

On the Strategy of Proposing Chinese Culture Going Out

【作者】 曲慧敏

【导师】 韩玉贵;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 中华文化走出去战略是我国根据国家发展的整体利益、顺应全球经济和文化发展规律而提出的一项综合性的国家战略。经过建国后到改革开放我国对文化走出去的日趋重视和不断探索,一直到近年来,立足于马克思主义文化理论,在深度参与国际文化产业分工与国际文化市场的竞争中正式提出,中华文化走出去战略有着丰富的实践基础和理论基础。在世界多极化、经济全球化、文化多元化以及信息化的宏阔时代环境和当代中国综合国力迅速提升、经济社会正处于重大的转型期、建设社会主义文化强国成为时代主题大的国内环境下,实施中华文化走出去战略,既有着世界文化软实力竞争日趋激烈、国际金融危机后的反思与机遇、中国经济崛起与和平发展和中国文化自觉文化复兴的特殊国内外背景,又有着重要的现实意义:第一,全球化趋势下,世界范围内的各种思想文化交流交融交锋更加明显,第三世界国家的文化安全面临着严峻形势,文化走出去成为我国维护文化安全的积极应对。第二,在和平、发展、合作成为时代主题的今天,中华文化走出去能够通过增强文化软实力,提升国家形象,抵消中国威胁论。第三,在国际舞台上,各民族国家的文化一旦落后,就意味着综合国力中无形的精神性要素等的缺失和不足。中华文化走出去有助于赢得国际话语权和提高中国参与国际体系的能力,以中华文化对世界的新贡献维护人类文明的多样性。第四,中华文化作为与西方文化不同的东方文化形态的代表,可以弥补西方文化思维之不足,提供一种观察世界的东方视角,贡献东方文化智慧,促进世界文化繁荣和人类文明进步。中华文化不仅源远流长,历史悠久,而且海纳百川,包容创新,对人类文明进步作出过巨大贡献。中国历史上,除去人为造成的短暂的对外封闭外,中华文化一直与世界文化交相融合。古代中华文化走出去是一个自发的过程,现在中华文化走出去是作为一项国家战略来积极推动和实施的。中华文化走出去战略的实施,立足于古代中国文化走出去的历史积淀和建国后中国文化对外交流的实践基础,积累了丰富的实战经验,取得了较为显著的成效,也暴露出很多深层次的问题和不足。整体上来看,中华文化走出去在国际上还处于弱势,中华文化的对外影响力不强,外国人对中国的印象还比较片面甚至是刻板,走出去的文化内容缺少吸引力,大众媒介和经济贸易等多渠道推动文化走出去的力量还比较弱,由文化失语、文化误读等带来的中西文化交流失衡,由话语权缺失、世界传播体系失衡等影响的中国传媒影响力弱,由文化产业弱、体制机制落后等引致的文化贸易逆差严重以及国际文化人才严重缺乏等等,这些都严重制约了中华文化走出去战略实施的步伐和效果。作为后发国家,积极借鉴美国、法国和韩国等文化走出去的成功经验,在中国实施文化走出去战略中存在的问题和原因分析基础上,不断完善中华文化走出去战略的思路:国力强大是文化走出去的基础。只有中国真正实现和平崛起了,只有中国能够向世界展示一个富强成熟的文明形象,中华文化才能在国际上获得关注和欣赏;文化自强是文化走出去的根本。文化清泉的涓涓流出归根到底还是依赖那源头的活水。一个民族的文化优势,文化特色,是对世界上其他国家产生吸引力的最重要的文化条件;政府支持是文化走出去的保障;渠道多元是文化走出去的必然,特别要注意利用经济活动、文化产业和大众媒介传播等渠道来实现文化走出去。文化走出去既要注意对精英受众的影响,更要注重在普通大众中的影响力。中国当前在文化走出去的过程中尤其要注意这一点。在以广播、影视、国际互联网、报刊为载体的大众媒介可以“立竿见影”地改变人们的“见解和政治态度”的社会里,影响国际关系行为的因素和力量比以前更为广泛复杂、更为直接和个人化。应当越来越重视文化对于普通大众的影响力。中华文化走出去战略的实施从根本上讲还是内容、渠道和模式的问题。最重要、最核心、最具生命力和最具价值的是中华文化的内容创新,也就是实现中国传统文化的现代转型和建设中国特色的现代新文化,凝练现代中国的核心价值和文化精神,增强中华文化的核心竞争力。文化建设是一个长期的需要循序渐进、逐步积淀的过程,文化走出去也绝不是一蹴而就的事情。要有战略意识和国家意志,明确战略主体、战略目标,针对文化走出去不同的传播内容、不同的目标对象制定不同的策略,采取正确的路径加以有效的传播。要充分发挥社会主义制度的优越性,在国家层面做好协调和统筹规划,充分调动政府和民间、国内和海外等各方面力量,集中国家的优势资源,把文化走出去战略与文化外交战略、教育人才战略等结合起来,完善政策保障机制,提高现代传播能力,形成推动中华文化走出去的合力。要重视多渠道的推动作用,充分发挥经济传播渠道、大众媒介渠道、教育交流渠道、人际传播渠道等的作用,提升中华文化走出去的空间。要创新文化走出去模式,把政府推动和企业市场化运作结合起来,积极探索市场化、商业化、产业化的文化走出去运作模式,形成以企业为主体的中华文化走出去新模式。要澄清思想误区,健康发展文化产业,改革文化体制,锻造走出去的生机和活力,培育文化品牌,增强文化产业竞争力,从而形成文化走出去的可持续力。文化走出去最根本的是要文化本身有强大的生命力与吸引力。要改变中华文化在世界上的弱势地位,消除西方的误读和偏见,除了要改革文化体制,创新走出去的模式,拓展走出去的渠道,更为重要的是要全面把握文化走出去的内容,形成对中华文化的自觉认知,坚持中华文化的独特价值观和文化特色是走出去的信心所在,推动文化创新、理论创新,不断增强中华文化的吸引力。中华文化走出去,要坚持“和而不同,尊重差异”的文化胸襟,着眼于促进人类进步与文明,才能超越社会制度和意识形态的差异,塑造中国现代文明新形象,为世界文化的繁荣和人类文明进步贡献中华文化的智慧。

【Abstract】 The strategy of proposing Chinese culture going out is a comprehensivenational strategy put forward according to the overall interests of the nationaldevelopment and compling with the the law of global economy and culturaldevelopment. Marx’s theory on spiritual production, ideology and worldcommunication theory, as well as the culture, cultural development and cultureexchange ideas put forward by Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping Jiang Zemin, on thebasis of the Marx doctrine culture theory and the practice in China, are thetheoretical basis of the strategy of Chinese culture going out put forward .Theproposing of the strategy of Chinese culture going out, based on China’seconomic rise, cultural revival and the world entering the era of t cultural softpower, has important practical significance. First, the cultures of the varioussubjects of international relations have the mutual