

Study on National Ceremony of the Republic of China

【作者】 郭辉

【导师】 罗福惠;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “民国国家仪式”指中华民国时期由南京临时政府、中华民国北京政府、中华民国南京国民政府三个国家层面的政权正式主导或派员参加,普通民众主动或被动参与,出于某种原因,周期性或指向性进行的程式化活动。西方现代国家仪式知识在晚清中国即已流传,国人对此认识渐多,且在中国古代传统礼仪、节日文化的交织下,产生出“清末”国家仪式。辛亥革命后各阶层重新寻找自身位置,经过短暂波动后社会很快趋于“平静”,各方政治势力最终被暂时性地归于“中华民国”。1912年1月1日举行的民国临时政府成立仪式,即孙中山就任临时大总统典礼,为中国首个真正意义上的现代性国家仪式,昭示新民族国家、新政府成立。为新“国家”寻求“正统”,孙中山在南北统一大庆典上特往拜谒南京明太祖孝陵。如此背景下作为新政制的总统就任仪式得以继续。袁世凯就任临时大总统典礼因其实力和权威,受到各方支持和拥护,民众对新国家充满希望。“革命”与“共和”作为民国“新传统”,为新的合法性资源。国民党人对“革命”传统的提倡体现于民元黄花岗七十二烈士纪念仪式,实为强调自身在建立民国过程中的地位和功绩,阐释统治合法性。而“共和”精神集中体现于民元双十节纪念,“共和”与国庆被建构起密切联系,民元国庆纪念可称“共和”胜利的庆祝,通过各种方式,“共和”意象得以广泛传播。民国虽成立,但新国家的盛世景象实为短暂。因民主制度取代专制制度并非易事,各种力量随着社会稍微稳定反开始复苏。社会人心日益不安,国家统治面临危机。于是袁世凯开始援引“旧传统”,试图“拯救”国家,恢复祭天和国家祀孔。当时社会确有不少怀念传统者,希望借助国家权力恢复传统,同情乃至支持祭天和国家祀孔。但祭天、祀孔与民主共和理念格格不入,最终受到社会的怀疑与批评。令人遗憾的是社会不仅对旧传统已不能接受,对新政制也难以完全适应。总统就任仪式作为民初典型的现代性国家仪式,随着政局变化,社会对袁世凯就任正式大总统典礼的态度已发生改变,社会并非关注表面形式,而是看重形式背后操演者的价值观和行为取向。北京政府统治后期,社会对“共和”越来越失望的情绪体现于国庆纪念言论。国家仪式的操演面临重重困境,此缘于社会难以忍受的现实政治局势,“民主共和”的“民族国家”只剩下一块有名无实的空招牌。1925年3月12日孙中山病逝于北京行辕铁狮子胡同,北京政府与国民党合办葬礼,期间的妥协与斗争可见南北方势力之微妙。舆论界掀起对孙中山“盖棺论定”的热潮,各种言说铺天盖地,有赞誉者,有贬斥者。国民党人参与完葬礼即匆匆南下,孙中山遗体暂厝西山碧云寺。直到国民党取得全国政权后,1929年6月1日才对孙中山实行“奉安大典”,规模宏大可谓空前,深刻表达出党国政治权威,此时孙中山形象已堪称“伟大”。国民党作为打破传统的“革命”政党,建立政权之初急需构建统治合法性以稳定社会,周期性国家仪式的广泛运用即为明证,制定的“革命纪念日”体系,纪念日数量达28个之多,目的无非在于塑造和加强自身统治权威和地位,国家仪式“党国化”。国民党建立起“党国体制”后,很快即遭遇统治新危机。1931年“九一八”事变后国民党和国民政府在国难之际对国家仪式作出相应调适,吸纳某些传统元素,将之制作成“现代”国家仪式,孔子诞辰纪念日与民族扫墓节以现代方式呈现和表达传统。日本侵华的标志性事件也被制作成纪念日,更直接、深刻的表示抵抗外敌,以进行民族动员。这些成为国家仪式调适中的重要内容,体现出抗战时期民族主义的特色。原本私人性的蒋介石寿辰被利用开展“捐款购机”活动,以进行全国性抗战动员,同时也是蒋介石个人权力和权威的展现和操演。“蒋介石崇拜”作为民族主义兴盛的孪生兄弟,在抗战期间逐步形成。从更广义角度理解,此时兴起的“蒋介石崇拜”存有其合理性,国家需要强大政府,也需要强人领导民众抗击外侮,取得抗战胜利。中国军民经过八年艰苦抗战,以胜利结束,人们为此狂欢。国共两党却从抗战时期的合作逐步走向对抗,内战爆发。国家仪式成为宣传“戡乱剿匪”与蒋介石崇拜的工具。作为执政者的国民党将抗战胜利的庆贺与纪念制作成“抗战纪念日”,借以宣传“戡乱剿匪”。庆祝胜利还都的国家仪式也被用来宣扬蒋介石个人崇拜,实际上成为庆祝蒋介石“个人胜利”。为完成建国重任庆祝蒋介石六十寿辰,看似合理,但因社会变化而显得不合时宜。之后总统副总统就职典礼,蒋介石个人崇拜犹存,但已不具规模和影响。抗战取得胜利后,国家仪式理应为更具价值的国家社会的建设服务,宣扬“民主共和国”政治理念。就此而言,国家仪式步入歧途,因过分强调现实政治而异化并产生悖论,似为国民党大陆统治终结宿命的表现。不管国家仪式如何运作,都难以挽救本身出现问题的国民党和国民政府的“政治操演”落幕。

