

Study on Multi-Domain User Model Oriented Adaptive Web Mapping Service

【作者】 刘江涛

【导师】 杜清运;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国数据城市建设的全面展开,城市空间基础设施建设日益完备,各行业领域的空间信息亦形成体系,数据越来越丰富,更新周期愈来愈短,以往单一、静态和彼此孤立的空间信息服务形式,传统的数据交换和共享模式,及以“预制”方式设计制作电子地图的做法已无法满足已不能满足日益多样化和个性化的用户需求。迫切需要建立从数据到地图的“快速通道”,打破传统以专家为中心的制图工艺,打造面向最终用户的自适应网络制图模式,通过技术手段封装地图制作流程,实现地图制作的个性化和动态化。自适应网络制图服务的理论和技术仍在探索阶段,自适应网络制图服务作为高度智能的个性化服务,它的实现需要结合多个领域的方法和技术。不同于常规面向个体用户的自适应制图方法,本文以SDI各领域的群体用户为研究对象,研究面向多领域用户模型的自适应网络制图服务机制相关的理论与技术问题,具体包括以下几个方面:(1)介绍了自适应的相关概念;研究了用户建模、网络制图、地理信息服务和空间基础设施等相关研究领域的理论和方法;概要分析了自适应网络制图研究的关键问题。(2)介绍了自适应地图空间的概念和定义,基于SDI信息服务用户受众群的划分,给出了自适应领域地图空间的四元组模型,针对不同用户多尺度、多分辨率和多样化的数据需求,提出了基于粒度格的多维空间数据模型;分析了领域用户和个体用户之间的差异,研究了领域用户的特征,以及用户偏好与制图约束之间的关系;总结了领域用户知识库的构成,讨论了领域用户知识的准则、分类、推理和获取方法;研究了用户模型的构建方法,提出了融合领域需求特征和群体偏好特征的多领域用户建模方法;研究了SDI服务日志与用户偏好之间的关系,基于网络挖掘技术,提出了SDI信息服务用户偏好挖掘方法,着重讨论了尺度偏好、语义偏好和要素偏好的挖掘过程,通过对真实服务日志的分析,验证了挖掘方法的有效性。(3)分析了自适应网络制图服务的体系架构,讨论了架构设计的指导原则,提出来自适应网络制图服务的分类方法,说明了制图服务的基本原理;详细讨论了面向用户的多智能体制图服务框架,提出了自适应数据处理对象的构建方法,把数据处理方法和数据增强结构与制图对象封装,使数据的内容、形式和处理方法可以根据用户模型自适应处理;阐述了多智能体的组成,生命周期和通信机制,分析了多智能体的冲突解决的决策行为,通过综合计算几何、图形、语义等多种约束,选择合适的算子服务执行制图操作。介绍了制图服务链的特征,给出了基于约束的服务组合定义,分析了基于多智能体的服务组合方法。阐述了基于约束的地图综合流程控制模型,探讨了制图服务链优化的基本方法,提出了顾及用户偏好的制图服务链规划方法。(4)基于本文研究成果,设计并实现了自适应网络制图原型系统,介绍了用户信息收集、用户建模、制图服务管理和在线制图等系统核心模块的功能实现,结合深圳市SDI领域用户需求和偏好,构建典型应用实例,分析了网络制图中的自适应策略和流程,讨论了自适应数据处理和自适应地图可视化等相关方法,重点研究了用户偏好,要素关系偏好,领域需求,色彩符号,专题服务和地图样式等方面的自适应策略,对本文所述的模型、方法的可行性和有效性进行了验证。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of digital city in China and the gradual improvement of spatial data infrastructure, spatial data has become increasing diverse and has been updated more frequently than ever.The monotonous, static and isolated spatial information service and traditional data sharing and interoperable pattern will not be in accord with the multiplicate and personalized demand of users. It’s urgent to establish the ’fast lane’ which can translate spatial data to map. The traditional expert-centric mapping process should be change into user-centric adaptive mapping pattern. By encapsulate the map production process into technical means, the dynamic and personalized map production should be formed.The theory and technology of adaptive web mapping servie are still in the exploring period.As a highly intelligent service, adaptive web mapping service can be realized by the support and coopepersonalization ration among knowledge of multi-fields. Differs from normal individual oriented adaptive cartographic method,this thesis takes multiple domain users as main object of study,focuses on the study of domain user oriented adaptive web mapping service. The achievements are as follows:(1) This thesis has introduced the concept of adaptive theory, summarized the related theories and technology which include user modelling, web mapping geospatial information service and spatial data infrastructure and outlined the key research point of adaptive web mapping service.(2) The thesis has introduced the concept and definition of adaptive map space; proposed the quaternary model of adaptive domain map space based on the classification of group user;presented a multi-dimension data model based on granularity lattice for the demand of the multiple scale and resolution of users;analyzed the different between domain user and individual user presented the characteristic of domain user and the relation of cartographic constraints and user preference;summarized the composition of user knowledge base;discussed the rules,classification,reasoning of knowledge base;proposed multi-domain user modelling method which combines the domain demand and user preference;A web mining method is presented to construct the self-adaptive domain space model and to analyze the user intension behaviors based on the service log documents focusing on the user preferences of spatial scale, feature semantic and feature object. By the analysis of the real service log information verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of this web mining method.(3)The thesis analyzed the architecture of adaptive web mapping service;discussed the design rules of service architecture;proposed the classification of adaptive web mapping service, introduced the fundamental principal of web mapping service;discussed the user oriented multi-agent web mapping service framework in details;A construction method of adaptive processing object is proposed to encapsulate data processing method,enrichment data structure in whole which is the basis of adaptive control due to user model.The lifecycle and communication mechanism of multi-agent is presented in details which can solve the conflict of constraints independently by calculating the synthetic weights of geometry,graphic and semantic. The character of web mapping service chain is introduced and well defined.The service composition method based on multi-agent is processing to control the map generalization by constraints. Taking user preference into consideration, a optimization method of service composition is processing and discussed in details.(4) A prototype of adaptive web mapping system is designed and implemented based on the research results of this thesis.The main component include user information gathering,user modelling,serving management and online web mapping is introduced.Some strategies and instances is presented to show the process of adaptive web mapping.Discussions mainly focused on the adaptive strategies in user preference,feature relational preference,domain demand,color symbols,thematic service and map style,also the relational examples have been given.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期