

On Model Burial Objects from Han to Western Jin Dynasties in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River

【作者】 武玮

【导师】 韩国河;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过对黄河中下游地区汉至西晋墓葬出土模型明器资料进行系统梳理,按照模型明器功能分类,对代表性的模型明器进行类型学分析,找出器型演变规律。在类型学基础上,根据墓葬分布情况并结合历史地理将这一地区出土模型明器划分成关中、洛阳、郑州、南阳、豫北、冀中南、三门峡、晋南、鲁北、徐州鲁南、晋中北、陕北12个分区,对各分区中小型墓葬出土模型明器类型组合进行分期研究,归纳出各分区模型明器的区域文化特征。指出汉至西晋模型明器在使用上存在地域性差异,突出表现在模型明器出现时间的早晚、器类与组合的选择、组合变化的快慢、普及程度等方面,各分区历史文化、传统、经济等因素对地域文化的形成产生了很强的影响。总体看各分区模型明器的使用始终存在着频繁的文化互动,使各分区汉至西晋模型明器的器型组合逐渐趋于统一,这种趋同性越至晚期表现得愈加明显,地域因素逐渐减弱。在这一发展变化过程中,来自政治、思想和文化等大一统的影响力以及政权的交替等使得各分区模型明器不同发展轨迹整体上呈现出同步的阶段性发展特点,可分为西汉早期、西汉中期至东汉初期、东汉早期至晚期、东汉末期至西晋早期、西晋中晚期五阶段,表现在两汉至西晋时期模型明器器类组合发展上则经历了从确立、发展、繁荣至衰落的过程。利用文化因素分析法对各阶段模型明器的器类及组合变化进行考察,指出从先秦模型明器最初出现在关中秦地,到汉晋模型明器使用的普及,是一个从地域文化因素发展成主体文化特征,并受各历史时期的经济、政治、社会、思想信仰等方面的综合影响而不断调整自身文化特征的发展过程,与汉至西晋丧葬制度的发展相符合。同时作为人工制品,模型明器组合的发展演变又有自身特点。西汉时期模型明器使用受社会等级限制,皇帝、诸侯王等特权阶层与社会中下层之间在模型明器器类选择和组合上各有侧重。东汉时期诸侯王墓中全部使用模型明器,模型明器组合固定,但随葬品总体仍以生活器皿类较多;中小型墓模型明器组合完备,器类不断增多,一些中小型墓葬中模型明器则占随葬品总量的多数。使用模型明器的丧葬观念在东汉各社会阶层已经定型,成为汉制中随葬品文化主体特征。曹魏时期贵族墓葬中模型明器的器类明显少于东汉诸侯王墓,同期中小型墓葬中模型明器器类与数量锐减。西晋时期贵族墓仍沿用东汉与曹魏模型明器器类,器类组合要多于曹魏,但模型明器在随葬品中所占比例明显下降,用于彰显门第等级的牛车模型加入新的丧葬品组合。同期一般中小型墓葬中模型明器器类较少,组合不完备。对模型明器反映的汉代农业和民居建筑进行讨论。在农业方面侧重对汉代粮仓建制、储粮技术及家禽畜饲养方面讨论。两汉模型明器中农业器类的多样化与这一时期重农政策和本地区的农业传统密不可分。从器类组合看反映了两汉以小家庭为单位和大土地占有制下的两种农业生产方式。在民居建筑方面,结合文献与考古发掘遗迹,分析墓葬中的建筑模型特点及功能,指出墓葬中的建筑模型组合突出了生活与生产两种功能,与汉代以家庭作为社会和经济基本单位相适应。模型明器中有意识地突出权力与财富因素,与人们的价值观、丧葬观念等因素相关。

