

Study on the Hangzhou Traditional Garden Since Southern Song Dynasty

【作者】 鲍沁星

【导师】 李雄;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 杭州在西湖湖山的滋养下形成了自身的园林特点,自南宋建都杭州以来,杭州地区更是形成了自己独特的园林传统,并在南宋一朝对中国古典园林的发展产生了重要的影响,开启了中国古典园林的江南时代。正如童雋先生在《江南园林志》中所言,南宋以来,园林之盛,首推四州,即湖、杭、苏、扬。而相比苏州、扬州的园林传统研究,成熟于南宋时代的杭州园林传统缺乏系统的研究和总结,这与杭州地区的园林传统在中国园林史的巨大影响和重要价值形成了反差,杭州园林传统亟待深入研究。杭州西湖文化景观已成功申报为世界文化遗产,在未来十年杭州又将启动南宋皇城大遗址保护工程,这就亟需加强南宋杭州园林传统的研究,为今后南宋皇城的保护、展示提供不可辩驳的理论依据。本文以杭州一处重要的南宋皇室园林遗址——恭圣仁烈杨皇后宅园林遗址为线索进行了考证研究,并与南宋时代其他皇家园林的造园理法进行对比研究,探讨了杭州自南宋以来的部分园林传统。推测了遗址园林的整体风格;指出遗址中的假山和方池组合在南宋时代是流行的造园手法:并分别研究探讨了自南宋以来的假山欣赏传统与方池理水的传统;推测了遗址园林在建造时所用的宋营造尺,并对其建造过程进行了的还原。受到宋人遗风的影响,方池理水是杭州地区的园林传统中显著特征。本文整理大量关于方池理水传统的历史文献和现存园林实物,文章探讨了两宋皇家园林与私家园林中的方池欣赏文化,并指出方池理水对韩国皇家园林有重要影响。在西湖湖山的滋养下,灵隐飞来峰的欣赏文化成为杭州园林传统重要组成部分。灵隐飞来峰具有峰石林立、洞壑万千的平地小石山的独特风景,被誉为成为西湖山林气象第一,这种欣赏文化对杭州地方的园林欣赏和叠山文化产生了重要影响。这种文化现象对外传播,形成了园林叠山中“变城市为山林,招飞来峰使居平地”的飞来峰叠山用典。

【Abstract】 Under the great influence of World Cultural Heritage Hangzhou Westlake, the unique appearance of Hangzhou traditional Garden which was high maturity in the Southern Song Dynasty started the Jiangnan Era of Chinese garden history. According to the Professor Tong Jun’s view, the four cities of Suzhou, Hangzhou, Yangzhou and Huzhou were the center location of garden activities since Southern Song Dynasty (1127AD-1279AD). Contrast to the depth study of Suzhou and Yangzhou traditional garden, the research of Hangzhou traditional Garden was limit, which was not match to its significant position in Chinese garden history.After the Hangzhou West Lake has been successfully declared as World Cultural Heritage, the Southern Song Imperial ruins protection works were the most important in the next decade in Hangzhou. To strengthen the authenticity of the Southern Song Hangzhou garden’s study would satisfy the need of theoretical basis to support the future protection.The dissertation try to restoration the ruins of the gardens, and discuss about the design idea, the relationship of regular pond and the nature rockery, the standard measuring scale, the construction sequence of the garden. Then contrary to the other royal gardens, conclude the common garden features.The regular pool was still retained in Hangzhou traditional garden Since Song dynasty (960AD-1279AD). According to the large number of historical documents and existing garden, the dissertation explore the phenomenon of regular pond in the Song royal gardens and influence on the Korean Royal Garden, and make deep study the regular pond culture of private garden in the Song Dynasty. The rockery in the ruins was influence on appreciation of the Lingyin Feilai Hill. After the Bai Ju-yi’s poem Len-quan (meaning of cold spring) Pavilion in Tang Dynasty (618AD-907AD), it had been the best hill landscape of Hangzhou West Lake which has an important influence on rocket art in Chinese garden. The emperors of the Southern Song Dynasty quite appreciated the landscape of Feilai Hill, especially for its ever-changing grotto art, in Hang Zhou Lingyin area. And in Imperial Palace, the Rockeries imitated the landscape of the Feilai Hill. The rockery taste have been continued in Hangzhou area ever since.
