

Study on Problem of Boarding School in Rural Area in China

【作者】 董世华

【导师】 范先佐;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 农村寄宿制学校是指为了适应农村人口居住分散的特点,解决学生上学远的困难,保证农村适龄儿童、少年完成义务教育而实行的一种特殊办学模式。20世纪50年代初期,国家首先在民族地区举办寄宿制学校,20世纪90年代中后期开始,农村地区中小学实行寄宿制已经是一种普遍现象,寄宿制学校已经逐步成为支撑农村义务教育的主要办学形式。相比之下,寄宿制学校管理滞后于规模的扩大,在寄宿率逐渐增加的同时,有关农村寄宿制学校的制度设计并没有同步跟进,绝大部分农村寄宿制学校基本上是非寄宿制学校在时间上的延伸与空间上的转移。目前,农村寄宿制学校建设经费保障机制不健全,普遍存在办学条件简陋,人员配备简单化,学生生活与学习机械结合的状态。寄宿制学校内部管理欠规范,在应试教育思想的影响下,无限制地延长寄宿生学习时间剥夺了学生课余生活,影响了学生生活的完整性及其身心正常发育,同时也制约了寄宿制办学模式优势的发挥。为了巩固农村地区普及义务教育的成果,进一步加强农村寄宿制学校建设势在必行。本文在借鉴前人研究和对湖北、江西、甘肃、广东和广西5省13县30所农村寄宿制学校调查的基础上,从理论和实践相结合的角度,对我国农村中小学实行寄宿制的理论依据,农村寄宿制学校产生的背景、取得的成效、存在的问题及原因进行了全面、深入的分析研究,并结合我国农村的实际,提出了进一步加强农村寄宿制学校建设的对策思路。按照上述逻辑思路,全文共分为七个部分进行探讨:第一章为导论,主要是确定论文所要研究的问题,阐明研究目的和意义,并深入分析了国内外关于农村寄宿制学校的研究现状,对相关概念进行了界定,确定了本文的研究方法和基本研究思路。第二章主要阐述我国农村中小学实行寄宿制的理论依据,即从社会化理论、教育规模经济理论、公共产品理论的视角来阐明农村寄宿制学校的教育功能、经济功能及其公共产品属性,以期为农村寄宿制学校健康发展提供理论指导。第三章通过对农村寄宿制学校产生及其发展的历史回顾,分析了其在不同历史时期的发展动因及政策预期,指出农村寄宿制学校是随着我国经济社会的发展而不断发展的,但从建国初期发展至今,不同的历史时期有着不同的政策目标。第四章主要通过对调查问卷和访谈材料的综合归纳,结合文献资料,从农村寄宿制学校的规模、地域分布特征、生源特点、教师生存境遇、学校成本结构、学校硬件设施及管理等多方面入手,分析了农村寄宿制学校的基本特征及其发展趋势。第五章总结了农村寄宿制学校建设所取得的成就,深入分析了目前存在的主要问题。农村寄宿制学校是适应我国农村地区,特别是边远贫困地区的客观需要而产生,尽管在发展过程中取得了不少成就,积累了许多宝贵经验,但仍存在着诸多不完善的地方。因此,认真总结农村寄宿制学校已有的成效和存在的问题,将有助于寄宿制学校的建设、缩小城乡教育差距和义务教育的均衡发展。第六章深入系统地分析了我国农村寄宿制学校存在问题的深层次原因,其中的根本原因在于:农村经济发展滞后的影响,低重心的义务教育管理和财政体制的制约,政府办学理念的偏差,制度设计简单化的限制等。第七章针对我国农村寄宿制学校存在的问题,就进一步加强农村寄宿制学校建设提出了相应的对策思路,即构建长效经费保障机制,合理分担寄宿制学校新增寄宿成本;构建科学的内部运行机制,确保农村寄宿制学校整体功能发挥;提高农村寄宿制学校教学质量,满足农村家庭对优质教育的需求。

【Abstract】 Rural boarding school is a special school model, which can adapt the characteristics of the rural population living dispersed, solve the difficulties of attending school over long distances and ensure the rural school-age children and adolescents completing compulsory education. The government took the lead in setting up boarding school in minority areas about early 1950s. Since the middle and late 1990s, boarding school has been all over the elementary and secondary schools in rural areas. Now, boarding school has been playing the role of rural compulsory education. In comparison, the administration of boarding school lagging behind its expansion of the scale, however, institutional design about rural boarding school did not synchronize with the boarding rate increasing gradually. In fact, most of our rural boarding schools are doing the same thing. At present, there are much more problems in rural boarding school, such as, the fundamental guarantee system was not perfect; the conditions of running schools were simple and crude; the personnel allocation is simplification; student daily life and learning combined stiffly. Being lack of standardization on school internal management, together with the influence of the exam-oriented education thought, the rural boarding school deprived students’ spare time by extending learning time limitlessly, thus the integrity as student’s daily life and the normal development of body and mind are threatened, all these will restrict advantages of boarding school education. In order to consolidate our achievements of popularization of compulsory education in rural areas, it’s very important for us to strengthen the construction of rural boarding school. Based on the former study and investigation on 30 rural boarding schools, which came from 13 counties in Hubei, Jiangxi, Gansu, Guangdong and Guangxi province, this paper did a comprehensive and in-depth analysis about theoretical basis background, outcome, problems and causes which regard to rural boarding school. And then, combined with the actual rural areas in China, this article proposed many countermeasures to strengthen the construction of boarding school in rural areas.According to the above logic thinking, this paper is divided into seven parts to discuss:The first chapter is an introduction, which mainly included the theme, research objectives and significance of the paper. In addition, this chapter also presented research status of rural boarding school, defined related concepts, selected research methods and determined research ideas.The second part borrowed the socialization theories, education scale economy theory and public goods theory to explain educational function, economical function and public product attributes of rural boarding school, so as to provide theoretical guidance for its developing healthily. The third chapter analyzed policy driving force and anticipated goals of rural boarding school in different historic periods by reviewed its history. This part showed that rural boarding school has been developing along with our country’s economic and social development, so, there were different policy goals in different historic periods.The fourth chapter mainly analyzed the basic characteristics of rural boarding school and its development tendency. All these were based on synthesizing questionnaires and interview materials, which details involved scale, regional distribution characteristics,Characteristics of students source, teachers living environment,the school cost structure, facilities and its management situation.Chpater 5 summarized the achievements of rural boarding school’s construction and analyzed the mainly existing problems in-depth. Rural boarding school adapted to the special case of China’s rural areas, specially to remote and poor areas. Although rural boarding school has made some achievements, there also exist many drawbacks. Therefore, summarized the achievements and problems of rural boarding school would contribute to its construction and narrow the gap between rural ares and cities.Chpater 6 deeply and systematically analyzed the profound reasons behind the current problems of rural boarding school. The low level development of rural economy, the incorrect school idea, the local system of finance expenditure and administration of compulsory education and the not perfect operation mechanism are root cause which impeded rural boarding school to develop healthily.Chapter 7 suggested some countermeasures to solve the present problems.we must build the cost-sharing mechanism among governments at all levels to ensure the funding sources of rural boarding school, Set the standards of internal operation mechanism to guarantee the overall function of rural boarding school, improve the teaching quality to meet demand of high quality education in rural areas. All of these are strong measures to ensure rural boarding school developing sustainably.
