

The Research on the Faction of Local Elections in Taiwan

【作者】 李睿

【导师】 项继权;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中外政治制度, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 台湾的地方选举和民主是“台湾民主”的基础,对台湾社会政治有重大的影响,受到岛内外的广泛关注。由于特定的民主形态生存和生长于特定的经济社会环境和条件之中,台湾地方选举的成功与局限都可以从其造就了特殊的地方派系政治文化中获得解释。台湾和大陆同属中华文化圈,有着相同的文化传统、相似的社会背景,且两岸都处在社会转型和民主建设之中,地方和基层民主不断推进,群众利益和派系问题日益显现,台湾地方选举中的派系研究对大陆的基层选举和民主政治建设具有重要的参考和借鉴价值。因此,围绕台湾地方选举中的派系问题,寻求制约和影响地方选举的派系因素,通过台湾地方派系在地方选举中的角色及其影响,观察地方派系新的演化情形和发展动向,讨论台湾地方选举及民主发展问题,吸取和总结台湾地方选举中派系因素的经验教训,从而为推进中国基层民主政治建设的和谐发展提供参考。基于上述背景和理由,本文综合运用定量研究和定性研究的方法,对台湾地区地方选举中的派系问题进行调查和分析,得出的基本结论是:台湾的地方派系与地方选举密不可分,选举不仅仅是派系之间彼此竞争的过程,也影响着派系与派系之间的重组、整合与结盟。地方派系可以决定选举结果,反之,选举的结果也可以影响地方派系的兴衰与实力的消长。地方派系对台湾民主政治的发展既有正面影响,也产生了一定的负面冲击。随着台湾民主进程的加快,地方派系的势力不可逆转地将逐渐缩减,其影响和作用在未来的地方选举中可能会式微,但不会消逝。主要原因在于地方派系主要建立在利益与关系网络的基础上,而传统的文化与社会结构充斥着各种人际关系取向,除非此种关系取向的社会、文化特质彻底改变,否则地方派系仍有继续存在的背景与环境。吸取和总结台湾地方选举中派系因素的经验教训,对于分析和预防大陆基层选举面临的派系问题,积极寻求应对策略并预先做出相应的制度安排,尤其是对大陆基层换届选举的有序开展,推进中国基层民主的发展,具有重大的现实意义。本文分为三大部分:导论、正文和结论与展望。其中,正文共有五章,分别从台湾地方派系的形成与演化、地方派系的类型与体系结构、地方派系与选举提名、地方派系与选举动员、派系与政党及其选举结果的关系等五个方面进行讨论。导论部分主要介绍了本研究的缘由、价值、研究现状、研究方法、篇章结构及研究的主要内容。第一章从历史途径阐释了台湾地方派系的形成和演化,对地方派系形成的政治、经济、社会、文化条件和原因,并寻求不同历史时期影响地方派系发展、变迁的主要因素,探讨在面临政党政治的冲击时,地方派系之间及其内部所产生的变化与新的互动。第二章分析了台湾地方派系的类型体系结构,总结当前台湾地方派系的数量及其种类、地方派系分布结构、地方派系间的关系结构、地方派系内的组组结构与权力系统,以及地方派系的活动形式与运作特性,概括和总结派系对台湾地方政治发展的影响。第三章介绍了台湾地方派系与选举提名的关系。台湾地区的主要政党虽然只有国民党和民进党建立了基层党组织,但不同政党、不同派系对候选人提名的权限各有不同,且同一政党、同一派系在不同时期在选举中的提名制度也有变化。因此,本文将从政党与地方派系之间的关系出发,分别就台湾乡镇级地方派系、县市级地方派系在选举中的提名制度进行研究,以此反映其民主程度的高低。第四章分析了地方派系与选举动员。地方派系的存在在于争夺基层的政治经济资源并分配其利益,为了派系的延续和长久利益,地方派系必须不断参加各层级的选举并获取胜选。而派系求得胜选的关键就在于平日的运作以及选举时各系统管道能否确切掌握与动员。本文从地方派系与选举动员的关系出发,分析台湾地方派系在选举中的动员方式和动员途径。第五章通过历年选举数据分析了派系、政党和选举结果的关系。政党与派系的最大共同点即在于以选举为媒介,借由选举的胜选而拥有政权,并因而扩展势力。根据台湾“中央选举委员会”公布的历年县(市)长、县(市)议员乡镇(市)长选举的统计资料,针对与本研究有关的各项指标如得票率、参选率、政党派系提名率、当选率、地方派系与政党在历届选举中的席次率等方面进行分析,以此总结派系、政党、选举三者之间的关系。

