

The Study on the History of the Development of Members of the the Cpc from the 1St National Congress to 5Th National Congress

【作者】 刘向东

【导师】 吴宏亮;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在中国共产党90余年的发展历程中,从“一大”到“五大”是一个重要的时期。在这一时期,中国共产党不仅从无到有地建立起来,而且从小到大地发展起来。在短短6年时间内,中国共产党的面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化。在党员人数上,从建党之初的53名党员发展到57967名党员;在分布区域上,党员已经遍地开花,从国内到欧美,从天涯海角到白山黑水,从戈壁沙漠到东海之滨都有党的基层组织;在成分构成上,中国共产党也从以知识分子为主体发展成为工农大众为主体、知识分子和其他人员携手团结的局面。从中共“一大”到“五大”,中国共产党成功实现了从一个秘密小团体到在中国政治格局中具有重要影响力的政治派别的转变。中国共产党之所以能够从星星之火发展成燎原之势,是各种因素综合作用的结果,既有20世纪20年代国内外风起云涌的革命形势所造成的有利背景,也有中国共产党人团结一致努力奋斗的主观原因。从国际因素来看,首先是第一次世界大战加剧了资本主义国家内部的各种矛盾,在英、法、美、德、日等一些发达的资本主义国家,爆发了工人和农民为改善劳动条件和生活条件、争取民主权利的斗争,为中国人民提供了争取民主权益、反抗剥削压迫的学习样板。其次是共产国际的帮助和指导,共产国际在中国共产党的成立、发展、方针政策的制定以及资金支持方面提供了极大帮助,对中国共产党的发展壮大起到了重要作用。最后是苏联的远东政策,牵制日本谋取在远东的政治经济利益是苏俄及苏联调整对华政策的主要原因,苏俄通过与中国的革命势力接触,鼓励和支持中国的社会革命,作为其支持世界社会主义革命的一部分,从而达到巩固苏俄社会主义革命成果的目的。从国内原因看,首先是20世纪20年代中国经济社会发展的客观环境为中国共产党的产生和发展壮大提供了条件。辛亥革命以袁世凯窃取革命果实宣告失败以及民国初年民主政治实践的失败,使人们对走资本主义道路丧失了信心。在中国资本主义经济缓慢发展中,中国的无产阶级开始形成并逐步壮大起来。在探寻救国道路的诸多方案中,先进的中国人受到俄国十月革命的鼓舞并开始将马克思主义与中国的工人阶级结合起来,从而建立了中国共产党。其次,中国革命发展的形势为中共发展壮大提供了机会。尽管中国共产党成立初期由于缺乏经验,发展比较缓慢,但在组织群众运动中表现出非同一般的宣传和组织才能。孙中山在领导中国革命发展过程中屡次受挫,在共产国际的推动下实现了国共合作。其三,国共合作为中国共产党的发展创造了有利的条件,尤其是在风起云涌的革命大潮中,中国共产党的政治影响得到不断扩大,受到越来越多人的拥护和支持,奠定了发展壮大的群众基础和阶级基础。从共产党自身因素来看,首先是党的早期领导人陈独秀、李大钊及毛泽东等人,积极地参与中国共产党早期组织的建立以及成立后的发展过程,他们从不同的方面为中国共产党的发展壮大作出了突出的贡献。其次中国共产党根据党的任务和革命形势的发展状况,及时地制定和完善了相关的组织发展政策和方针,为党员从“一大”到“五大”的迅速壮大指明了方向、创造了条件。学习和研究历史是为了更好地把握现在和未来。在从“一大”到“五大”的发展过程中,中国共产党既有成功的经验,也有失败的教训。总结这一时期中国共产党组织发展的经验教训,是新时期加强党员队伍建设、提高党的建设科学化水平的宝贵财富。

【Abstract】 During the 90 years history of the Communist Party of China (CPC), it is an important stage from the 1 st National Congress to 5th National Congress, in which CPC not only had been established but also grown gradually. CPC changes a lot during a short period of 6 years. In respect of members, the party number has increased from around 50 at the beginning of foundation to 57,967. As for the territories, the party members has distributed all over the world. For the composition, the majority of CPC has changed from intellectuals to workers and farmers as well as intellectuals and other people. As for the political influence, the struggles of CPC extended more influence and achieved the supports of the masses. From the 1st National Congress to 5th National Congress, CPC has successfully changed from a small secret group to a political party with important influence in Chinese political fields.The reason for a single spark to start a prairie fire is the result caused by several factors including the positive revolution background in 1920’and the hard efforts of CPC. From the international factor, firstly, the First World War intensifies the various contractions of capitalist countries. The workers and famers in the advanced capitalist countries, such as the U.K., France, U.S.A, Germany and Japan etc., starts the struggles for the improvement of working and living conditions as well as democratic rights, which gives the example for Chinese people to struggle for democratic rights and to resist oppression. Secondly, the Communist International places very important effects on the development and growth of CPC by instructing the establishment and development of CPC, helping the making of policies and giving the capital supports. Lastly, the far eastern Asia’s policy of Soviet Union is to restrain the political interests of Japan in the far eastern Asia, which is the reason for Soviet Union to adjust the policy concerning China. The Soviet Union encourages and supports Chinese social revolution, which is regarded as a part of world socialism revolution, in order to stabilize the fruits of the Soviet Union’s socialism revolution. From the national aspect, firstly, the economic and social environment of 1920’ creates the conditions for the development and growth of CPC. The people give up the capitalism because of the both failures of the revolution of 1911 caused by Shikai Yuan and the practices of democracy at the beginning of the Republic of China. With the slow development of Chinese capitalism economy, the Chinese working class comes into being and becomes strong. In many plans for saving China, some advanced Chinese intellectuals are encouraged by the October Socialist Revolution in Soviet Union and consolidate the Marxism and Chinese working class and, then, establish CPC. Secondly, the development of Chinese revolution gives the opportunity for the growth of CPC. Although CPC develops slowly because of the lack of experience, it has perfect ability in organization and publicity. Zhongshan Sun faces several failures in Chinese revolution and realizes the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation upon the help of the Communist International. Thirdly, the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation gives the favorable opportunity for the development of CPC. During the revolution, the political effects of CPC are enlarged and more and more people support it, which lays the mass basis and class basis for development.As for the factor of CPC itself, firstly, the leaders at the early stage such as Duxiu Chen, Dazhao Li and Zedong Mao etc. actively participate in the establishment of early organization of CPC and the development process thereafter, which contribute a lot to the CPC’s development from various aspects. Secondly, the CPC duly makes and improves the relevant policies of organizational development based on the party’s mission and the revolution situations, which points out the direction and creates the conditions for the sharp increase of party members from the 1st National Congress to 5th National Congress.The purpose of study of history is to control today and future. During the development from the 1 st National Congress to 5th National Congress, the CPC has not only the success experience but also the failure lessons. The summary of those experience and lessons during that period is the treasure for strengthening the organization construction and improve the scientific level of party’s construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期