但又不因此停止探究生命的脚步。死亡,我们曾对其深度误解,它引起我们的恐惧,也同时对我们产生诱惑,前者导致死亡焦虑,后者引起自杀,焦虑和自杀都源于对生命意义的误读。我们应在深谙生命价值的基础上,纾解死亡焦虑,放弃自杀尝试,肯认生命意义,“充满劳绩,但诗意地栖居于这块大地之上”。第五章,生命价值论的教育路径。聆听,应该作为生命价值教育的前提姿态,教育主体应设身处地不断调整聆听的角度,平心静气地相互聆听生命的倾诉;对话,应该作为生命价值教育的基本策略,教育主体间相互言说着,相互听取着,那种威权主义的“耳提面命”式的“指教”应予坚决摒弃;同行,应该贯穿生命价值教育的整个过程,教育者和被教育者都应融入天地人“神”四方共在的生命群体之中,一同去追寻生命价值的真切意蕴,一起去体味生命意义的本真内涵。本研究并没有也无意提供一个关于生命价值的现成答案——这其实是本研究一直加以反对的理论企图,重要的乃是唤起每一个生命个体对生命价值的应然追求,唤起我们发自内心的生命智慧和真情,激励并养成属于个人的生命艺术。本研究只是指明思考生命价值的可能路向之一种,那就是通过“生命聆听”而指向天地人“神”错综勾连的生命关涉,通过“生命对话”而达臻生命意义的敞显和澄明,实现诸生命主体的同在,在探问生命价值的道路上“一路同行”。

【Abstract】 Based on the basic context of the contemporary philosophy which has a focus on human beings, human life, and human values, and borrowing ideas on human life of multi-disciplinary, this thesis makes an attempt to build a philosophical system, a theory on the value of human life within the frame axes of Chinese-characteristics system.The first chapter proposes the definition of the value of human life. On the foundation of an overall view on Chinese and Western Marxism development, especially according to an overall view on the survival theory, poetic philosophy, phenomenology, hermeneutics, philosophy of language, and the essence of Marxist theory on anthropology, this chapter carefully raises a preliminary definition of the value of human life and defines the objectives, contents and methods of the research into the value of human life..The second chapter deals with the establishment of ontology of the value of human life. In accordance with the theory on the value of human life, the so-called human beings are in fact the living creature that pursues its own life values and advances towards the gradual realization of the meaning of life, and the so-called human life refers to the special existing characteristic displayed when value surpass is naturally pursued by human beings on the basis of their physical natural. Upon that, the value of human life in this study is defined as the special feature that is included in its integrated personal lives and is expanded on multi-dimensional of nature and surpass.The third chapter handles the examination on life alienation in the light of the theory on the value of human life. According to this theory, there is an alienation of our origin in the process of human evolution and development, which is a price we have to pay. Meanwhile, the veil of fakeness, evil, ugliness, vulgarness on truth, goodness, beauty and sanity results in the modern patterns of the alienation of human life. Both of the opposite respects mentioned above constitute "Chinese characteristics" of the alienation of human life. Together with the social triumph march and the publicity of human subjectivity, the identity of the value of human life reverses, which should call for our sufficient attention.The fourth chapter elaborates the basic concerns of the theory on the value of human life. We have had a deep misunderstanding about death, which has aroused a temptation to us as well as our fears, the former leading to a death anxiety, while the latter causing suicide. Death anxiety and suicide are both derived from a misreading of the meaning of life. We should, on the basis of a good understanding of the value of life, try to relieve death anxiety, to give up the suicide attempt, to understand and accept the meaning of life. In one word, we should make every effort to "rest peacefully and romantically on the earth with great achievements and merits".The fifth chapter explores ways to give instructions on understanding the value of human life. In accordance with the theory on the value of human life, listening should be considered as the premise attitude to take when lecturing on the value of life. Communication should be used as the basic strategy for teaching the value of life. Advancing shoulder to shoulder should be employed as a dynamic process of life value education.All in all, on the basis of building an initial ontology of the value of human life, this thesis examines the root causes of the alienation of human life and current patterns, expresses fundamental concerns on the protection of individual life value, and explores ways to give instructions on the value of human life. Without an intension of providing a ready answer to the issues on the value of human life, this thesis holds that the true value of human life exists on the road to pursue the value of life.
