

The Study on Development and Model Conversion of Social Welfare in Rural China

【作者】 杨勇刚

【导师】 沈洁;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来,农民为国家的经济改革和社会发展作出了重大的贡献。然而,自改革开放以来,我国城镇的社会福利制度经过不断改革已日益完善,大多数城镇居民已被福利待遇水平较高、保障项目齐全、稳定而且制度化的社会福利制度所覆盖。而广大农村居民却几乎享受不到稳定并且制度化的社会福利待遇,农村社会福利制度建设长期被边缘化。进入新世纪以来,国家加快了农村社会福利制度建设的步伐,逐步弥补社会福利体系的不足与空白,提出了建立覆盖城乡的社会福利体系的目标。基于中国特殊的国情与时代背景,从新中国成立之初,我国农村的社会福利发展就有着独特的发展路径。在农村社会福利快速发展的今天,探究农村社会福利60多年在各个历史阶段的发展逻辑与模式转换,对于农村社会福利今后的健康发展有着重要的积极意义。社会福利是一个内涵和外延比较宽泛的概念,是指国家和社会依法提供的,目的是满足和保障所有社会成员的物质与精神生活需要的一切物质资源和服务支持。本文以农村土地制度变迁为切入点,以农村社会福利发展为主线,从福利社会学的视角,将我国农村社会福利的发展分为三个阶段。鉴于我国农村社会福利的发展实际,文章主要从社会救助、农村合作医疗、农村养老保障和教育福利四个层面来解析农村社会福利的发展和模式转换。文章首先分析了个体经济条件下农村社会福利的建构。土地改革和农业互助合作运动是个体经济条件下农村社会福利的发展背景,社会救灾与救济是这一时期农村社会福利的主要内容。个体经济是这一时期农村社会福利的基础,是国家主导下的家庭福利,属于补缺型的福利模式。但是,农村社会福利发展较好的处理了公平与效率的关系。其次,研究了集体经济条件下的农村社会福利的发展。重点研究了农村自然灾害、农民生活贫困救济事业,农村五保供养制度和合作医疗制度的建立等福利措施及政策。这一时期的社会福利政策与实践是在我国计划经济体制背景下展开的,集体经济是这一时期农村社会福利的基础,福利供给主体是农村的集体经济组织,适应国家工业化、城市化建设和满足对农产品高征购的需要是这一福利模式的深层次原因。这一时期,农村社会福利项目除了社会救灾救济制度之外,还增添了五保供养制度和合作医疗制度等新的内容。集体经济条件下的农村社会福利遵循的是绝对平均主义的分配制度,但由于当时农村经济发展落后,它所能够提供的保障水平是十分低的;实施范围也仅限于农村社区,覆盖范围窄;其制度缺少稳定性,大多停留在政策层面。因此说,它是一种传统型集体福利,但它发挥了潜在的普惠型福利模式的功能,与经济发展并没有形成良性互动关系。第三部分研究的是市场经济条件下农村社会福利的改革与重构。农村生产经营方式的变革和社会转型挑战是农村社会福利发展的背景。然后,文章重点研究了市场经济转轨过程中农村救灾、救济、五保供养、最低生活保障制度和医疗救助为主要内容的社会救助制度的发展和面临的问题,并提出了微观建议;然后研究了具有现代社会福利制度意义的农村合作医疗制度、养老保险的探索、失范与重建,及其发展和面临的问题,并提出了微观建议;此一时期农村社会福利还增添了义务教育福利的内容,并分析了其存在的问题,并提出了微观建议。农村社会福利在市场经济条件下虽然获得了较快发展,社会福利制度也开始逐步走向社会化、制度化,但是,总体来说农村社会福利制度还不是一个较为成熟的制度,还存在着很多问题,需要在实践中逐步完善。农村社会福利制度建设滞后,总体水平较低,与经济发展不相协调是其主要特征。市场经济条件下农村社会福利是一种向适度普惠型转变的福利模式,是家庭+现代社会福利制度的福利。最后,文章运用福利社会学的理论解析了新中国60多年来农村社会福利的发展和模式转换。首先,从三个层面阐释了我国农村社会福利的发展逻辑,具体为福利需求从生存型到发展型,福利资金来源从单一到多元,福利供给主体从家庭到社会。其次,总结出农村社会福利的模式主要经历了家庭福利--集体福利--家庭+现代社会福利制度三个阶段的转换。在此基础上得出了农村社会福利发展的基本结论,并提出了相应的政策建议。纵观农村社会福利60多年的发展,可以得出如下结论,农村社会福利的发展必须与农村生产力的发展相适应,农村社会福利发展必须由国家起主导作用,农村社会福利发展缺乏可持续性,农村社会福利长期被边缘化,社会福利发展的非均衡特征。为此,发展农村社会福利应该加强农村社会福利发展中的政府主导作用,坚持家庭在农村社会福利供给中的基础地位,统筹发展城乡社会福利事业,合理选择当前农村社会福利的模式,坚持农村社会福利科学发展的原则。