【Abstract】 "National Ceremony of the Republic of China" refers to the stylized action during the reigning period of the Nanking Provisional Government,the Bejing Government and the Nanjing government in the Republic of China.The authority who stood for China acted as a "nation-state" held the periodic and orientational ceremony or sent delegates for the it.During the performative ceremony,the public were active participates or passive onlookers.The knowledge of western national ceremony came to exist and was known by the Chinese people in the late Qing Dynasty,and it merged with the Chinese traditional rituals and festive culture,from which came into being the "Late Qing Dynasty" National Ceremony.After the Revolution of 1911, people of all ranks relocated themselves after experienceing the upheavals and returned to normality. The political powers were temporally belonged to the" Republic of China". The ceremony of the provisional government of the Republic of China in 1912 which also was Sun Yat-sen’s inaugural ceremony as the Temporal President,was exactly the first national ceremony of modernity. The ceremony suggested the emergence of a new nation state as well as a new government. The new State sought for "legitimacy".Sun Yat-sen paid a formal visit to the tomb of Zhu yuanzhang in Nanjing during the ceremony of North-South Reunification. Against this background,Sun Yat-sen proceeded his inaugural ceremony which would display a forthcoming new political system. Meanwhile, Yuan Shih-kai inaugurated as the Temporal President with power and authority.People welcomed the new state with the hope for a promising future.Revolutionary and Republicanism as some kinds of "New Tradition",became new resources of legality. The Nationalist Party members advocated the new "Revolutionary Tradition" in the way of commemorating the 72 martyrs in the Hung Huagang Battle in the first day of the republic state.It actually proceeded as a ceremony to highlight the Nationalist Party’s achivements in the establishment of the new state, which helps to claim the ruling legitimacy. The Republicanism mainly saw in the commemorating of the Double Tenth Day, by which way the Republicanism was closely related to the the National Day. The commemorating of the first National Day also predicted the triumph of the Republicanism and its expanding influence.The country didn’t appear as prosperous as the new republic state should bring with. The long stand dictatorial system was substituted by the democracy system, while actually transition was not an easy task.People of power were reactive,along with which were the restless people. That was why Yuan Shih-kai resorted to the "Old Tradition"by worshipping to Heaven and Confucius to Save the country. The public have a special feeling for old tradition,some people embraced the ceremonies and hoped it would help the country. While the ceremony of worshipping to Heaven and Confucius went against with spirit of democracy an republicanism.It aroused criticism. The country was in a dilemma of tradition and the new state.The president’s inaugural ceremony,as some typical modern national ceremony,its holder and mold of value and orientation,not limited to the ceremony itself, were watched by the public.People were more concerned about the former to some degree. In the late years of the Beijing government, growing disappointment about the Republicanism was seen in the politic views of the National Day. People were depressed by the political reality,that was the reason why national ceremony of the Republic of China went into difficulty and the slogan of Democracy and Republicanism as well as Nation-state became nominal.Sun Yet-san passed away in Beijing on March,12th,1925. The Beijing government and the Nationalist Party together held the funeral ceremony,during which the struggle between the powers of the south and north was delicate.At the same time, The media encouraged the fervour of reviewing Sun Yet-san,people had quite opposite views.The Nationalist Party members went south instantly after the funeral,Sun’s body was left at the BeYun Tomb in Beijing. It was not until June,lst,1929 when the Nationalist Party seized the power that the grand ceremony of Sun’s funeral was held. The ceremony was unparalleled, which extensively expressed the authority of the party-state. By then Sun Yet-san was seen as a great man.As a" Revolutionary" party,the Nationalist Party tried to pursue its ruling legality in order to stabilize the country. National ceremonies of modernity in the Republic of China became some routine was the evidence of the endeavor,as well as the establishing of the "Revolutionary Anniversary Days" which amounts to the number as many as 28. That were all contributed to the Party-state’s authority and status as well as the ceremony’s " being Party-state".The "party-state" faced ruling crisis as soon as the September 18th Incident in 1931 happened. Facing the grin situation,the Nationalist Party and the national government absorbed some traditional rituals to adapt itself to the national ceremony which presented for modernity. Confucius Birthday and the National Tomb-sweeping Day,which contained much of the major adaption,presented themself in a modern image to express the tradition. Besides that,Nationalism was the characteristic of the memorial day during the anti-Japanese war. The dates of the main incidents of Japan’s invasion of China became memorial days, which greatly help to call on people to defend the country.As an personal affair,the birthday of Chiang Kai-shek was fully made advantaged to "raise funds for buying the airplane". It was a nationwide anti-Japanese mobilization as well as the power and authority exhibition of Chiang. People’s worshipping of Chiang went with the thrive of nationalism during the war,which sounds reasonable in a broad way. The nation needed a powerful government as well as a strong leader for the final victory.China suffered a lot and finally made through. The nation celebrated the victory. The alliance during the war between the Communist Party and the Nationalist Party broke out,and it came with the Civil War. The national ceremony of the Republic of China like the Anti-Japanese war memorial became propaganda tool for "Suppressing The Rebellion" and fostering the worship of Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang’s 60th birthday was celebrated in the name of the new state. It was inappropriate for the deteriorate situation,and the same with the worship of Chiang. After the war,the national ceremony should serve for the construction of the country and advocate for the spirit of Democratic Republic of China.While on the contrary,the ceremony played too much emphasize on the politics,and it went astray. Facing the downward spiral situation and the inner problems of the national government,the performative ceremony seemed to fade away with the declining destiny of the Nationalist Party and the national government.