competition, especially on thetrend towards globalization, the cultural security of the Third World countriesfaced with the grim situation, so the strategy of Chinese culture going out is anactive respond to China’s maintenance of cultural safety. Second, peace,development and cooperation become the theme of the times, the Chinese culturegoing out can enhance the cultural soft power and the image of the country, andoffset the China threat theory. Third, the Chinese culture, as a representative of inadequacy of the Western culture, and promot world cultural prosperity andprogress of human civilization.Chinese culture not only has a long history, but also like all rivers run intosea, inclusion and innovation, which has made enormous contribution on theprogress of human civilization.Chinese history, removing the human-inducedshort-lived closure to the outside, the ancient Chinese culture going out isfar-reaching impact. Since the establishment of new China, the culture foreignexchange of the Chinese government has accumulated rich experience in actualcombat and made some significant achievements,and also exposed manyproblems and shortcomings. On the whole, the Chinese culture going out in theworld is still in weak force, the external influence of Chinese culture is notstrong, and the foreigner’s impression of China is still relatively one-sided andeven stereotypical, cultural content to go out is lack of attractive , the power ofmulti-channel such as mass media and economics and trade to promote culturegoing out is still relatively weak, and also a serious lack of international culturaltalent, which is seriously constrained the pace and effect of the Chinese culturegoing out. Draw lessons from the experience of the United States, France andSouth Korea going out , and on the basis of the problems of the Chinese culturegoing out and causes analysis, we can formate the guiding ideology of thestrategy of Chinese culture going out : The national power is the base of culturegoing out, only China really realize the peaceful rise, and able to show the worlda prosperous and strong, mature and civilization image, can Chinese culture gaininternational attention and appreciation; Cultural self-reliance is the basis for going out, Cultural spring brook outflow in the final analysis depends on thesource of living water. The culture advantage and cultural characteristics of anationality are the most important cultural conditions to have the attraction ofother countries in the world; The support of government is the protection of theculture going out ; The cultural attribute and the particularity of interculturalcommunication is the key of culture going out; the multi-channel will urge theculture going out more effectively, with particular attention to the use ofeconomic activity, cultural industries and mass media dissemination to achievethe culture going out.We should not only pay attention to the influence of theelite audience, but also pay more attention to the influence of the general public.China should pay particular attention to this point in the current. In the societythat broadcast, film and television, Internet, newspapers and magazines as thecarrier of the mass media can "immediate" to change people’s"ideas and politicalattitude", the power factor affecting the behavior of the international relations ismore extensive, and more complex directly and