

Study on Dynamic Changes of Wetland Landscape Pattern in Tianjin

【作者】 刘东云

【导师】 冯仲科; 游先祥;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业装备工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 湿地被誉为“自然之肾”,不仅是人类最重要的生存环境,也是众多野生动植物的重要生存环境之一,具有多种生态功能和社会经济价值。天津湿地作为环渤海滨海湿地的重要组成部分,有大量属国家一、二级保护的鸟类。然面近几十年来,受人类活动的影响,天津市湿地面积萎缩,严重影响湿地鸟类栖息地和湿地鸟类的迁徙、繁殖。木研究在RS和GIS技术的支持下,以天津市1999、2003、2007年的三期TM影像为数据源,在经湿地特征信息提取后,采用传统的日视解译分类方法,并结合其它非遥感资料以及高清晰影像作为辅助于段,获得了天津湿地基本信息。在此基础上,木研究把天津湿地分成2大类12小类,并利用ARCMAP软件统计分析得出三个时间段湿地面积变化情况,经Fragstats3.0和Excel软件处理后得到天津湿地景观格局的动态变化。结果表明:天津湿地总面积从1999年的312088.725hm2增加到2007年的328133.61hm2,增加了4.89%;湿地面积增加的主要原因是人工湿地特别是盐田面积大幅增加,人工湿地8年间共增加了24043hm2,其中盐田增加25699.57hm2,其它人工湿地总量减少不多,自然湿地相反减少了7.38%,表明湿地的主要功能受到很大影响。一些重要的景观格局指数的计算结果表明,天津湿地景观的破碎化程度在一直加剧,斑块类型更加多样化,湿地景观中没有明显的优势类型且各斑块类型在景观中均匀分布。湿地类型转化的基本规律表现为天然湿地向人工湿地、人工湿地向农林用地、农用地向建设用地转换,人类的开发活动已经转向一些人为干扰较少的潮间带、滩涂区以及河流河口水域、浅海水域、湖泊和沼泽等地区。湿地景观格局的变化对湿地水禽生境产生重要影响。本研究根据资料的叮靠性,将各种驱动指标加以组合、归纳为2个大类和20个变量指标,建立驱动因素指标体系。由于上述指标体系中多个指标之间具有一定的相关关系,先对各指标数据进行标准化处理后,采用“最大方差正交旋转法”对所驱动因素进行提取和筛选,分析驱动因子的载荷系数,并评价它们对景观格局变化的驱动权重。在驱动因素的社会系统中,人口和经济等因素对湿地匀景观格局变化影响较大,随着天津市经济发展水平的提高,产业结构并未得到改善,尤其是第二产业仍然占较大比重;人口因子的作用则表现在城市人口急剧增长,快速城市化导致的城市的实体的扩张占用大量农田和湿地;在农业因子中,粮食产量的提高通过扩大种植面积挤占湿地来实现,而随着农业技术的提高则有利于湿地景观格局的改善。在自然系统中,全球气候变化导致的气温和降水的变化对湿地景观格局也有一定影响,但由于本研究的时间跨度短而表现并不明显。本论文根据1999年和2003年计算的湿地类型转移概率矩阵,以及各种约束因子和适宜性图集,利用CA-Markov模型模拟预测未来2015年和2023年天津湿地景观格局。预测结果表明:随着时间推移,天津湿地总面积先增加后减少。主要原因是,从天然湿地向人工湿地、人工湿地向农田和旱地、农田和旱地向城镇和工业用地转换的过程中,天然湿地向人工湿地转变的速度基本不变,而人工湿地损失的速度由慢变快。本研究以滨海新区为例,讨论了在湿地景观格局日益破碎化、人工化的背景下天津湿地景观保护规划的原则和相关策略。保护框架应该以河流廊道、古贝壳堤和牡蛎滩为基础,优先保护和恢复河流廊道的自然形态和生态功能,并和古贝壳堤和牡蛎滩一起构成网格状的保护结构。跨区域调水为湿地景观带来新的水源,但同时雨水的收集、处理和回用作为新的水源。湿地景观的恢复还包括湿地植物的恢复和水禽栖息地的恢复。

【Abstract】 Known as the kidney of the nature, Wetland is not only the most important living environment for human beings, but also the habitats for wildlives. As part of the Bohai Sea Coastal Area, Tianjin is of local, regional and international significance for south-north migratory birds in eastern Asia, and many of them are listed in the Red Book of China. However, due to human activities in recent decades, the decrease of wetland area seriously affected the wetland birds’habitat, migration and propagation. Supported by the remote sensing and geographical information system, this research used three periods of Tianjin TM images in1999,2003and2007as the data source to acquire the wetland patch data. The main classification and mapping method is traditional visual interpretation in combination with non-RS images and other materials with high resolutions. According to the study area’s condition, the wetland was divided into two major categories and12sub-classes. The patch changes during three periods were analyzed by ARCMAP software and the dynamic change of wetland landscape pattern was processed by using Fragstats3.0and Excel software.The result shows that:the total area of wetland patch increased4.89%, from312088.725hm2in1999to328133.61hm2in2007, mainly attributing to the increase of constructed wetlands, especially salt fields. The salt fields increased significantly in8years from24043hm2to25699.57hm3, while other types of constructed wetlands and natural ones reduced. The natural wetlands lost7.38%on the contrary. Some important landscape pattern indices calculated show that in the spatial distribution the degree of the wetland landscape fragmentation was aggravated. Wetland patch types are getting more diversified, evenly distributed without apparent advantage ones. The main wetland type transition rule is natural wetlands to constructed ones, then to agricultural fields and forests, finally to development areas. Human development activities have shifted to inter-tidal zone, tide silt beach, river estuary, shallow sea water area, swamps and reservoir wetlands where human didn’t touch before. The wetland landscape pattern changes led to big changes on waterfowl habitats.Based on the reliability of the information, the research selected20variables and divided then into2types to build up the driving factors indices system:social and natural ones. All indicators are standardized first because some are correlated to others. Then the research used "maximum variance orthogonal rotation" method to extract and filter the driving factors, analyze the driving weight and evaluate their impacts on landscape pattern change. The result shows:in the social driving factors, demographic and economic factors have significant impact on the changes of wetland landscape pattern. Further analysis explains that with fast economic development, the situation of the industrial structure is not improved. Population factor reflects that rapid urban population growth has led to urban physical expansion to intensive agricultural fields and wetlands. Food production increase was achieved via expanding the farmland to wetlands. New agricultural technology improvement helps improve the wetland landscape pattern. In the natural system, changes in temperature and precipitation caused by global climate change also affect the wetland landscape pattern, but the performance is not obvious because of the short time span of the study.Further, based on the wetland transition matrixes between1997and2003, the constrain factors and suitability set generated by MCE, this paper uses CA-Markov model to simulate wetland landscape pattern in2015and2023. The research shows that:the total area of Tianjin wetlands increase first then decrease in the future. The reason is, during the transition from natural wetlands to constructed wetlands, constructed wetlands to farmland and dry land, farmland and dry land to construction and industrial land use, the speed from natural wetlands to constructed wetlands has little change, while the constructed wetlands lose faster.Finally, this paper takes the Binhai New Area as case to discuss the wetland conservation principles and strategies. The wetland protect framework should base on the river corridor, the ancient shell dike and oyster beaches, and give priority to protect and restore the natural shape of the river corridor and ecological functions. Inter-regional water transportation will bring new water source, while rainwater collection, treatment and reuse are important as well. The wetland restoration also includes wetland plants restoration and waterfowl habitat restoration.