【Abstract】 The article carried on the system to materials of the model burial objects of Han to Western Jin Dynasties in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River to comb, so that to analyse representative model burial objects by typology and find the rule in evolvement of model burial objects according to the functional sort. Based on typology, the article divided the model burial objects excavated in this area into 12 subareas(Guanzhong, Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Nanyang, North of Henan, Middle and South of Hebei, Sanmenxia, South of Shanxi, North of Shandong, Xuzhou-Lunan, North of Shanxi, North of Shannxi) according to distribution of tombs and research findings in histrocial geography and researched the assemblage of model burial objects excavated in small and middle tombs in different subareas by stages, then induced regional cultural features of model burial objects in 12 subareas. The regional features in the use of the model burial objects of Han to Western Jin Dynasties existed all the time, it presented in the time of occurrence of model burial objects, choice for style and assemblage, speed of change of assemblage and degree of popularity etc., factors in historical culture, tradition, economy etc. in different subareas had strong influence on regional culture.The cultural exchange of the use of model burial objects in different subareas always existed, so the style and assemblage of model burial objects of Han to Western Jin Dynasties in different subareas was unified step by step. The more late, the convergence appeared obvious more, the regional elements was fading. During the progress of development, the cultural influence from political center and change of political power were reasons that model burial objects with different development track I different subareas showed interim development in the same step. According to Periodization and assemblage of model burial objects in different subareas, model burial objects was divided into 5 periods, early Western Han, middle and late Western Han to early Eastern Han, early Eastern Han to late Eastern Han, end of the Eastern Han to early Western Jin, middle and late Western Jin, model burial objects in every period showed some cultural common and regular pattern. The article inspected style and change of assemblage of model burial objects in every periods by cultural element analysis evaluation, the author thinks that model burial objects in Pre-Qin Period appeared originally in Qin and was used in every subareas in early Eastern Han, the process showed acception and identification of the central plain area to cultural elements of Qin culture, the main cultural feather had gotten into form step by step influenced on tradition of old Chu Culture and culture in other vassal states. The process of cultural identification based first on regional cultural identification. Because burial culture has continuity and hysteresis, the main cultural feather could change step by step during different historical periods and change of political powers, the change reflected in that model burial objects in Western Han Dynasty to the Western Jin Dynasty had the process with establishment period, development period, prosperity period and falling down period. Based on analysis for imagery of change of model burial objects during the Western Han and Eastern Han, Eastern Han to Western Jin periods, author thinks that the change of model burial objects was change ruler based in reformation of old burial tradition during change of imperial power, it was closely related to influence in polity, ecnomy, society, faith and burial idea etc..The use of model burial objects of Western Han Dynasty was bound by classes, the privileged class, for example emperor, vassal kings etc., and lower middle class had different particular emphasis on choice of style and assemblage, these model burial objects had different development speed. All of tombs of vassal kings in the Eastern Han Dynasty had model burial objects, the assemblage of model burial objects was stationary. The assemblage of model burial objects in small and medium tombs was complete and there was a growing number of style of model burial objects. The burial idea to use model burial objects had got into form in classes of Easern Han Dynasty, it became burial cultural feather in Han rule. The decline of the use of the model burial objects was in Cao Wei and Western Jin Dynasties. Although model burial objects was used in tombs in Cao Wei Dynasty, the style decreased. The styles of model burial objects earlier stage were still used in noble tombs, but the assemblage began to change, the size decreased, the percentage of model burial objects in total burial objects dropped. The cultural feature of assemblage of burial objects of rule of Jin Dynasty had gotten into form.The article researched agriculture and residential building in Han Dynasty reflected by model burial objects. In agriculture, the article researched barn building, technology of grain storage and confinement of farm animal and poultry feeding. The variety of storage model burial objects in Han Dynasty was related to variety of storage building and grain and social class, and policy of pay attention to granger. There were only model burial objects, barn, milling and some poultry and farm animal figures in the middle Western Han according to model burial objects related to agriculture excavated in small and medium tombs. It reflected influence of the landlords economic system to burial idea in the Western Han Dynasty that model building, house and yard etc., a variety of model sties for farm animal, model farm animal, figures worked for agriculture and housework were rising swiftly. About residential building, model burial objects had barn, stove, well, sty and toilet only in the middle Western Han Dynasty, the style of building was simple. There were model complex buildings rising in small and medium tombs in late Western Han Dynasty and Eastern Han Dynasty, except building facilities met people’s basic requirements. The building elements of yard, tower, belveder for showing dignity and wealth was rising. These building was similar to noble’s dwelling written in historic documents, the phenomenon was related to burial idea that people’s needs for house and live in comfort after dead.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期