【Abstract】 Based on the "Taiwan democracy", Taiwan local elections and democracy have a significant impact to Taiwan social politics, receiving widespread attention both inside and outside the island. Due to the particular form of democracy which survives and grows in specific social and economic environment and conditions, the Taiwan local election success and limitations can be explained from its special local faction politics culture. Taiwan and the mainland belong to the Chinese cultural circle, sharing same cultural tradition and similar social background. Both sides are in the process of social transition and democracy construction. Democracy at the grassroots level is constantly advancing. The interests of the masses and the factional issue is becoming increasingly apparent. Study on Taiwan local election faction has important reference value for the mainland’s primary elections and democracy construction. Therefore, based on the factional issue in Taiwan local election, seeking faction factor which can restrict and influence the local election, study on the role and effects of local factions in the local elections, observing new evolution situation and development trend, discussing Taiwan local elections and democratic development, drawing lessons and summarizing the Taiwan local election faction factor, this essay is supposed to provide reference for promotion of harmonious development of China’s grass level democratic politics construction.Based on the above background and reason, using the quantitative research and qualitative research methods, this paper investigates and analyzes the Taiwan local election factions issue. It is concluded that the:Taiwan’s local factions and local elections are inseparable, The election is not only process of faction competition, also affecting recombination, integration and alliance between factions. Local factions can determine the outcome of the election, and conversely, the outcome of the election can also affect the local factions and the rise and fall of its strength. Local factions have positive effect on the development of democratic politics in Taiwan, also produce certain negative impact. With the development of democracy in Taiwan, local faction forces irreversibly will gradually shrink, Its influence and role in the future local elections may decline, but won’t fade away. The main reason is that local faction mainly based on interest and network relation, and the traditional culture and the social structure is filled with all kinds of interpersonal relation orientation. Unless society and culture feature of this relationship orientation totally change, the background and environment of local factions still continue to exist. Drawing lessons and summarizing from the faction factor in Taiwan local election, for the analysis and prevention factional problems in the basic level elections, Actively seeking countermeasures in advance and make corresponding system arrangement, this paper has great significance especially for the orderly development of the primary election in China’s mainland and promotion of development of democracy at the grassroots level.This paper is divided into three parts:introduction, text and conclusion with prospect. Therein, the text consists of five chapters, i.e. five aspects to carry on the discussion, respectively from the formation and evolution of local factions, type and system structure, local factions and election nomination, local factions andelectoral mobilization, to relationship between factions, political party and election results.The introduction mainly introduces the research reason, value, research status, research methods, discourse structure and main content of the research.The first chapter from the historical approach explains the formation and evolution of Taiwan local factions, analyze on political, economic, social, and cultural conditions and cause for local factions formation, and seek the main factors which influence local factions in different historical periods, discuss the resulting changes between and within local faction and new interactions when facing the impact of party politics.The second chapter analyzes the types of Taiwan local factions and architecture, summarizes the current Taiwan area local factions abundance and species, local faction distribution structure, local factions, the relationship between structure of local factions within the organizational structure and the power system, as well as local factions of the forms and operation characteristics, summarized faction on local Politics in Taiwan development influence.The third chapter introduces the Taiwan local factions and the nomination of the relationship. Primary election candidate is a critical factor. The main political parties in the Taiwan area while only the KMT and DPP established party organization at the basic level, but of different political parties, factions of the candidate access is different, and the same political party, the same faction in different periods in the election nomination system also has the change. Therefore, this article from the political parties and factions of relation between respectively in Taiwan, township-level factions, municipal and county local factions in the election nomination system, which can reflect the degree of the democracy.The fourth chapter analyzes the local factions and electoral mobilization. Local factions exist to compete for the grass-roots political economy of resources and the distribution of its benefits, in order to factions of the continuation and long-term interests, local factions must continue to participate in all levels of election and get victory. The faction of winning selected key lies in normal operation and the system of election can accurately master pipeline and mobilization. This paper from the local factions and Electoral Mobilization of relation, analysis of the Taiwan local factions at the election of the mobilization and mobilization pathways.The fifth chapter analyze relationship between faction, political parties and elections result through years’election data. The most common point between political parties and factions is using election as media, through election victory get power, and therefore expanse forces. According to election statistics published by“the Central Election Commission”(Taiwan) in county (city) mayor, county (city) representative township (city) representative election. In accordance with this study related indicators such as percentage of the vote, turnout, Party faction nominated, elected rate, rate of local factions and political party in the previous election seats rates and other aspects of analysis, this paper summarizes the relationship among factions, parties and election.

  • 【分类号】D621.4;D675.8
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1245
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