

On the Problem of Procuratorial-Power Allocation

【作者】 韩成军

【导师】 苗连营;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 检察机关宪法定位与宪政地位的差异是学界和实务界对我国检察权性质产生争议的根源。宪法把检察机关定位为国家法律监督机关,然而,相关法律却没有赋予其行使法律监督职能的相应职权,特别是没有赋予检察机关行使一般监督的权力,而诉讼监督和一般监督是法律监督的标志性权能,是否拥有这些职权是人民代表大会制度下中国检察权与西方“三权分立”框架下检察权的本质区别。在缺少上述权能配置的情形下,有关检察权的性质之争也就不可避免。因此,要实现检察权宪法属性与宪政功能的统一,应在综合评判我国权力结构特征和宪法实施状况的基础上,科学配置和构建中国特色的权力制约与监督制度和机制,而检察权的配置当是题中应有之意。检察权配置是指为有效限制公权力和保护公民合法权益,在特定宪政制度框架内,由立法机关按照一定的立法程序,遵循特定共同体的历史文化传统和社会公共领域所形成的主观法权诉求,组织和构建检察机关,赋予检察机关行使特定权力,规范检察权运行机制的规范性活动。对检察权进行配置应充分考量特定的经济与文化环境、法治国家图景等社会现实。检察权配置的宪法目标是为了更好地实现人民代表大会制度下的权力制约与监督,其终极目标是为了保障人权。从现象与本质的关系来看,现象反映本质,本质决定现象,二者应当具有统一性。宪法是主观精神的规范表述,宪政是关于政治生活的现实逻辑。检察机关宪法定位与宪政地位的差异提示我们:如果整体宪政机制运行良好或基本正常,说明检察权的配置没有实质性缺陷,没有实质性优化配置的必要;反过来说,如果整体宪政制度和机制亟待完善,就应深入分析现行宪政制度和机制存在的矛盾和问题;然后在实证分析的基础上,着力解决权力缺乏制约与监督的现实问题,解决权力与权利缺乏良性互动的问题,然后在此基础上剖析检察权优化配置与完善宪政制度和机制的关系。我国现行宪政制度存在的根本问题是缺乏完善的权力监督与制约机制。从力学的基本原理来看,人民代表大会制度宪政框架下,权力运行不具有双向性,权力运行缺乏动态平衡,制动装置运转失灵,“润滑系统”——公民权利救济系统不完善,特别是缺乏能够游离于立法权、行政权和审判权之间的“启动机”和“润滑剂”。检察机关作为纵横交织于等级权力机关和同级权力机关之间的机关“装置”,其理性、保守的司法属性,不具有实体处分权的程序性特征,以及公共利益代表者的身份等,共同决定了其能够胜任“启动”和“润滑”我国立法权、行政权与审判权的重要任务,成为对上述权力施加制约和监督的重要精神和组织构造。我国当前处于法治国家演进过程之中,在今后相当长的历史时期内,我国法治都将处于从形式法治向实质法治的转型过程中,这一法治图景为我们科学、理性配置公权力和保障公民权利具有重大的指导意义和实践价值。按照宪法对检察机关的定位和社会公众对公权力施加适度限制的批判性主观法权诉求,为保证检察机关履行传统职权——公诉权及职务犯罪侦查权的实效,我国刑事公诉制度应进一步完善,要赋予检察机关提起民事行政公诉的职权,以强化检察机关的监督制约职能;检察机关的职务犯罪侦查优先权不仅应予明确,同时也应授予其完整的采取相应技术性侦查措施的权力;要完善检察机关的诉讼监督权特别是民事行政诉讼监督权,并赋予检察机关一般监督权。按照宪法的规定,作为法律监督机关,检察机关应拥有完善的刑事、民事和行政诉讼监督权以及对法律、法规、规章及其他规范性法律文件实施一般法律监督的职权。在人民代表大会制度下,在法治理念和宪政精神的指引下,构建具有中国特色的权力控制与权利保障制度应是国家法治发展的题中应有之意,这也正是我国检察权优化配置的根本宗旨和终极价值追求。本论文力图在全面分析检察权配置基本问题的基础上,以现有宪政框架为制度环境,以检察机关作为公共利益代表人为逻辑起点,以权力制约与监督为原则,以法制统一和人权保障为终极价值追求,全面深入地研究人民代表大会制度下检察权配置的相关问题。具体包括导论、检察权配置的宪政基础、公诉权的宪法定位与配置、职务犯罪侦查权的配置、诉讼监督权的配置及一般监督权的配置等相关内容。

