

Inquiring on Justice of Exchange

【作者】 肖劲草

【导师】 张传有;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 伦理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要研究五个问题。第一、如何从哲学的维度界定交换。第二、交换正义包含那些原则?交换正义的特征是什么?第三、我们不应该和谁交换?第四、我们不应该交换什么?第五、我们应该如何交换?第一章研究什么是交换。本文认为交换是以同意为基础,各方共同完成的具有互补性的双边或多边行为。交换的要素包括交换的主体,交换的内容和双方的同意。交换发生的条件是基本的信任,能为交换各方控制和提供的交换内容,以及交换主体的不自足和有限的慷慨。在第二章,笔者首先分析和反思了交换正义的历史形态。就哲学史而言,交换正义关注的核心问题是我们应当如何交换。等值原则和自愿原则是交换正义的核心原则。但这两个原则不能解决交换正义面临的所有问题,我们还应寻找交换正义包括的其它具体原则。另外,我们还要解释为什么这些原则是正义原则,而不是一般的道德原则,区别不正义的交换和不道德的交换。为了解决这两个问题,我们必须研究正义的作用。因为当我们知道了正义的作用之后,我们就能大概了解交换正义应包含的原则。笔者认为正义的第一个作用是合理地划分利益,避免社会冲突。第二个作用是维护人基本的尊严,保障人生存发展的基本条件。因此,可以从这两种作用中引出自愿原则、公平原则、不伤害原则、权利原则和平等原则。交换正义有两个特点。第一、评判的范围广。评判的对象包括制度、行为和事态。在评判交换行为时,我们有时需要将买方的行为和卖方的行为分开评判。第二、只有并重制度和品质才能实现交换正义。第三章研究我们可以和谁交换。本章首先研究为了实现自愿原则和不伤害原则,交换主体应具有怎样的意志能力、决策能力、技术资质和禀赋资质。此外,为了防止通过交易助纣为虐,我们还应对交易对象的道德资质有所限制。在选择交易对象时,我们应当避免不正当的歧视。不正当的歧视一方面造成了人格的不平等,一方面造成了机会的不平等,损害了被歧视者的尊严与利益。笔者分析了歧视的要素,歧视的类型,决定歧视是否道德的因素。另外,文章分析了歧视同自由市场的关系,认为自由市场不会自然地消灭歧视。消灭歧视的关键是改变人们的观念,制裁不正当的歧视行为,为被歧视者创造平等的起点。第四章研究我们可以交换什么。本章首先研究交换正义的权利原则。权利原则要求我们交换我们正当拥有的东西,正当地使用代理交换权。这里体现了交换正义对社会正义的依赖。因为只有社会正义才能决定何种所有制是正当的,何种获取代理交换权的方式是正当的。其次,笔者研究了什么是不伤害原则,何种伤害应被不伤害原则禁止。最后,笔者具体地讨论了性交易、商业代孕和器官买卖,分析他们本身是否正义,以及在何种情况下构成不正义。最后两章讨论我们应该如何交换。第五章研究自愿交换。本章首先分析和反思了哲学史中两种典型的自愿行动理论,即道德化的自愿行动理论和经验化的自愿行动理论,为具体地分析自愿交换奠定基础,指明方向。然后分析了被迫和无知,这两类导致不自愿交换的因素。最后,笔者讨论了应被交换正义禁止的由他人蓄意引起的不自愿交换。笔者区分了直接的强迫和间接的强迫,用基准模型来刻画威胁,并界定了构成欺骗的三个要素。第六章研究公平交换。首先,笔者辨析了公平和正义的关系,介绍和分析了由格雷克·卡尔提出的公平理论,并以这种理论为基础分析交换过程的公平和交换结果的公平。过程的公平包括买方和卖方间的公平和买方与买方,卖方与卖方之间的公平。结果公平的核心要求是等值原则。笔者反驳了交换只存在过程公平,不存在结果公平的观点。过程公平有利于实现结果公平,但不能保证结果公平。其次,笔者研究了剥削这种典型的不公平交易,阐明了剥削包含的要素和实施机制,并分析了剥削的具体形态。最后,文章分析了什么是自由市场,以及自由市场与交换公平之间的关系。由于自由市场能与各种垄断和信息不对称相容,自由市场自身无法保证交换的公平。为了实现公平交易,我们需要外在力量维护市场的竞争性,履行相关的伦理规范。

