

A Preliminary Study of Henan Great-site Protection:

【作者】 张贺君

【导师】 韩国河;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 随着国内文化遗产理念的进步和全民保护文化遗产自觉意识的提高,文化遗产保护和利用已成为各界日益关注的焦点。2006年《“十一五”期间大遗址保护总体规划》颁布实施至今,河南省在大遗址保护利用方面响应国家政策,积极进行了大遗址保护的实践和探索。既积累了大量宝贵的经验,也发现了一些客观存在的问题。在此背景下,及时对河南省大遗址保护利用工作进行回顾,总结经验,吸取教训,寻找对策,献计于下一步全省大遗址保护利用的全局工作显得尤为必要。全文内容共分八个部分:第一章绪论,通过对国际文化遗产保护运动发展历程的总结,指出国际文化遗产保护由单体保护走向综合保护的发展趋势,肯定了世界遗产管理的独立第三方监督机制的必要性和借鉴意义。另一方面,通过对国内文化遗产和大遗址保护发展研究现状的总结,指出河南省在大遗址保护利用研究领域的问题与不足。同时,本部分还对文章涉及的遗址、大遗址和大遗址保护等相关概念进行了廓清。第二章对文章研究思路进行了阐述。通过借鉴系统论分析方法,尝试性地提出了对大遗址保护进行系统分析的思路。以全局的角度,将大遗址保护利用工作作为一个系统整体进行考察,并对该系统内部的价值体系、组织体系、制度体系、经济体系、展示体系和环境体系等六个子体系进行解释和分析,阐述了子体系之间的相互关系以及其对整个“大遗址系统”的作用,阐明了综合评价方法的特点和尚待解决的问题以及在大遗址保护评价中的作用。第三章对河南省大遗址保护的总体情况进行了阐述,认为河南省在华夏文明史上的重要区位优势是目前境内留存大量历史文化遗产和重要大遗址的历史背景。鉴于河南大遗址保护工作在国家大遗址保护总体部署中的战略地位,我们从组织体系、科研机构、人才培养、展示利用和重要大遗址与文化线路的保护利用实践等方面对河南省大遗址保护现状进行了梳理。对大遗址保护的行政管理部门的建制、基本建设项目中文物监管执法职能的发挥、防止文化遗产过度开发利用和远郊型遗址的保护等客观问题提出了的建议。第四章以洛阳片区为中心,对河南省内大遗址保护重点地区的大遗址保护利用实践进行了总体阐述,对洛阳片区大遗址的类型与分布、大遗址保护理论的发展以及重要大遗址保护实践中的经验教训进行了总结和分析。第五章以汉魏洛阳故城保护为典型案例进行系统分析。通过汉魏洛阳故城国家考古遗址公园建设的理论与实践,突出讨论了大遗址保护模式与方法的讨论、大型土遗址保护工程的施工问题、招标技术和取费标准等问题,并提出了独立的观点和建议。第六章对大遗址保护中“考古遗址公园”模式进行了分析,回顾和总结了国内典型地区大遗址保护利用的理论与实践经验和成功模式,对西安片区和洛阳片区大遗址保护实践进行了对比研究,指出两地区在大遗址保护利用方面的共性和差异。第七章就大遗址保护的评价标准、大遗址保护的可持续发展问题、大遗址保护护工作的发展路径、第三方独立检测监督机制的构建问题进行了探讨。认为大遗址保护必须以保护遗址真实性和完整性为前提和评价标准,从政策和经济层面保证大遗址保护的可持续性发展,实行由城市建成区向城郊扩展的发展路径,构建第三方监督监测机制保障大遗址保护工程的健康稳定发展。第八章为结语。通过全文研究和对全球文化遗产保护运动与国内文化遗产保护运动的总结,提出文化遗产保护不仅是文物保护者的责任,也是职能部门的历史使命,更是社会各界的重要责任。文化遗产保护需要全民自觉参与,文化遗产保护的成果须全民共享。

