

Study on Traditional Chinese Garden Planting Design Theories

【作者】 邵丹锦

【导师】 孟兆祯;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 从古至今,人类对植物都有着深厚的感情。人们与植物为友,借植物释理抒情,由此形成了独特的植物种植设计理法。中国传统园林作为世界三大造园体系之一,在其演变的过程中,积累了一整套适合本国自然条件、文化传统和符合人们审美心理的优秀经验,中国传统园林种植设计便是其中的优秀代表。而传统又有待与时俱进之发展。在不同时期的历史条件、文化背景和自然环境影响下,中国园林自始至终都延续着“人的自然化和自然的人化(李泽厚)”的哲理和人文写意自然山水园的发展道路,并不断的发生着演变。而植物作为造园四大要素之一,也随之演进。中国传统种植设计特色是通过对环境自然空间的营造,把植物所体现的以中国人审美观为标准的自然清幽、寓教于景、情景交融的风格抒发得淋漓尽致,成为中国传统园林艺术辉煌成就的重要组成部分,并使中国园林在世界园林艺术中独树一帜,形成以中华民族独特的园林艺术形式自立于世界民族之林。随着城市化进程的日益深化和人们生态意识的逐渐增强,中国传统园林种植设计特色也逐渐受到人们的关注和专家的重视。但由于其在历史演进过程中尚未形成与实践相应的完整理论体系,导致种植设计在一些具体的实践中出现了不少问题,尤其是其中“意”的缺失。本文试图通过对中国传统园林种植设计理法的系统研究,找寻中国传统园林种植设计的继承与发展之路。论文内容主要分为四部分。第一部分在分析归纳大量文献资料的基础上,对中国传统园林种植设计的发展历程和历史文化积累进行了初步梳理,总结出中国传统园林种植设计的主要发展脉络,通过讨论儒释道思想和文学绘画对种植设计的影响,从中探析出中国传统园林种植设计民族特色的形成过程。第二部分通过对文献记载和古园实例的分析,归纳出中国传统园林种植设计的理法,即以“人之本在地,地之本在宜”为理法基础,以“景以境出,多境芳众”“同境类聚,专类组园”“借因成果,情缘易逗”“形美质秀,赏心悦目”为理法创作内容,从中探寻出“外师造化,中得心源”的设计理法精髓。第三部分通过中外传统园林种植设计的比较,探讨“以中为体,以外为用”的园林种植设计。第四部分通过对北京传统园林的现状调查,对传统园林艺术恢复和保护阐释了一些自己的理解和看法,传统以何种转换机制根植于当代,是迫切需要研究的问题和难题。主要是对现代园林种植设计继承中“意”的缺失和对于古园保护中“原真性”与“完整性”的理解进行了一定的分析,并结合案例分析和个人设计实践,对以《园冶》为代表的中国传统园林基础创作思维在当今园林种植设计中的继承和发展进行了探索。研今必习古。通过对中国传统园林种植设计理法的研究,探寻突破点和现代植物种植设计的发展方向,对指导我国种植设计建设和弘扬民族特色的文化都具有重要的意义。只有根植于民族自身的优秀文化传统,才能走出属于自己的现代园林之路。

【Abstract】 From ancient times till now, people had deep feelings on plants. They befriended plants,expressed their emotions and philosophical ideas with plants. Thus, the unique planting design has came into being. With the evolution of design of landscape plants, people accumulated much experience fitting for natural conditions, cultural tradition and people’s aesthetic psychology. Chinese traditional planting design is one of the excellent representatives in world’s gardening system. Traditional Chinese garden always persists its way to develop the natural landscape garden from beginning to the end, and has formed a unique and outstanding landscape system.In different periods of Chinese history, combined with culture background and natural environment conditions, Chinese natural landscape garden has evolved its way with nature landscape garden. Landscape plants, as one of the four basic elements of landscape architecture, are under the same influence of natural landscape garden. As Mr. Li Zehou said that the unique characteristics of Chinese landscape design were the result of the Chinese traditional thoughts and the aesthetic philosophy based on "the humanization of the nature and the naturalization of human".Traditional Chinese garden planting design is incisive and vivid in expressing the idea of natural serene conducting educational idea through the scenery, blending of feeling and scene style. Based on the Chinese aesthetics standard, it made the traditional garden planting set up a school of its own. Traditional Chinese gardening art became a significant part of the brilliant traditional Chinese gardening art and also a vital component of the brilliant one in world’s gardening art. With the process of urbanization and the gradual raising of environmental consciousness, planting design is attracting more and more attention. However, accounting for the incomplete theoretical system during the evolution process in the history,there arise quite a few problems in the practices, especially the lack of Yi(which is the intention of the traditional Chinese garden).It was to seek for the inheritance and development way of the traditional Chinese garden planting design through systemic study on traditional Chinese garden planting design methods in the dissertation.The core contents of this dissertation can be divided into four parts. On the basis of analyzing and summarizing a large number of literatures, the first part collated the history of development and cultural accumulation reviews in the traditional Chinese garden planting design. In the meantime, it was also summarized the traditional Chinese garden planting design development context, discussing the influence of planting design under Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism thoughts,literature and fine art. At last it was explored and analyzed the forming process of national characteristics in traditional Chinese garden planting design. Having analyzed the corresponding literatures and ancient gardens, the second part summed up concepts and methods of traditional Chinese garden planting design. The concepts and methods were based on "the root of human is the site which they live with, the root of the site is the harmony of the environment". And the design contents were "making Scenery out of Artistic Conception, creating circumstances with lush vegetation" "collecting similar plants according to the same habitat, creating a garden consist of specialized plants" "creating a garden consist of specialized plants, making Scenery from external environment" "making Scenery from external environment, melting human’s emotions into scene" "enabling plant’s shape, fragrance, texture being harmonious with circumstance, can make the plantscape pleasing to the eyes". The essence of design methods were conduced which was "Although it was learned from nature world, the design concepts would born from the heart." In the third part, it was focused on the comparison between Chinese and foreign traditional garden planting design and discussion of the differences and fusion of the two systems in order to learn from western theories which were to be used in Chinese ones. In the fourth part, it was showed the results of Status survey of traditional gardens in Beijing, and also illustrated some understanding and perspectives on the recovery and protection of traditional gardens. At the end of this part, it was indicated that how to root the tradition in the contemporary was a problem ahead of us and needed to be solved and researched.The author mainly focused on the loss of intention in the inheritance of modern garden planting design, and analyzed the principle of authenticity and integrity in the protection of ancient gardens. Combined with case analysis and personal design practices, it was also summarized the inheritance and development of design basis and creative thinking of traditional Chinese garden planting design which was taken "Yuan-ye" as representation. Researching on the new one needs studying the traditional one. It is of vital significance in guiding the way of Chinese plant design and carrying forward Ethnic characteristics of culture through research of the Chinese traditional garden planting design method and exploring breakthrough point and development direction of modern garden planting design. Only rooting in the excellent cultural tradition of our own, and then can we get in the track of our own way of the modern landscape architecture.
