

1949-1978:the Study of Republic Heroes’ Characters

【作者】 张明师

【导师】 郭圣福;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中共党史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 英模表彰是对英雄奉献精神和劳动者“劳动价值”的肯定。早在上世纪30年代初期中国共产党就在中央苏区开展了评选英模和表彰先进活动。40年代中期,陕甘宁边区又发起了一场声势浩大的劳动英雄和模范工作者运动。新中国成立后,面临着建设社会主义国家的艰巨任务,党和政府在运用战争年代的工作经验组织社会生产的过程中,逐步把英模评选工作制度化和常规化,不断树立典型人物,授予英雄模范等荣誉称号,以激励本人和促进社会生产。1950年,中国共产党召开了全国战斗英雄会议和全国工农兵劳模会议,评选出了许许多多的英雄和劳模。这一英模群体堪称是新社会的第一代英模。工人、农民和军人中的杰出代表一一英模群体,开始变成新中国革命叙事的主角。他们逐渐成为新中国革命话语体系的“启蒙者”和“布道者”,成为新中国开展社会主义建设事业的民间代言人。第一代英模不仅彰显着新中国对“劳动价值”和爱国主义的肯定,而且在新中国的国家建构过程中,英模形象还具有了泛政治化的效果,成为国家意识形态一个重要的符号象征。在全面建设社会主义时期又涌现出了新一批的英模人物。这一新英模群体在时代的映衬下逐渐形成了自身的特点。他们最基本的形象特征是:热爱集体、忠于职守、埋头苦干、钻研业务、技术革新、吃苦耐劳、助人为乐。其中最值得一提的是英模人物的“技术特征”,从强调体力劳动转变到重视技术创新和管理变革。在先进生产者运动中,技术革命作为一个新的劳动观念被提出。这一时期的英模人物之所以为英模,不仅仅看重的是劳动,更看重的是劳动中的技术含量。“技术”作为英模人物新的话语构成,说明新中国的英模群体逐渐成熟,并开始全面发展。“文革”至十一届三中全会之前,在阶级斗争、反对走资派和修正主义的斗争中,强调“塑造好无产阶级英雄典型”,宣扬唯心主义英雄史观,要求英模人物必须“高大、丰满、光彩照人、完美无缺”。因此,英模人物无一例外地都是“纯而又纯”、“顶天立地”、“光芒四射”的光辉形象,英模人物都是社会发展的主宰和扭转乾坤的力量。也正是在这个意义上,所谓的英模人物并不都是真正来源于现实生活,而是从观念出发,人为地净化和拔高,丧失了英模作为普通人的真实性。建国后一批批英模人物被不断的树立起来,这些英模人物既外在的彰显着政治、劳动和道德的特征意义,又内在的对自己的劳模身份高度认同,自觉地承担起国民的责任和义务。英模群体在技术革新和技术革命运动中“敢想、敢说、敢做”,在社会主义劳动竞赛中“比、学、赶、帮”。英雄模范不仅是普通群众日常生活中的榜样,更是革命、党性和胜利的一个能指,他们典型而又集中地反映了社会主义社会的本质和主流,他们的品质与思想是大大超出一般群众的思想水平,从而具有榜样的力量。英模群体既是普通民众在价值意义上认同的对象,也是需要学习和效仿的模范。这种认同和学习,具有历史和未来的双重时空。不同时期的英模群体不仅在特定历史时划作出了重要的贡献,也在时间的解构和结构下,不断为我们当下和未来的精神文明建设提供营养和载体。英模精神不仅是历史的导向,也是未来的指引。从开国建国功臣、先进生产者,到政治性的红色英模,再到实干家英模,在不到四十年的时间里,英模形象发生了如此翻天覆地的变化。英模形象与国家意识形态之间不断发生着胶合与同构,而且这种趋势随着党内“左”倾思想的发展也越来越显著。从这一问题的反思中我们认识到,作为沟通国家意识形态与民众意识的桥梁,英模建构过程不仅要接受国家意识形态的领导,还必须参照民众意识的需求。只有取得民众的认可和认同,英模群体才能真正实现国家利益的最火化,实现英模群体价值的最大化。

