

【作者】 赵宇明

【导师】 王庆国;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医临床基础, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 中医学术传承研究对于加强中医人才队伍培养、推动中医学术发展创新具有十分重要的意义。论文对知识、知识管理、显性知识和隐性知识的概念进行了介绍,指出中医知识体系中存在着大量的隐性知识并具有相应的传承策略。引入知识管理理论,将对中医学术传承的观念变革产生影响,并为其提供有益的认识论和方法论指导。而现代信息技术则可以成为促进中医学术传承中隐性知识的获取、转移和转化的重要工具。文章在利用知识管理的理论和方法促进中医学术传承方面进行了有益的探索。研究目的:探讨将现代知识管理的理论和方法引入到中医学术传承研究中的可行性和重要性,以及基于数据挖掘的知识发现技术在中医用药规律传承中应用的研究,为中医学术中隐性知识的发现和传播提供新思路。研究方法:论文第一部分,利用文献研究的方法,深入分析和探讨了现代知识管理理论和方法在中医学术传承中应用的可行性与重要性。论文第二部分,利用基于数据挖掘的知识发现方法,对刘渡舟教授传人王庆国教授等多人近年来的临床处方进行频数分析和关联分析,总结各自的用药规律,并与刘渡舟教授的用药规律进行对比研究。论文第三部分,利用现代信息网络技术,搭建刘渡舟教授学术思想传承平台,搜集、整理并展示了刘渡舟教授的论文、著作、教学音频视频等资料,建立刘渡舟教授学术思想传承与交流的网络环境,促进伤寒学术的传播与发展。研究结果:研究结果表明,在中医学术传承研究中引入知识管理的理论和方法,将对中医学术传承观念的变革产生深远影响,并为中医学术传承提供认识论和方法论指导。在数据挖掘过程中,通过经频数分析,得到王庆国教授等多位传人在临床处方中常用药物排序。通过对数据进行关联分析,发现在刘渡舟教授各位传人的临床处方中,具有特征性的药物组合与伤寒论经方及刘渡舟教授常用方剂相切合,尤以小柴胡汤、泻心汤、柴胡桂枝干姜汤类方剂中药组使用明显。对各传人临床用药的常用药物组合进行分析,发现各自具有不同的特色。应用方面,基于微软的Office SharePoint Server技术建立了刘渡舟教授学术思想传承平台,为伤寒学术的传承建立了学术共享与交流的环境。结论:将现代知识管理的理论和方法引入到中医学术传承研究中来,在理论上是必要的,在实践上是可行的,将对中医学术知识的传播产生积极作用。通过数据挖掘分析,可以看出刘渡舟教授的几位传人对刘老重视少阳枢机的学术思想、善治肝胆疾病的临床特色及刘老常用方剂均有很好的继承,提示刘老门下弟子对伤寒经典方药的使用具有一致性和继承性。同时各人又都不拘泥于一方一药,在处方用药上各自有新的突破,均在前人的基础上进行了创新和发挥。研究表明数据挖掘技术能在一定程度上揭示中医学术传承的痕迹,对探讨中医学术传承规律具有启发作用。

【Abstract】 Objective:To explore the feasibility and importance of introducing theories and methods of modern knowledge management into the study of TCM academic heritage, and applying knowledge discovery based on data mining technology in prescription pattern study of Chinese medicine so as to provide new ideas in research of discovery and dissemination of tacit knowledge in Chinese medicine academic.Methods:In the first part, we used literature research methods to analyze and discuss the feasibility and importance of modern knowledge management theory and methods which were applied into the Chinese medicine academic heritage.In the second part, we used knowledge discovery based on data mining method, especially frequency analysis method and correlation analysis method, to analyze respective successor’s medication patterns from their recent years’clinical prescription.In the third part, we used modern information network technology to build Professor Liu Duzhou’s academic heritage platform, in which we collected, collated and showed Professor Liu Duzhou’s papers, books, teaching audio and video information. By establishing the academic ideological heritage platform of Professor Liu Duzhou, we provided an exchanging network environment to promote the spread and development of academic knowledge of Shang Han Lun.Results:The results showed that the introduction of knowledge management theory and methods into the study of Chinese medicine academic heritage will have far-reaching impact, and can provide epistemological and methodological guidance for the heritage of Chinese academic.In the data mining process, by using frequency analysis, we obtained Professor Wang Qingguo, and other descendants’commonly used herbs sequence in their clinical prescriptions. Correlation analysis on the data showed us the frequently used herbs combinations in their clinical prescriptions were similar with that of Professor Liu Duzhou’s clinical prescriptions. Many characteristic combinations of herbs can also be found in Shang Han Lun, especially herbs combinations of Xiao Chai Hu Tang, Xie Xin Tang, Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang. Each descendant’s clinical usage of herbs combinations were analyzed and founded that each has different characteristics. In the third part of this dissertation, we established Professor Liu Duzhou’s academic ideological heritage platform, based on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server technology. The platform could provide us an academic sharing and communicating network environment.Conclusion:The introduction of modern knowledge management theory and methods into the study of Chinese medicine academic heritage is necessary and feasible in both theory and practice, and will take a positive role in the spread and dissemination of Chinese medicine academic knowledge.By using data mining analysis methods, we see several of Professor Liu Duzhou’s successor inherited the academic thinking of Professor Liu that the importance of Shaoyang Cardinal in treating diseases. They are also good at governance liver diseases and inherited Professor Liu’s features herbs combinations in their clinical prescriptions. This suggests that the disciples of Professor Liu Duzhou have consistent manner in their using of Shang Han Lun’s classic prescriptions and Professor Liu’s commonly used prescriptions. At the same time, each disciple does not only simply adhere to one fixed pattern in their herbs prescriptions. Each of them has new breakthrough on the basis of the previous innovation. Studies have shown that data mining techniques can reveal traces of Chinese medicine academic inheritance pattern to a certain extent, which has inspiring effect in exploring the regular inheritance pattern of Chinese medicine academic.Chinese medicine academic heritage study has very important significance for strengthening the TCM personnel training, to promote the Chinese medicine academic development of innovation. This dissertation introduces concepts of knowledge, knowledge management, explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge, noting that the TCM knowledge system, which has a lot of tacit knowledge and special heritage strategy. The introduction of knowledge management theory can have important impact on changing of the Chinese medicine academic heritage concept, and provide a useful epistemological and methodological guidance. Modern information ’ technology’ can become an important tool to promote access, transmission and conversion of tacit knowledge in Chinese medicine academic heritage. This dissertation has a useful exploration of the use of knowledge management theory and methods in promoting Chinese medicine academic inheritance pattern.
