

【作者】 刘红娟

【导师】 邹华;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 文艺学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 李渔作为明末清初一位具有独特个体性的文人,他的身上带有明显的末世烙印,明代晚期的政治、经济、文化以及社会习俗都在他身上留下了或明显或不明显的痕迹。那个时代产生过很多人,有完全随波逐流的人,有拒不与世俗同流合污的人,也有先顺从后反抗的人。李渔的独特性首先有他自己的文字能力和才情作底子,其次是他生而具有的性格特点和家庭出身作背景,他留给后人的形象是各种因素综合作用之后的结果,他生活美趣方面各种见解和追求也是这综合结果的一个侧面。第一章中,笔者首先分析了李渔生活美趣产生的社会背景。社会背景主要包括政治的混乱、经济的繁荣、思想的解放和习俗的奢侈等几个方面。第二章中,笔者分析了李渔的人生遭际。李渔的一生是丰富的,也是坎坷的,他的一生都处在不停的漂泊之中,有酸楚有无奈,也在一定程度上影响了他的思想、人格和生活取向。第三章中,笔者分析了李渔的女性审美之趣。在李渔的世界中,有着明显的理想和现实之分,他理想中的女子主要活动在他的文学作品中,一个个貌若天仙、才高八斗、重情重义又勇于追求婚姻幸福。在现实中,李渔比较宽容,是一个好儿子、好父亲,也努力去作一个好丈夫。明代末期,在社会上流传的是女子“德、色、才”的“三不朽”,李渔则认为“娶妻娶德、娶妾娶色”,并强调女子受教育习技的重要性。第四章中,笔者分析的是李渔的园林居室之趣。李渔生活的时代,是园林居室修建的高峰期,也是园林居室理论总结的高峰期,李渔关于园林居室的见解是这些总结成果之一。李渔在园林居室方面既追求妙肖自然,又尚奇、尚雅、尚用。第五章中,笔者分析的是李渔的养生之趣。李渔的养生观念主要有三个方面的内容,其一是从调理饮食上来养生,其二是从及时行乐上来养生,其三是从防病治病上来养生。

【Abstract】 Li Yu was an unique literati, he was born and grew in the late Ming Dinasty, so the late Ming Dinasty’s politics, economy, culture and social customs impacted on him. Sometimes the influence was dominant, sometimes it was recessive. Li Yu’s uniqueness includes his own writing ability and talent, his personal characteristics and his families of being businessmen. His image was the result of these factors, and his aesthetic pursuit of life was also the result of these factors.In the first chapter, the author analyzes the social background of Li Yu’s life. The social background includes political confusion, economic prosperity, the liberation of the thought and practices of the luxury etc.In the second chapter, the author analyzes Li Yu’s life experience. Li Yu’s life was rich, and bumpy. His life was in constant drift, and full of sorrow, grief and frustration.To a certain extent, we can say that these unique experience decided his mind, personality and life orientation.In the third chapter, the author analyzes Li Yu’s female aesthetic interest. In Li Yu’s world, the ideal pretty women only live in his literary works. In reality, Li Yu was more tolerant, he was a good son, a good father, and trying to be a good husband. Li Yu thought that the women’s beauty was the natural dressed and manner, and literal ability. He emphasized the education was impotant for women, and provided chance to his daughters and wives to accdpt education.In the forth chapter, the author analyzes Li Yu’s ideas of garden. Li Yu’s view of the garden was pursuiting the elegance,vovelty and useness.In the fifth chapter, the author analyzes Li Yu’s view of health. Li Yu’s idea of health has three main aspects, one is eating properly for health, one is enjoying every time for health, one is preventing and curing the diseases for health.

【关键词】 社会人生女色园林养生
【Key words】 society lifewomen’s beautygardenhealth
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1211