personal than before. Today’snational status is not only influenced by the so-called national elite, but alsoinfluenced by the power of the civil society.We should pay more and moreattention to the culture influence for the general public.Fundamentally, the implementation of the strategy of culture going out iscontent, channels and modes. Most important, most central, most vigorous andmost valuable is the culture of self-reliance, which is the modern transformationof Chinese traditional culture and construction of modern new culture withChinese characteristics, concise core values and cultural spirit of modern China, and enhance the core competitiveness of the Chinese culture. The culturalconstruction is a long-term with gradual and progressive accumulation ,and theculture going out also is not an easy thing. We should have strategic awarenessand national will, make clear strategic subject, strategic goal, formulate differentstrategies according to the different content of culture communication anddifferent objects,and take the right path to effective communication.We shouldgive full play to the superiority of the socialist system, do coordination andoverall planning at the national level, and fully mobilize the forces ofgovernment and civil society, domestic and overseas, and focus on the country’sadvantageous resources, combine the cultural strategy and cultural diplomacystrategy, talent strategy and so on, perfect the policy guarantee mechanism,improve the modern communication ability, form a concerted effort to promoteChinese culture going out. Emphasis on multi-channel role in promoting andgiving full play to economic and communication channels, the role of massmedia channels, education communication channels, interpersonalcommunication channels, etc. The innovation of culture pattern going out shouldcombine the government promoting and the enterprise market operation, andactively explore the market, commercialization and industrialization of the modeof culture going out , form the new model of culture going out which enterprisesis the mainstay of the Chinese culture going out. To clarify the misunderstanding,and develop healthy cultural industry, reform the system of culture, forging thevitality and vigor, cultivat culture brand, enhance the competitiveness of culturalindustry, leading to the sustainability of culture going out . The most fundamental thing of culture going out is that culture itself has astrong vitality and attractiveness. To change the weak position of the Chineseculture in the world and eliminate the misunderstanding and prejudices of theWest, in addition to the reform of cultural system , the innovation of the goingout mode, and expand the channels, more importantly, it is to fully understandthe cultural content going out, adhere to that the Chinese culture’s unique valuesand culture characteristic is the confidence of culture going out, promote culturalinnovation, theoretical innovation, and continuously enhance the attraction of theChinese culture. Chinese culture going out should adhere to "Harmony but notsameness ""Respect for difference ", focus on promoting the human progress andcivilization, can transcend the differences in social system and ideology, modelChinese modern cvilized new image, and contribute the Chinese culture wisdomto the world cultural prosperity and the progress of human civilization.
