

Robust Stage Plan and Plan Adjustment for Railway Marshaling Station

【作者】 黎浩东

【导师】 何世伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 编组站作为铁路运输重要的基层生产单位,铁路枢纽及干线畅通的关键环节,主要负责货物列车解体和编组作业,并按计划正点发车。编组站日常作业都是在车站作业计划指导下完成的,作为车站作业计划的核心,阶段计划的优化编制一直是编组站智能调度系统的关键环节和理论难点。在阶段计划编制和执行过程中,存在较多的不确定信息扰动。现有的研究成果没有系统地针对不确定环境下具有一定鲁棒性的阶段计划编制问题的研究,论文着重对鲁棒阶段计划编制及调整问题进行了研究,所做工作主要包括以下几个部分:1.围绕铁路编组站阶段计划编制研究的特点和发展趋势,从阶段计划配流、调机运用、到发线运用、确定环境下和不确定环境下阶段计划的编制等几个方面,阐述了相关问题的研究现状,分析了铁路编组站阶段计划编制研究趋势,以及鲁棒阶段计划编制及调整研究的必要性。2.阐述了铁路编组站阶段计划编制原理,并对计划信息的不确定性进行了详细分析。提出鲁棒阶段计划的概念,并对鲁棒阶段计划的特点及评价因素进行了阐述。基于此,构建鲁棒编组站阶段计划的编制框架,即“计划编制+计划调整”的基本框架。3.研究了铁路编组站鲁棒阶段计划配流优化模型。选择出发列车满轴约束、列车解编作业时间和列车到发时刻的不确定性作为优化对象,对既有基本配流优化模型进行改进:首先根据列车编组计划,综合考虑出发列车总重和换长两个满轴条件,并从出发列车车辆数、运输效率两方面进行了拓展;其次,通过考虑车列的解编钩数、连挂次数等因素,对解编作业时间进行精确估算,使其计划值更接近实际值,以减少两者的偏差对计划编制和执行的影响;借鉴“公平性”目标来考虑列车到达时刻延误,优化待解时间在不同衔接方向到达列车之间的分布,提高计划适应列车延误影响的能力。通过综合考虑多种出发列车满轴约束、列车解编作业时间和列车到发时刻的不确定性,构建具有一定鲁棒性编组站阶段计划配流优化模型。4.在所构建的阶段计划配流优化模型的基础上,增加对到发线运用的研究,形成鲁棒阶段计划编制优化模型。针对模型的特点、求解难度以及阶段计划编制对时效性的要求,将鲁棒阶段计划编制模型分解为解编方案编制优化模型、静态配流模型和到发线运用优化模型。并分别设计各模型的求解方法,如采用和声搜索算法求解解编方案编制优化模型,模拟退火算法求解静态配流模型,以及ILOG求解到发线运用优化模型。最后设计算例验证了模型及算法的有效性,通过对不同满轴约束对计算结果影响、车流冗余、列车解编作业时间以及到达列车待解时间等方面的分析可知,利用本文提出的研究方法编制的阶段计划具有较高的鲁棒性。5.对铁路编组站阶段计划策略调整理论与方法进行了研究。在“计划编制+计划调整”的模式下,借鉴策略优化思想,构建编组站阶段计划策略调整理论与方法论框架,包括计划调整策略的结构及表示形式、策略条件分支的判断和选取、调整策略的参数化表示、策略元的定义和获取以及计划调整策略的提取和优化。其中在策略元的获取、调整策略的提取和优化中,对前文所设计方法进行改进,使其适应计划信息扰动的影响,形成动态环境下阶段计划调整策略求解方法。在阶段计划调整过程中,应突出调度员知识和经验的重要性,如可由调度员制定策略元、构建和选择策略结构、调整修订基本参数等。最后设计算例对所提出方法进行了验证。

【Abstract】 Marshaling staions are the primary units of the railway network, and the key nodes of the rail hub and the main rail lines. The mainly works of marshaling stations are handling the classification and assembly of freight trains, and make sure the trains are departed on time according to the departure schedule. Those yards operations are all planed by yards dispatcher. There are two steps of yards plans in China, and the most important one is the stage plan. There are many uncertainties when formulate and carry out the stage plan. While few researches focus on this topics that the optimization of the stage plan under uncertainties. This dissertation studied the robustnees stage plan and plan adjustment for railway marshaling stations. The main works of this dissertation are as follows:1. According to research trend of the stage plan for railway marshaling stations, the current situation as well as the necessity of the research on robust stage plan are reviewed and depicted. The review are based on five aspects, such as wagon-flow allocation, yard engines utilization, yard track utilization, and the stage plan optimization under certain and uncertain environment.2. Analysised the theory of optimizating the stage plan of railway marshaling station. The necessity of the research on robust stage plan is depicted after the analysis of the uncertain of the plan information. The concepts, characteristic and evaluation factors are proposed. Based on them, the framework for robust stage plan is put forward, that is the framework of "plan formulation+plan adjustment" for marshaling station.3. Robust wagon-flow allocation (WFA) models are studied. Three wagon-flow allocation models are proposed step by step. Firstly, a WFA model that considers different train size limitations of departure trains is formulated. The weight and length of departure trains are taken into account as the size limitation simultaneously. And the cars number and the freight value or benfit of departure trains are considered together for a more general WFA model. Secondly, a WFA model considers the uncertain of the breakup time of inbound trains and the makeup time of outbound trains is formulated. We estimate those time information more accurately by taking the cuts of trains, the classification process and assembly process into account. So the uncertain impacts on the stage plan can be reduced if the gaps of estimated and actual values are decreased. Thirdly, an equity objective function is introduced for the WFA model that considers the uncertain of arrival time of inbound trains. This equity objective function can optimiza the distribution of waiting time for classification of the inbound trains that from different directions.4. Based on the robust WFA model, the robust stage plan optimization model is presented by adding the study of yard track utilization problem. Then the model is decomposed into three sub-models:yard engines utilization model, static WFA model, and yard track utilization model. And different algorithms are proposed for all models. For example, the harmony search for the yard engines utilization model and ILOG for the yard track utilization model. Then a numerical case is used to verify the proposed mathematical models and the solution algorithm. The robustness of the stage plan is analysised through the redundancy of cars, the gap between estimate and actual classification time and assembly time, and the waiting time of inbound trains for classification and so on.5. The theory of strategy adjustment for stage plan is researched. Based on the framework of "plan formulation+plan adjustment", this dissertation proposed the theoretical and methodological framework of strategy adjustment for stage plan. This framework including the definitions, forms, conditional branches, and the definition of strategy meta and so on. The algorithms proposed in the previous sections are improved for adapting to the disturbance of the stage plan informations under the dynamic environment. The knowledge and experience of dispatcher must be highlighted during the adjustment of stage plan. For example, the strategy meta can be present by dispatcher, and the strategy must confirmed by dispatcher befor adopted. At last, some numerical case is used to verify the strategy adjustment framework and solution algorithm.