【Abstract】 The conflicts between the constitutional interpretation to procuratorial organs and its real political position in reality are the source of dispute on the nature of procuratorial power between academic circles and judicial practical circles. Though the constitution defines the procuratorial organ as the legal surveillance institution of the state, the correlative law does not entrust it with the corresponding power of legal supervision, especially the power of general supervision. But the litigation supervision and the general supervision are the landmark power of legal surveillance. Having these powers or not is the basic difference of Chinese procuratorial power under the System of People’s Congress from the Western procuratorial power under the System of the Separation of Three Powers. Due to the lack of the allocation of the aforementioned procuratorial power, the debates on the nature of procuratorial power have inevitably happened. Therefore the way to harmonize the procuratorial power’s constitutional nature and its real legal function is not to try very hard to demonstrate the nature of procuratorial power just like building castle in the air, but to scientifically allocate and construct the power restriction and supervision system and mechanism, which carry Chinese special character, based on the comprehensive evaluation on Chinese power structure and the application of the Constitution.The allocation of procuratorial power is a kind of normalization that the legislative body sets up the procuratorial organs and gives them special power meanwhile normalizes its running mechanism in the legislative procedure based on the community’s special culture, tradition, history and the public legal-rights appeal. The purpose of allocating the procuratorial power is to regulate the procuratorial organs and protect the public’s legal rights. To allocate the procuratorial power, the economy, culture and the other social problems should be considered. The basic target of the optimal allocation of the procuratorial-power is to well realize the power check and supervision in the System of People’s Congress, and its ultimate target is to guarantee human rights.As far as the relationship between Phenomenon and Essence is concerned, Phenomenon reflects Essence, while Essence decides Phenomenon. They are integrated. The constitution is a normative description to the subjective spirit, while the constitutional politics is the abstract handling to the social reality. The existing conflict between procuratorial organs’constitutional definition and its constitutional position tells us a truth:if the whole constitution mechanism runs well, it means there are no big problems in the procuratorial system and mechanism, so it is not necessary to allocate the procuratorial power. On the contrary, if there are faults in the constitution system and mechanism, then the suspicion on the procuratorial organs’ constitutional position should be suspended. First of all, we should analyze the deep conflicts and problems existing in the current constitution system and mechanism, then manage to solve the actual problem of the lack of constriction and supervision on powers, and to solve the problem of the lack of the positive interaction between powers and rights. Based on these, we can finally analyze the possibility to perfect the constitution system and mechanism.The basic problem existing in our current constitutional system is the lack of perfect supervision and restriction mechanism to powers. Judging from the theory of power, under the System of People’s Congress, the management of power has no the interactional nature and are short of dynamic balance, and what’s more, the steering management does not work, and the "lubricating system "—the public right relief—are not perfect. Most of all,"the startup mechanism" and "the lubricating agent", which are free from the legislative power, the administrative power, and the judicial power, are absent. Being in the network of all kinds of powers, the procuratorial organ as a kind of "power devices" has the characters of rationalism and conservation, the lack of the actual judicial disposition, and the representative of public interests. All of these make it be qualified for the very important task of "starting up" and "lubricating" the legislative power, the administrative power, and the judicial power, and make it become a very important organization to restrict and supervise the above powers. Now China is on the way to realize the dream of running the state by law. In the following long time of future, China will be in the state of changing from the "formal legal state" to the "actual legal state". This prospect will actually guide us to scientifically allocate the administrative power and the public rights. In order to ensure the procuratorial organ to perform its duty of public prosecution and duty crime detection, according to the constitutional description to the procuratorial organ and the critical subjective legal appeal by public to restrict the administrative power, the system of criminal lawsuit in China should be improved, meanwhile the right of presenting the civil and administrative prosecution should be entrusted to the procuratorial organ so as to strengthen its mechanism of supervision and restriction. As far as the procuratorial organ is concerned, not only its priority to duty crime detection should be cleared up, but also the right to take the corresponding detective techniques should be given to it. It is the time’s requirement and the constitutional culture’s valuable pursuit to perfect the procuratorial organ’s supervision to suit and give the right of general supervision to it. According to the constitution, as the organization of legal supervision, the procuratorial organ should have the perfect supervision on the criminal, civil, and administrative lawsuit, and the general supervision on laws, regulations, rules, and normative legal documents. The ultimate objective and also the most valuable pursuit for the allocation of procuratorial is to construct China’s special system of the power control and the right guarantee within the current constitutional politics with the guidance of power restriction and human rights protection.Based on the comprehensive study of the basic problem of procuratorial power allocation, taking the current constitutional politics as the systematic context, the fact of the procuratorial organ being the representative of public interests as the logic, the power restriction and human rights protection as the ultimate value, this article tries to do a complete and deep investigation on a series of problems relating to the allocation of the procuratorial power. Specifically speaking, it consists of introduction, the constitutional theory of the procuratorial power allocation, the constitutional definition and allocation of the public prosecution power, the allocation of the duty crime detection power, the allocation of the prosecutorial supervision to lawsuit power, the general legal supervision and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期