

Research on Ramp System Structure Decompose and Coordinated Metering for Periphery Road Networks

【作者】 李健

【导师】 贾元华;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 系统工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 大城市结合部路网拥堵日益严重,而相应的交通管理和控制却明显欠缺。考虑到结合部区域与中心城区在交通体系结构、路网空间布局和交通流特征等方面均存在显著的差异,在中心区所采取的应对拥堵措施在结合部区域并没有很好的实现条件。应对大城市结合部路网的交通拥堵已成为亟需解决的现实问题,同时,也是我国智能化交通控制领域学术研究创新的一个空白点。为此,本文应用系统工程方法,在对结合部路网进行结构分解后,将结合部路网拥堵归结为三类并形成了各自相应的研究问题,包括(1)高速公路转向城市快速路匝道多目标协调控制;(2)高速公路联络线主线关联多匝道协同控制;(3)互通式立交拥堵多匝道协同控制。结合各问题特点,设计、论证和检验以匝道为实施载体的交通控制方法,三个部分的研究层层递进,由最基础的系统结构分解与状态描述建模、控制目标和控制策略的设计、控制方程的建立、控制律算法设计到多点控制的协同,再到系统转换的控制,构成了一个点、线、面的研究结构。本文研究内容主要有如下几个方面:(1)对单匝道控制中的基础问题进行了研究,建立了匝道排队冗余等待时间模型,并以兼顾公平和效率的目标导向设计思想,以冗余等待时间为新的控制参数,建立了改进的匝道多目标协调控制方程。以高速公路转向城市快速路匝道为对象,实现了单匝道多目标协调控制的作用效果仿真试验,应用支持向量机方法设计了匝道控制律的求解流程对方程求解,与其他控制方法进行对比,重点对四种情况下各种时间指数的变化规律和原因进行了分析,验证了控制方法在减少冗余等待时间方面的作用,以及控制方程在避免信息缺失和信息冗余方面的改进效果。(2)对高速公路联络线主线关联多匝道协同控制问题进行了研究,在对主线关联多匝道系统进行结构分解和系统描述基础上,建立了以“主线机动容量”合理分配和高效利用为目标的主线关联多匝道协同控制模型。以高速公路联络线多匝道为对象进行案例仿真,以匝道排队、容量负担比、冗余等待时间以及平均冗余等待周期数指标等进行对比,验证了协同控制模型在均衡各入口匝道排队负担、提高主线通行能力等方面的作用。(3)对互通式立交网络进行结构分解,展开为二维无交叉多源多汇网络,对其性质进行了说明并给出了确定受控弧的方法。将立交结构展开后,结合残量网络方法求解了互通立交网络最大流;在动态特性推算中,应用流量反推方法对展开的互通立交网络的动态流谱进行推算并确定互通立交网络的受控弧。(4)对高速公路联络线与城市快速路互通式立交多匝道协同控制问题进行了研究,以推迟立交网络拥堵失效并提高拥堵时立交网络通行效率和稳定性为目标,制定了以多匝道为实施载体的立交网络流拥堵控制方法,建立了以提高网络最大流和弧段动态阻抗均衡为目标的控制模型。以高速公路联络线与城市快速路互通式立交为对象进行拥堵控制案例仿真,以网络流量、队列不均衡系数和冗余等待时间不均衡系数等进行评价,验证了本文设计控制方法在提升网络流量和平衡动态阻抗方面的作用。

【Abstract】 Traffic congestion in metropolitan periphery road networks are growing seriously, and the corresponding management and control is obviously lacking. Nowadays, trains of strategies and methods on urban traffic congestion prevention and relief which based on diverse transportation sharing and traditional traffic control have been proposed. Mainly of them are suit for downtown area instead of for periphery road networks, for there are giant differences of transportation system, road layout and traffic flow characteristics between downtown area road networks and periphery road networks. Intelligent control is a new development to find the combination of control measures for the best road performance and control effectiveness. Ramp metering has gained general acceptance as an essential part of modern traffic congestion management systems in either preventing or reducing freeway congestion. On considering the realities of periphery road networks and to relieve traffic congestion during peak hours on freeways, this paper designed, discussed and tested suiTable ramp metering control method based on system engineering, various ramp metering models have been attempted for regulation of the inputs to freeway from entry ramps for three kinds of problem that include multi-objects coordinated for turning ramp from freeway to expressway, multi-ramps coordinated metering control for a simple traffic corridor that consists of G2freeway and a set of parallel arterials connected by entrance ramps and interchange congestion metering, all of them formed a integral research system from point, line to plane structure.The main contents, innovations and research result are summarized as follows:(1) In consideration of some weaknesses of current intelligent metering, this paper proposes an innovative concept and associated local ramp metering approach. Inspired by the rationale of equity, we introduce a novel ramp queuing parameter, the accumulative waiting time, to ramp metering. The objective is to avoid long waiting time of multiple cycles for any single vehicle. In calibration of the proposed model, a radical based function support vector machine algorithm is developed for model calibration. From results of a comparative case study with real world traffic flow data in Beijing, the nevel metering approach is proven to significantly output from traditional models, particularly in regards to its effectiveness in minimizing the waiting time of multiple cycles.(2) The idea of "flexible capacity for mainline" and the problem of its reasonable allocation and effective utilization for ramp coordinated metering are considered on considering the traffic characteristics of periphery road. Based on this idea, this paper examines the conditions for which ramp metering can be beneficial to overall systems in terms of ramp queuing length, redundancy waiting time and redundancy waiting cycle number decreasing for a simple traffic corridor that consists of G2freeway and a set of parallel arterials connected by entrance ramps. The focus is on analyzing system state and control relationships to arrive at general analytical results regarding optimal metering policies, discusses the optimal coordinated control metering of multi-ramps, especially the method of enhance the efficiency and equity of "flexible capacity" allocation by modifying the length of control cycle. A modified ramp latency model is posed using the method of queuing theory, and the related redundancy latency cycle amount is designed to evaluate the consequence quantitatively.(3) Continuously, on relieving congestion within interchange networks, the problem of designing control strategies for congested interchange is considered, it is a novel research field with challenges. This paper presented a novel methodology based on graph theory and network flow theory, the former is used to modelling by unfolding a Typical interchange into a directed weighted network with multi origins and destinations, and the latter is used to calculate the dynamic flow spectrum, clarify maximum flow and to certify the controlled ramp arc.(4) In addition, two novel resistance balancing factors aim to increase the fairness of control are designed with ramp queuing lengths and redundancy time, incorporating flow spectrum and based on control theory, a linear model with a quadratic objective function is constructed, and the corresponsive control law algorithm is designed with the adaptive queuing management method.Trains of ramp metering simulation cases are finished. With in-situ traffic flow data, two scenarios of no-control and coordinated with different flexible capacity using strategies are compared, and the result demonstrates the advantage of the new method. For interchange congestion control, a preliminary simulation-based investigation of the virtual coordinated ramp metering control problem using the methodology demonstrates the comparative efficiency and its ability to maintenance network performance while balancing cost distribution is better.
