

Comprehensive Evaluation of Dynamic Forest Based on Multi-function Decision Model in Jingouling Forest Farm

【作者】 顾丽

【导师】 郑小贤;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以金沟岭林场作为研究区域,进行了森林景观结构变化及空间格局定量分析,采用物质量与价值量法分析了该林场1997~2007年森林的固碳释氧效益、涵养水源功能效益、土壤保护功能效益、净化大气环境效益、生物多样性保护价值效益与林木产品价值,及其时空动态变化过程,同时对金沟岭林场的森林多功能效益进行决策评价。本文的研究结果及创新如下:金沟岭林场的主要景观类型为有林地,其面积占研究区总面积的90%以上。根据优势树种及主要环境因子把有林地划分为四类景观类型,即针阔混交林景观,针叶林景观,阔叶林景观与人工针叶纯林景观,每一类景观都是内部特征相对一致而相互间有显著区别的森林生态系统。1997~2007年期间,该林场森林景观受人为影响比较强烈,形状比较复杂化,表现为斑块数量较多,平均面积变化系数较大,森林景观多样性指数与均匀度都在1.0以下,分维数值在1.280~1.333之间。金沟岭林场森林植被碳储量从1997年的7621.8422 t,2007年增加到8018.1259 t,呈现增长的趋势,森林植被的平均碳密度1997年与2007年分别为47.54 Mg c/hm2与50.19 Mg c/hm2。该林场森林植被的年固碳增量为39.63 t C·hm-2·a-1,平均年增长率0.51%。对森林植被的碳汇效益进行了计量,1997年与2007年分别为2627.6453万元与2764.2649万元。金沟岭林场森林涵养水源的经济价值1997年与2007年分别为17018.97万元与14820.07万元,以中龄林与近熟林所占的价值比例最大,为该地区水源涵养功能价值的主体;金该林场森林植被土壤保护的年经济价值1997年与2007年分别为626.7767万元与632.1438万元,土壤保护功能呈现增强的趋势;金沟岭林场森林植被净化环境的年经济价值1997年与2007年分别为59160.1466万元与59704.2859万元,该地区森林植被整体的净化环境的生态效益呈现增强的趋势;林木产品效益的年经济价值1997年与2007年分别为69080.0644万元与75300.7186万元,净增长了6220.6542万元。其森林植被生物多样性的年生态经济价值1997年与2007年分别为12595.7750万元与13457.9421万元,根据金沟岭林场森林资源的特点与经营目标,以森林的可持续发展作为本文的指导思想,利用层次分析法筛选构建了一套量化程度高的、可操作性强的金沟岭林场的森林多功能效益的评估指标体系。其各评价指标的权重有明显差异,生态效益指标的权重为0.8218,而经济效益的指标权重仅为0.1782。金沟岭林场1997年与2007年的多功能效益评价值的大小顺序依次为落叶松人工林景观<阔叶林景观<针叶林景观<针阔混交林景观。因此,应以营造针阔混交林为主要经营目标。

【Abstract】 The conservation and sustainable management of forest resources are the focus of attention and study, the forest multi-function management can realize the rational disposition, and satisfied the diversity need of forest function for society, then improve the sustainable management. The study area is located at the Jingouling experimental forest farm, Wangqing forestry bureau, Jilin province, situated on the middle lower hill region of Changbai Mountain in Northeast China. Making use of the physical and value assessment method, which supported by geographical information system, and based on the ground sample investigation and statistical method, the effect and benefits of multi-function of the forest ecosystems were assessed, which included the landscape pattern, carbon sequestration benefits, water conservation, soil conservation, forest purifying the environment, and the value of biological diversity protection, at the same time, the multi-function decision of forest comprehensive benefit were evaluated by using analytic hierarchy process. In this paper, The main results showed that:The main landscape type was forest land, which accounts for more than 90% of the total area, and the other types occupied small part; The forest land was divided into four types according to the stand and environmental factors, namely Mixed forest, Coniferous forest, Broadleaf forest and Artificial Pure Coniferous forest. Each type was the forest ecosystem of relatively consistent internal characteristics and significant difference between each other; The complex landscape was dominated by mixed forest and supplemented by other forest types, which four types common controlled the evolution of the ecological environment. Coniferous forest were on the rise since the implementation of Natural Forest Protection Project and Planting Conifers and Protecting Broad-leaves Trees, which had an area of 38.2156 hm2 and increased to 43.2870 hm2 from 1997 to 2007; The forest landscape showed a large number of patches and large PSCV values, with the diversity index and evenness index were all below 1.0 and the fractal dimension values between 1.280 to 1.333, indicating that the forest landscape was strongly affected by human activities; The transformation trend suggested a development towards mixed coniferous and broadleaved forests, which indicated that the future change of forest landscape pattern could be simulated by this model. The conclusion would reveal an understanding of how forests change over time in response to succession, natural disturbances, and management practices such as timber harvest. These results provided supplementary benefits to the management and restoration of the forest.The total carbon storage in the forest ecosystems were 7621.8422 t and 8018.1259 t respectively in 1997 and in 2007, Middle-aged forests and nearly mature forest had a greater proportion than the forests in other age classes, so the carbon sequestration would be in a state of sustained growth and potentially huge carbon pool; The age structure of forest showed direct proportion with carbon density approximately, the average vegetation carbon density in this field were 47.54 Mg c/hm2and 50.18 Mg c/hm2 respectively in 1997 and in 2007; The forest vegetation on this farm had the annual average accumulation amount of 39.63 t C·hm-2·a-1 and the annual average accumulation rate of 0.51%; The carbon sink benefit was evaluated and the economic values were 2627.6453 million Yuan and 2764.2649 respectively in 1997 and in 2007. It meant that the measures of forest conservation, degraded forest ecosystem restoration could significantly increase the potential of forest carbon sequestration in this area.The value of the water conservation of the forest ecosystems were 17018.97 and 14820.07 ten thousand Yuan respectively in 1997 and in 2007, middle-aged forests and nearly mature forest had a greater proportion than the forests in other age classes, which as the main body; The economic value of soil conservation for forest vegetation was respectively 626.7767 and 632.1438 ten thousand Yuan in 1997 and in 2007, and showed increasing trend; The economic value of forest purifying the environment was respectively 59160.1466 ten thousand Yuan and 59704.2859 ten thousand Yuan, a net increased 544.1393 ten thousand Yuan, and showed the increasing trend; The tree growth value was used to measure the economic value of forest landscape, the estimation of the economic value of forest products was 69080.0644 ten thousand Yuan in 1997 and 75300.7186 ten thousand Yuan in 2007, a net increasing of 6220.6542 ten thousand Yuan; The value accounting of biodiversity protection from 1997 to 2007 was respectively 12595.7750 and 13457.9421 ten thousand Yuan, a net increasing of 862.1671 ten thousand Yuan,In this paper, the author used the analysis hierarchy process to determine the weight of each index, which was obvious differences, the weight of ecological indicator for 0.8218, while the economic benefits only for 0.1782. In the weights of ecological indicator, the weight of biodiversity protection index was the maximum of 0.2244. The size order of comprehensive benefit evaluation was Artificial Pure Coniferous forest<Broadleaf forest<Coniferous forest<Mixed forest.
