

Green Waste Composting and the Products as the Peat Substitutes in Growth Media

【作者】 田赟

【导师】 孙向阳;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 土壤学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 针对我国园林废弃物日益增多的现状,从生态资源角度出发,在阐述园林废弃物生态功能的基础上,改变以往作为固体废弃物予以清除的做法,通过堆肥化处理进行人工干预,促进园林废弃物的生态利用;着重介绍了外源添加剂对堆肥过程及产品质量的影响;同时,将园林废弃物堆肥产品部分或全部替代进口泥炭基质进行高档花卉栽培研究,既解决了大量泥炭开采造成的湿地环境破坏、又解决了园林废弃物资源的循环再利用问题,而且还能大幅度降低基质栽培成本,具有重要的研究价值和现实意义。本文研究结论如下:(1)添加竹酢液和菌剂对堆肥过程中的温度、pH值、EC值变化有影响,且对堆肥产品中的全N、全P、全K、Mg、Fe和S的质量分数具有显著影响,并存在交互作用;堆肥过程中全P和全K质量分数呈上升趋势,氮以氨气形式挥发损失,全氮质量分数的上升幅度较小;加入菌剂会加速氮的损失,而一定稀释倍数的竹酢液具有保氮作用。(2)添加一定量的竹酢液可有效促进菌剂的活性,加速堆肥过程中有机碳、有机质的消耗;堆肥产品总腐植酸含量分别较原料降低了19%-40%,处理A下降最多,处理Ⅰ下降最少;除处理G外,各处理产品C/N比均<20;发芽指处理B-Ⅰ均大于0.8;综合分析,认为处理Ⅰ添加稀释1000倍竹酢液2 L+0.5%“有机废物发酵菌曲”的园林废弃物堆肥效果最好。(3)在堆肥初期堆体高温过后,加入赤砂糖和过磷酸钙进行园林废弃物二次堆肥,可有效提高堆体二次升温幅度,缩短堆肥时间,降低堆肥产品的pH和EC值。堆肥过程中,各营养元素含量均呈上升趋势;有机碳含量呈下降趋势,且处理Ⅰ下降最多。各处理堆肥产品C/N比均小于20,且处理F值最小。堆肥过程中,总腐植酸含量较原材料减少5%~10%,但其与有机碳的比例较原材料增加了1%~10%。(4)二次堆肥处理的可溶性有机物荧光激发光谱与发射光谱图显示,从堆肥初期至堆肥结束后,光谱均红移至富里酸波长(450 nm-460 nm)附近。并通过可溶性有机物紫外可见吸收光谱中SUVA254、SUVA280、A226-400和E280/E472的数值比较分析,随着各数值的增加,腐殖质类物质增多,堆肥物质的稳定度增强。综合分析,处理F添加0.5%赤砂糖和过磷酸钙(C:P=1:100)的园林废弃物二次堆肥效果最好。(5)使用处理Ⅰ的堆肥产品进行青苹果竹芋栽植试验,分别对处理OP(100%)、OP+CGW(50%+50%)、CGW(100%)进行物理性质分析,三种基质容重均<0.4g·cm-3,且大小孔隙比在1:2-4之间,符合理想基质范围。通过对栽培植物前后的粒径分析,认为基质在使用后均有一定的降解现象,OP、OP+CGW和CGW粒径>1 mm时分别降低39%,21%和9%。处理OP+CGW栽植青苹果竹芋的株高、生物量和冠幅等生长状况均优于OP处理;植株根系90%集中在直径0 mm~5.0 mm之间,处理CGW在2 mm~10 mm时显著小于OP和OP+CGW (P<0.05),>10mm时显著大于OP和OP+CGW (P<0.05)。综合分析,使用园林废弃物堆肥产品可以部分或者全部替代泥炭基质用于青苹果竹芋培育,且OP+CGW处理效果最好。(6)使用园林废弃物二次堆肥最优处理F产品进行火焰火鹤栽植试验,处理T2-T7(10%~100%V)的容重和总孔隙度与T1处理差别不大,通气孔隙随替代比例的上升呈下降趋势。各处理基质的pH值、EC值随替代比例增大而增加,且pH值有显著差异,EC值差异不显著(P<0.05)。处理T2-T7的植株株高、总鲜重、根鲜重和佛焰苞数均大于T1处理。综合分析,认为园林废弃物产品可以100%替代进口泥炭进行火焰火鹤栽培,但是最优替代比例为10%-70%。