【Abstract】 To commend heroes and models is to honor the former’s dedication spirit and to affirm the latter’s value of labor. As far back as the early1930s, Chinese Communist Party carried out the activities of appraising and electing heroes and models in Central Soviet Area. In the metaphase of1940s, a resounding movement of labor heroes and advanced workers was launched in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region. After new China was founded, faced with the arduous task of constructing the socialist state, the Party and government, in utilizing the work experiences of the war times to organize social production, institutionalized and routinized the election of heroes and models step by step to set typical characters and give them honors of hero or model, which can motivate themselves and the whole social production.In1950, Chinese Communist Party held the "National Combat Heroes Conference" and the "National Worker-peasant-soldier Models Conference" to appraise and elect lots and lots of heroes and models, which were good enough to serve as new generation heroes and models. The group of heroes and models, that is the outstanding representatives of workers、 peasants and soldiers, begins to become the leading role of new China’s revolutionary narration, at the same time, they begins to become the enlightener and preacher of new China’s revolutionary discourse system, and they will become the spokesmen of developing the socialist construction among people in new China. As the first generation of heroes and models, they show new China’s confirmation of the value of labor and patriotism, as well as they have effects of politicalization in constructing new China, which becomes an important symbol of national ideology.During the period of building the socialism in an all-around way, there was a new generation of heroes and models emerging in large numbers in spreading the industrialization roundly and developing national economy quickly, who gradually shaped their own features. The visual features of the heroes and models in this period were that they love collective and devote themselves to their duty, work like a horse and dig into the professional work, make technological innovation and take pleasure in helping people, bear hardships and stand hard work, among which the most notably one was the technological character. And the national advanced producers congress in1956showed that the ideas of the Party and the people to the group of heroes and models changed from emphasizing the physical labor’s transformation to value the technological innovation and innovation management. At the call of the advanced producer movement, the technological revolution was posed as a new labor concept, so the reason that heroes and models in that period were called as heroes and models was not just because their work, but even more important because the technological content contained in their work. It is thus clear that "technology" as the new discursive formation of heroes and models illustrated that the group of heroes and models in new China became more and more mature and began to develop in all aspects.Before the Cultural Revolution to the Third Plenary Session, under the influence of pinko thoughts, it was emphasized that to model the good proletariat hero example, to advocate idealistic historical viewpoint of heros, and to urge heroes and models to be "high and noble、 well-rounded、 notable and perfect", which caused the heroes and models all had the glorious images who were purer than pure or of indomitable spirit or pearlescent without exception. They dominated the whole social development and they had the power to turn things around, and in this very sense, so-called heroes and models were not all coming from the real life, but started from the ideas that were refined and raised, which caused they lost the reality as common people.With the setting up of one batch after another of heroes and models after founding of the new China, they manifest the symbol of politics、 the value of labors、 the meaning of morals externally, and show highly self-identity about their standing internally, through which they undertake the duty and responsibility of national consciously. The group of heroes and models dare to think-dare to speak and dare to act in the movement of technological innovation and technological revolution, and they compare to each other、 learn each othe、 catch up with each other and help each other in the socialistic emulations. The model worker is not only the example of general public in the daily life, but even also is "a signifier of revolution、 Party spirit and victory, which typically and intensively reflects the nature and main stream of the socialist society, his quality and thought are head and shoulders above the common people, for which he have the power to be an example". So the heroes and models are both the objects acknowledged in the value sense by the common people and the examples for them to learn and imitate, which has the double space-time with history and future. That means heroes and models in different periods not only make important contributions in the specific period, but also continuously offer the nourishments and supports for our immediate and future spiritual civilization with the time’s deconstruction and construction. So the spirit of heroes and models is the guiding of both history and future.From the founders and constructers of the state to the advanced workers, from the red model workers with political nature to the men of action, in the less than40years, the images of heroes and models have changed earthshakingly. There is agglutination and isostructure happed continuously between the images and national ideology, and this trend becomes more and more striking with the development of pinko thought inside the party. From the introspection on this question, we can see that, as the bridge to connect the national ideology with the consciousness of common people, the process of constructing the system of heroes and models must not only be leaded by the national ideology, but also consult the need of common people, so only acquire the acknowledgements and approvements from common people, the group of heroes and models can indeed achieve the maximization of national interests and the value of themselves.
