

Study on the Characteristics and EvolutionTheory of Urban Logistics Spatial Structure

【作者】 秦璐

【导师】 刘凯;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和世界贸易自由化的发展,城市成为世界经济发展的中心,城市物流在推动城市发展进程中发挥着日益重要的作用。制定科学合理的城市物流规划对提高和改善城市经济运行质量与环境,促进城市经济健康、可持续发展具有重要意义。城市物流空间结构理论是制定城市物流规划的重要基础理论,受经济全球化和我国经济转型发展的影响,我国城市物流空间结构出现新的发展趋势,深入研究城市物流空间结构的特征及其演化规律,对合理配置城市物流资源,统筹发展城市物流空间,识别和培育城市物流增长极,都具有较高的理论价值和实践意义。城市物流空间结构特征及演化理论研究,主要包括城市外部物流空间结构形成机理、城市外部物流空间结构特征;城市内部物流空间结构特征及演化规律等内容。论文主要研究内容包括以下几个方面。(1)城市外部物流空间结构形成机理研究论文从城市间相互作用关系、物流需求地域特征、物流供给地域特征三个方面分析了城市外部物流空间形成机理,得出以下几点结论:城市间自然条件和生产力水平差异是城市外部物流产生的基本原因;生产网络和流通网络及其地域层次特征是城市外部物流空间结构形成的需求基础;物流要素的运动过程和物流企业空间组织是城市外部物流空间结构形成的供给基础;物流企业的行为特征构成城市间物流空间结构的微观机制,城市汇集的物流企业类型和规模决定了城市外部物流辐射的空间范围,以及城市外部物流联系的广度和强度。(2)城市外部物流空间结构网络化特征研究论文指出城市外部物流空间拥有网络化空间结构特征,在分析城市外部物流空间结构要素基础上,按照整体结构和节点结构两大层次体系,确定了城市外部物流空间结构的测度指标体系,并运用社会网络和复杂网络分析方法从分布特征、群聚特征、连接机制和凝聚性特征四个方面构建了城市外部物流整体网络分析模型,以及节点中心性特征分析模型,并建立累积率和分配率模型确定城市节点的空间影响范围。论文以我国A级物流企业数据为基础对我国城市间的物流空间结构进行了实证分析。(3)城市内部物流空间结构要素研究在界定城市内部物流空间结构内涵的基础上,重点对城市内部物流空间结构点、线、面三要素及其相互关系进行研究,论证分析了城市内部物流通道的形态,以及城市物流集聚区,特别是港口物流集聚区和空港物流集聚区的空间形态,为城市内部物流规划和确定城市物流增长极提供了理论基础。(4)城市内部物流空间结构演化机理研究运用非平衡统计力学框架分析了城市物流空间子系统间,以及与环境之间相互作用,阐述了城市内部物流空间结构的自组织形成过程。揭示了从微观子系统相互作用产生宏观城市物流空间结构的模式。建立了广义流集聚模型,利用广义流尺度守恒关系得到尺度耦合方程,说明了城市物流空间演化的分形机制,并运用最大流原理研究了北京市物流空间结构的生长特征。(5)城市内部物流功能区空间分布演化研究论文从演化基础、演化实质、演化形式和演化阶段四个方面分析了城市内部物流功能区空间分布演化特征,提出了分析城市内部物流功能区空间分布演化的空间统计分析方法,构建了城市内部物流空间全局自相关和局部自相关模型,以测度城市内部物流功能区空间分布演化特征,并运用该方法对北京市行政区划范围内物流功能区空间分布演化特征进行了实证分析。

【Abstract】 With the development of globalization of economy and world trade liberalization, urban becomes centre of the world economy. Logistics is becoming more and more important to motivate the progress of urban. Making a scientific and rational urban logistics planning could enhance and improve the quality and operational environment of urban economy. And it is significant for urban economy to develop healthily and sustainably. The spatial structure theory of urban logistics is an important basic theory for making urban logistics planning. There are new tendencies of Chinese urban logistics spatial structure caused by the globalization of economy and economic transformation. Studying the characteristics and regularities of urban logistics spatial structure is theoretically and realistically significant to configure logistics resources rationally, to develop city logistics space wholly, and to identify and cultivate the urban logistics poles.In this dissertation the author studies the characteristics and regularities of urban logistics spatial structure, which contains the forming mechanism and characteristics of both external-Urban and internal-Urban logistics spatial structure. The content of this dissertation lies as follows.(1) The forming mechanism of external-Urban logistics spatial structure.Study the forming mechanism of external-Urban logistics spatial structure in three aspects:the regional characteristics of logistics demand, the regional characteristics of logistics supply, and the interaction between cities. The difference in natural conditions and productivity level among cities is a basic reason of producing external-urban logistics. Production network, circulation network and their regional characteristics is demand base of forming external-urban logistics spatial structure. The circulation of logistics elements and the spatial organization of logistics enterprise are supply base of forming external-urban logistics spatial structure. The behavior characteristics of logistics enterprises are the microscopic mechanism of urban logistics spatial structure. The types and sizes of logistics enterprises determine the radiation space range of external-urban logistics and the breadth and strength of their relation.(2) The network characteristics of external-Urban logistics spatial structure.There are characteristics of external-Urban logistics spatial structure. Based on analysis of external-Urban logistics spatial structure elements, determine the indicator system of external-Urban logistics spatial structure according to urban’s overall structure and node structure. Using social network and complex network methods, build an overall analysis model of external-Urban logistics network from the distribution features, clustering features, connecting mechanism and condensing features. Build a node central characteristics analysis model of external-Urban logistics network. Build a cumulative rate and allocation rate model to determine the spatial effect scope of nodes. Make an empirical analysis of external-Urban logistics spatial structure based on data of Chinese grade A logistics enterprises.(3) The characteristics of internal-Urban logistics spatial structure.Define the connotation of internal-urban logistics spatial structure. Study the dot, line, face and their relationship of internal-urban logistics spatial structure intensively. Demonstrate the morphology of internal-urban logistics channel and logistics gathering area, especially the logistics gathering area near port and airport. Provide theory basis for internal-urban logistics planning and growth pole determining.(4) The evolution mechanism of the internal-Urban logistics spatial structurePropose a new non-equilibrium statistical mechanics framework to analyze the interactions among space subsystems and their environment, and elaborate the self-organizing formation process of the internal-urban logistics spatial structure. Reveal the mechanism of producing a macroscopic urban logistics spatial structure pattern from the microscopic space subsystems interaction. Describes the spatial evolution of urban logistics fractal mechanism and use the maximum flow principle to study the growth characteristics of the Beijing logistics space structure.(5) The forming mechanism of internal-urban logistics functional area spatial distributionAnalysis the evolution characteristics of internal-urban logistics functional area spatial distribution from the evolution basis, evolution essence, evolution form and evolution stages four aspects of urban spatial structure evolution. Put forward a statistical analysis method to study internal-urban functional area spatial distribution evolution. Construct global and local autocorrelation models of internal-urban functional area spatial distribution. Measure the evolution characteristics of internal-urban logistics functional area spatial distribution. Make an empirical analysis with Beijing urban logistics functional area spatial distribution.

  • 【分类号】F252;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2113
  • 攻读期成果