【Abstract】 With increasing green waste in China, appropriate artificial intervention and promotion of their eco-utilization was probed, based on the composting treatment as a view of ecological resource and function. The green waste was suggested to recycle in the greenland ecosystem instead of being removed as solid wastes so as to promote the self-maintenance mechanism of greenland. The effects of additives on the process of composting and quality of products were mainly discussed; meanwhile, this study examined the feasibility of using compost products made from green waste replace some or all of the peat substrate which is commonly used for the cultivation of the ornamental plant. The application of green waste residues could solve the restriction about peat use due to greatly-reduced peat resources and wetland conservation destruction, improve the recycling of waste resources, and reduce the cost of substrate cultivation. Results showed that:(1) The results showed that the addition of bamboo vinegar and bacterial reagent affected the temperature, pH, EC, total N, P, K during composting; and furthermore, there existed interaction between bamboo vinegar and bacterial reagent. Total concentrations of P and K increased during composting, while total N increased less because of ammonia volatilization. Compared with the control, the addition of bacterial reagent accelerated the N loss, but the addition of a certain concentration of bamboo vinegar can keep more N.(2) The addition of a certain amount of bamboo vinegar can effectively promote bacterial reagent activity during composting; the concentrations of organic carbon and organic matter in compost products were lower than those in raw materials. The concentrations of total humic acid in compost products were reduced by 19%-40%from raw materials, and the lowest concentration was found in treatment A product, but the highest in treatment I product. Expect the treatment G, the C/N ratio was lower than 20 for products from other treatments. The germination index (GI) of the treatments B-I was greater than 0.8. The combination of 1:1000 (v:v) bamboo vinegar of 2L and bacteria reagent of organic waste of 0.5% had the best effect on green waste compost.(3) In the stage of the first temperature drop, the addition of red sugar and superphosphate promoted the speed of finished compost (30 d), and reduced the pH and EC values of the compost products. During the composting, the concentrations of nutrient elements increased; but the concentration of organic carbon decreased with the maximal decrease found in treatment I. The C/N ratio was lower than 20 in all compost products with the lowest in treatment F. The concentration of total humic acid was decreased by 5%-10%, but was increased the proportion in organic carbon by 1 %-10%, when compared with raw materials.(4) During composting, DOM (dissolved organic carbon) was extracted from compost and purified. The spectroscopic characteristics of the DOM were determined using ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis), and fluorescence spectroscopy (FS). The result showed that at the final stage of composting, the UV-Vis and FS were similar in shape among all treatments, which focused on the fulvic acid (FA).When DOM from all samples was the same, the specific ultraviolet absorbance values at 254 nm and 280 nm (SUVA254 and SUVA280), the area of spectrum obtained from 226 nm to 400 nm (A226-400) and the ratio between the absorbance value at 280 nm and that at 472 nm (E280/E472) were increasing during composting, respectively, resulting in the non-humic substances being translated into humic substances, and the aromatization. The combination of 0.5% red sugar and superphosphate (C:P=1:100) had the best effect on the second stage of green waste compost.(5) This study examined the feasibility of using compost substrate made from green waste (The combination of 1:1000 (v:v) bamboo vinegar of 2L and bacteria reagent of organic waste of 0.5%) replace some or all of the original peat substrate (OP) commonly used for the cultivation of the ornamental plant Calathea rotundifola cv. Fasciata. The three growing media were OP (100%), OP+ CGW (50% each), and CGW (100%), which had the bulk density of<0.4g·cm-3, and the value of air space:water-filled porosity between 1:2-4, falling into the ideal ranges. The particle-size analysis of media at the start and end of the cultivation showed that media were degraded after planting, but CGW reduced media degradation; at the end of the 6-month experiment, the fraction of particles>1 mm was decreased by 39%,28%,14%in OP, OP+CGW and CGW, respectively. Plant growth was greatest with OP+CGW, and total biomass, plant height, crown diameter and other characteristics were greater than OP. Nearly 90% of root length was mainly distributed within the diameter of 0 mm-5.0 mm; and the specific root length in CGW was significantly lower than other treatments within the diameter of 2.0 mm-10.0 mm, in contrast, that of CGW was significantly higher than other treatments within the diameter of> 10.0 mm (P<0.05). The results indicated that, the CGW replace some or all of OP commonly used for the cultivation of the ornamental plant Calathea rotundifola cv. Fasciata, and the OP+CGW was the best.(6) This study examined the feasibility of using compost substrate made from green waste (the combination of 0.5% red sugar and superphosphate (C:P=1:100)) replace some or all of the original peat substrate (T1) commonly used for the cultivation of the ornamental plant Anthurium andraeanum. The bulk density and total porosity in T2-T7 (10%-100%V) were not significantly different from T1, but the decreasing air space was related with the increased volume of green waste substrate. The pH and EC values were increasing along with the increased proportion of compost product, and there existed significant differences for pH value (P<0.05). The plant height, fresh biomass, fresh root weight and the number of spathes in T2-T7 were bigger than T1. The results indicated that, the green waste compostproduct could replace all of OP commonly used for the cultivation of the ornamental plant Anthuriumandraeanum, and the 10%-70% green waste compost product as peat substitute was the best.
