

Proverb "Wei" and Its Relevant Issues

【作者】 肖小平

【导师】 吴振国;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文在代动词这一跨语言普遍现象的基础上讨论古代汉语、近代汉语和现代汉语与代动词“为”有关的语言现象,包括名词性“为”类结构、动词性“为”类结构、副词性“为”类结构和虚词性“为”结构等。第一章是绪论部分,我们讨论代动词的定义、范围和国内外研究现状,并且阐述论文结构、主要观点和研究思路。第二章在《汉语大字典》的基础上增列古代汉语“为+N”结构的众多用法,并且和英语代动词do的用法进行比较。我们还对《汉语大字典》关于“为+V”的解释进行修正,我们认为《汉语大字典》采用随文释义的方法,把古代汉语“为+V”结构中的“为”解释为连词、助词或者副词,其实是对这一结构用法的误解。古代汉语中承接连词“为”、假设连词“为”、选择连词“为”、宾语前置标记“为”和副词“为”,其实都是“为”的代动词用法;《汉语大字典》所概括的“为+V”结构中“为”的含义,其实是句子的语境含义。第三章讨论汉语三类“为+N”结构,分别是“为+称谓词”结构、“为人”结构和“为时”类结构的形成过程,我们认为这三类结构其实都是古代汉语“为+N”结构中代动词“为”语法化为名词词缀的结果。这三类结构有些已经演变为完全意义的名词结构(如“为人”结构),有些结构的名词性用法限于特定句法结构(如“为时”类结构),有些结构的名词性用法则限于特定的语体(如“为+称谓词”结构)。第四章讨论四类由代动词“为”构成的动词结构,分别是:(1)“为难”和“难为”,(2)“以为”和“认为”,(3)四字“为”类结构,(4)上古汉语的“为……所”结构。四类动词性结构的形成过程各不相同,其中“为难”和“难为”结构的形成是代动词“为”和系动词“为”共同作用的结果;“以为”和“认为”的形成,是由代动词构成的兼语结构中兼语主语省略的结果;四字“为”类结构的构成比较复杂;上古汉语的“为……所”结构,则是由代动词“为”和“所”字名词短语构成的动宾短语。第五章讨论汉语“程度副词+为”类结构,包括“极为”、“大为”、“广为”、“稍为”、“最为”等九个“为”类副词的形成过程。我们发现这九个词的形成,有些是代动词“为”语法化为副词词缀的结果(如“极为”);有些是系动词“为”语法化为副词词缀的结果(如“最为”);更多的词汇(如“大为”、“更为”等),则是代动词“为”和系动词“为”共同作用的结果。第六章从代动词“为”的角度讨论现代汉语介词结构“为止”和“作为”、古代汉语疑问句尾“为”的形成过程。我们发现现代汉语介词“为止”和“作为”,都是古代汉语“为+V”结构虚化的结果,不同的是“为止”结构为动宾短语,而“作为”结构则是并列短语。至于古汉语疑问句尾的“为”,我们认为源于上古汉语由代动词“为”构成的动宾短语中疑问宾语的前置。第七章为结论和展望部分。

【Abstract】 Based on a cross-language phenomenon of pro-verbs, this thesis explores various linguistic structures that are relevant with the pro-verb "Wei" in Classical Chinese, Pre-Modern Chinese, and Modern Chinese, they are, nominal "Wei" structures, verbal "Wei" structures, adverbial "Wei" structures, and functional "Wei" structures.Chapter I is the introduction part. We discuss the definition and scope of pro-verbs, make literature reviews, and explain the structure, main points, and research methodology of the thesis.Chapter II lists a number of usages of "Wei+N" structures that were not adopted in Hanyu Dazidian, an authoritative thesaurus on Chinese lexicons, and compares them with the usage of English pro-verb "DO". We also make amendments to the explanations of "Wei" in "Wei+V" structures of Hanyu Dazidian, and argue that the dictionary mistakenly explains this lexicon according to the function of the structure, thus divides a single verb "Wei" into different categories. We argue that the so-called subsequent conjunction "Wei", hypothetical conjunction "Wei", alternative conjunction "Wei", object initialization marker "Wei", and adverb "Wei", are all pro-verb "Wei". The meaning of "Wei" in "Wei+V" structures suggested by Hanyu Dazidian is not its true meaning, but the meaning of the context that the sentence containing pro-verb "Wei" happens to be in.Chapter III discusses three types of "Wei+N" structures, they are, "Wei+ Addressing Noun" structures, "Wei Ren" structure, and "Wei Shi" structures, and argues that all these structures come from the evolution of "Wei" into nominal prefixes within the "Wei+N" structures. Among these three types of structures, "Wei Ren" structure has evolved into a conventionalized nominal structure, "Wei Shi" structures are only nominal in specific sentence patterns, and "Wei+Addressing Noun" structures are only nominal in some specific speech styles.Chapter IV discusses four types of verbal structures consisting of pro-verb "Wei" they are, "Wei Nan" and "Nan Wei", "Yi Wei" and "Ren Wei", four-character "Wei" structures, and "Wei...Suo" structure in Archaic Chinese. The formation of the four types of verbal structures varies. The formation of "Wei Nan" and "Nan Wei" is the result of the interaction between the pro-verb "Wei" and the copular "Wei". "Yi Wei" and "Ren Wei" comes from the omission of the pivot in a pivotal construction containing a pro-verb "Wei". The formation of four-character "Wei" structures are complex.The "Wei...Suo" structure in Archaic Chinese, is actually a pro-verb "Wei" followed by a nominal "Suo" structure.Chapter V discusses the formation of "Adverb of Degree+Wei" structures, including "Ji Wei", "Da Wei", "Guang Wei", "Shao Wei", "Zui Wei", etc. Some of these structures, like "Ji Wei" come from the grammaticalization of the pro-verb "Wei" into the suffix of the adverb; some of these structures, like "Zui Wei", come from the grammaticalization of the copular "Wei" into the suffix of the adverb;other structures, like "Da Wei" and "Guang Wei", come from the interaction of the grammaticalization of both the pro-verb and copular "Wei" into suffix of the adverb.Chapter VI deals with formation of "Wei Zhi" and "Zuo Wei" in Modern Chinese, and the formation of question-clause final "Wei" in Classical Chinese. We argue that "Wei Zhi" and "Zuo Wei" in Modern Chinese all come from the "Wei+V" structures in Classical Chinese. The difference is that "Wei Zhi" comes from a VO structure and "Zuo Wei" comes from a VV structure. As for the question-clause final "Wei" in Classical Chinese, we argue that it comes from a VO structure with question objects being initialized in Classical Chinese.Chapter VI is the generalization and the outlook part.

【关键词】 “为”代动词语法化
【Key words】 "Wei"Pro-verbGrammaticaliztion