【Abstract】 With the development of the concept of national cultural heritage and national awareness of cultural heritage protection, cultural heritage protection and public utility is becoming the focus of attention increasingly. In recent years, Government continues to make breakthroughs in the field of cultural heritage protection. In theory, there is a development of the "conservation" to "cultural heritage", and this expanded the connotation and extension of protection of cultural relics; but also in specific practice, state protections guide and support a large number of great sites to explore its use and protection, and achieve fruitful results, gained valuable experience in the theory and practice.For Henan, as a big heritage province, in cultural heritage protection and management, mission and responsibility was very difficult. Especially in the use and protection of great site, ours great site protection has an important advantage of leading and exemplary role. In2006,"The Protection Plan of Great Site during "ShiYiWu Plan" has been promulgated and implemented. In this aspect, in response to national policy, Henan Province implemented a number of conservation practices and explored the great site actively. In the period, valuable experiences were gained, but some objective problems were also found. In this context, the experiences and lessons of protection and utilization of Great site in Henan Province need be reviewed and summarized, and explore alternatives, offer advice on the next province-wide practice of site protection necessarily.This paper is divided into seven chapters.Chapter1is Introduction. First, the development of cultural heritage protection in the international movement and its nationalized trends are reviewed briefly, and clarify the protection of our cultural heritage protection and the movement of Great Site Protection is linked the international cultural heritage protection standards, in line with the needs of the world’s important economic and cultural development practice, therefore there is an important international dimension. Second, we summed up development and research of the national cultural heritage and the great site protection. And in academic aspect, there is summary of problems and shortcomings in a large site’s protection and utilization, research in Henan, and then put forward the purpose and significance of the study. Finally heritage, cultural heritage, sites and Great sites and other related concepts are clarified involved in the article, and the research methods used in the dissertation are summarized briefly.In Chapter2, the general situation of the great site protection in Henan Province is described. The important position in the history of Chinese civilization is great historical background of the large and important historical and cultural heritage sites in Henan. This paper analyzes a large strategic position of large site protection in Henan in the national deployment of the site protection, and tries to type historical and cultural heritage and regional characteristics in Henan. On this basis, in the organizational system, research institutions, personnel training, demonstration of great sites and cultural lines, protection and utilization practices and others in Henan the the status quo of protection was summed up. The establishment of administration of great site’s protection and management, functions of cultural regulatory department, and avoiding over-exploitation of cultural heritage sites and suburban sites’protection were put forward, and made a superficial recommendation.Chapters3and4described the use of practices and cases of Henan Province protecting great site, especially Luoyang area. The historical status of the Luoyang area, types and characteristics of the distribution of great site were summarized, reviewed the development process of theory from the "Luoyang way" to "Luoyang mode" to "Luoyang Declaration" in Luoyang Area. For Luoyang area, as the Han-Wei Ancient City, its natural background, value system, remains and the use and protection of practice are analyzed and discussed fully. Finally, we concluded useful experience and the main problem in conservation practices, and put forward my own’s advice.Chapter5analyzed site protection, especially for "Archaeological Park model", and summed up domestic use of the theory and practical experience and successful models about sites protection in typical region. The conservation practices of great site were compared between Xi’an and Luoyang area, there were similarities and differences at use of large sites in two regions make.Chapter6consists of two parts. First, through study of the great site’s protection system in Henan Province, author tries to put forward a theory of systematical inspection on great site protection. That is to say, the site protection system as a whole were inspected, and analyzed organizational system, institutional system, economic system, display system, environmental system in its practices, discussed the interdependence and interaction’s relationships among five sub-systems and the role to the whole "great site system", and clarified the characteristics and its issues of a comprehensive evaluation of the theory and the role to site protection.Second, the East-West cultural heritage, especially the history of architectural and cultural differences and the differences’causes were summed up and analyzed. in historical and cultural background, that the causes of the East-West differences existed their natural environment, economy and the ideological and cultural traditions mainly.Finally, the global movement and China’s movement of cultural heritage protection are summed up, and we propose cultural heritage protection is not only the historical mission of government, and so is research, but also to all the community. Cultural heritage conservation needs all the people to participate in consciously; the achievements need be shared by all the people.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期