【Abstract】 For a long time, Chinese famers have made a great contribution to the economic reform and social development. After the policy of reform and opening, the social welfare system in urban area has become more and more perfect since its continuous reform. High welfare benefit, comprehensive security project, steady and systematized welfare system can be available to most of the urban citizens. While the rural residents rarely enjoy social welfare benefit, social welfare system construction has long-term been marginalized. From the new century on, the government has sped up the pace of social welfare system construction in rural area, putting forward the aims of establishing social welfare system which covered both city and urban area. Based on China’s specific conditions and background, from the beginning of the foundation of new China, social welfare development in rural area has its unique development. Social welfare develops rapidly in these days. Exploring the social welfare in different historical stages and the mode conversion during the period of more than60years, has a significant and positive influence on healthy development of rural social welfare.Social welfare has a broad concept both in connotation and extension and aims at meeting and guaranteeing all material and spiritual life needed material resources and service support for all the members of society. According to this essay, the change of the rural land system will be the perspective, the main line will be the development of social welfare and from welfare sociology theory, and the rural social welfare development will be divided into three stages. In view of the actual condition in rural social welfare development, we’ll analyze the development and mode conversion of social welfare according to social assistance, rural cooperative medical treatment, rural old-age support security and education welfare.In the first part, the analysis of the construction of the social welfare is based on individual economic. The background of the development of the social welfare is the land reform and agricultural mutual help and cooperation movement. The main contents of the social welfare during this stage are social relief. The individual economy is the foundation of rural social welfare in this period, which is the family welfare dominated by the state, belong to selective welfare type. However, the social welfare development balanced the relation between equity and efficiency. Secondly, this essay analyzes the development of the social welfare in collective economy, focusing on the rural natural disasters, farmers’living poverty relief institutions, five guarantees, cooperative medical care system in rural area and the establishment of welfare measures and policies. The welfare policy and practice is addressed under the background of planned economic system in this period. The collective economy is the foundation of rural social welfare in this period. Social welfare supply is the main part of the rural collective economic organizations. To adapt to the national industrialization, urbanization construction and meet the need of high purchase of agricultural products is the deep reason of this welfare model. During this time, in addition to society’s disaster relief system,"five guarantees" system and cooperative medical system were added to rural social welfare system. The rural social welfare under collective economic conditions follows absolute equalitarianism distribution system. Because of the lower development of rural economy, the security level it can provide is very low:the scope of implementation is confined to the rural community, the system lacks stability, mostly stay in policy aspect. Therefore, it is a kind of traditional collective benefits but it plays a potential universal type of welfare model, not forming a good interactive with the economic development. The third part is about the reform and reconstruction of rural social welfare of market economy condition. Rural production operation way reform and social transformation challenge is the background of social welfare development. Then mainly study the rural disaster relief, social relief,"five guarantees", minimum life guarantee system and medical assistance as the main contents of the social aid system development and the problems in the process of economic transformation, and puts forward the micro suggestions as well. Then the research with modern social welfare system of the significance of rural cooperative medical care system, the exploration of old age insurance and losing and reconstruction, and its development and the problems, and puts forward micro suggestions as well. Rural social welfare has the added compulsory education welfare in this period, and puts forward micro suggestions as well. Although social welfare won the rapid development in market economy condition, social welfare system also began gradually become social and institutional. On the whole, the social welfare system is still not a relatively mature system, because of the problems existing. To be gradually perfected in practice. The social welfare system is low, as it’s development lags behind. The principal character is not in coordination with economic development. Rural social welfare change to moderate universal welfare model, and is the family+modern social welfare system model.Finally, this essay uses the welfare sociological theory to explain the60-years development and model conversion of rural social welfare. First of all, from three aspects, explains the development logic of rural social welfare:in particular to welfare needs from survival to development, welfare funds from single to multiple, welfare supplies main body from family to society. Secondly, the model has experienced three stages model conversion, namely family welfare mode, collective welfare model, family+modern social welfare system welfare model. From the above, the basic conclusions and policy recommendations for the rural social welfare development can be made. The rural social welfare development must be adapted to the development of rural productivity, the rural social welfare development must be licensed by the state plays a dominant role, the rural social welfare development lack of a sustainable development, the rural social welfare development did not get enough attention, lags behind the development of rural social welfare. Therefore, the development of rural social welfare should strengthen rural social welfare development in the leading role of the government, hold to a family in rural social welfare provision in the basic position, made clear rural social welfare development goal, a reasonable choice of the current rural social welfare model, adhere to the principle of scientific development of rural social welfare.

  • 【分类号】C912.82;F323.89
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】3536
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