【Abstract】 This thesis focuses on5questions. Firstly, how do we define exchange in a philosophical way? Secondly, which kinds of moral principles do belong to justice of exchange and what is the feature of justice of exchange? Thirdly, whom should not we make a business deal with? Fourthly, what should not be sold? Fifthly, what is the right way to make a business deal? In the first chapter, I focus on the definition of exchange. And exchange is a sort of bilateral or multilateral complementary behavior which is based on consent and completed by all participants. The constituents of exchange include the subject of exchange, the content of exchange and consent. The necessary conditions of exchange include basal trust between subjects of exchange; content which is able to be controlled and supplied by subjects of exchange; limited generous of subjects which is not self-sufficiency.In the second chapter, firstly I analyze and rethink the history of justice of exchange. According to the history, the key problem of justice of exchange is how we should make a transaction with each other. Equivalence principle and voluntary principle are key norms of justice of exchange. But these two norms are not able to solve all the problems faced by justice of exchange. We have to seek other norms of justice of exchange. Moreover we need to explain why these norms belong to justice instead of other moral categories and to find the distinguishing between unjust exchanges and immoral exchanges. In order to solve these problems, we should investigate roles of justice. Because once we know the roles of justice we roughly know the norms should be involved by justice. In my idea, the first role of justice is to avoid conflicts by reasonably dividing interest and the second role is to protect the dignity of human being and to guarantee basal condition of human existence and development. So the base principles of justice include voluntary principle, fairness principle, harm principle, right principle and equal principle. There are two features of justice of exchange. The first is that the judging objects of justice of exchange are very broad which including behaviors, institutions and states of affairs. When we make a moral judgment on exchange, sometimes we should distinguish behaviors of seller and that of buyer. The second is that the implement of justice of exchai requires us to attach importance both to the justice of institution and the virtue justice.In the chapter three, I focus on the question that whom should we make transaction with? Firstly, I study the capacity of volition and decision and qualification of skill and endowment which are required to guarantee the volunt principle and harm principle. In addition, in order to avoid helping the wicl perpetuate wicked deeds, we should have a qualification of moral standard. When choice trading objects we should avoid wrong discrimination. Wrong discriminat on the one hand makes an inequality of opportunity, on the other hand makes inequality of personality. Wrong discrimination injures both dignity and interests human. The thesis studies the constituents of discrimination, types of discriminat and factors deciding the moral attribution of discrimination. Moreover this the analyzes the relationship between discrimination and free market and I conclude t free market cannot remove wrong discrimination. The key point of remove wrc discrimination is to sanction the wrong discriminator and make an equal start.In chapter four, I focus on the question that what should not be sold. Firstly research the principle of right which require us should not exchange something wh we do not have just ownership or we do not have authority to exchange. The princi of right reflects the dependence of justice of exchange on social justice and justice exchange is restricted by social justice. Because what kinds of ownership are just and what kinds of approach to attain the authority to exchange are justice is depend social justice. Secondly, I investigate harm principle and what sorts of harm should forbidden by harm principle. Lastly, I analyze sex exchange, business surrogacy a organs selling to distinguish whether they are unjust and in which situation they unjust.In last two chapters, I discuss what the right way to make transaction is. Chap five investigates voluntary exchange. Firstly, I analyze and reflect two classi theories of voluntary behavior which are moralized theory of voluntary of action a empirical theory of that to lay a foundation and to direct a way to the concr research. And then I analyze two factors causing involuntary behavior:duress and ignorance. Lastly, I discuss the involuntary exchange which is intentionally caused by others and should be prohibited by justice of exchange. And I distinguish direct coercion and indirect coercion and analyze three constituents of fraud.In chapter six, I focus on fair exchange. Firstly, I distinguish the concept of justice and fairness and introduce a theory of fairness propounded by Craig L. Carr. And then analyze the fairness of process which includes fairness between seller and buyer and fairness between buyer and buyer and the fairness of outcome of which key requirement is equivalence. And I refute that there is fairness of process but fairness of outcome in exchange. The fairness of process is helpful to the fairness of outcome but it cannot guarantee that. Secondly, I research the phenomenon of exploitation which is a typical sort of unfair exchange and clarify the constituents and mechanism of exploitation. Lastly, I investigate what are free market and the relationship between it and fairness of exchange to poof that free market which is compatible with monopoly cannot guarantee the fairness of exchange. In order to realize the justice of exchange we should protect the competition of market and perform interrelated moral duties.

【关键词】 交换交换正义尊严自愿公平伤害歧视
【Key words】 exchangejustice of exchangedignityvoluntaryfairnessharmdiscrimination
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期