

【作者】 王倩

【导师】 王万森;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,文学传播研究越来越受到学术界关注。较之现当代文学领域传媒研究的方兴未艾,儿童文学的传媒研究显得相对滞后和冷清。随着传媒产业的迅猛发展,作为现代文化权力中心的大众传媒裹挟着商业意识、消费意识、娱乐意识对儿童和儿童文学形成了包围之势。电视、网络、手机等现代媒体以其逼真的画面、虚拟的世界和交流的参与性、互动性与形象性等优势,吸引了儿童关注的目光,以纸质媒介为主要载体的儿童文学相比之下似乎显得过于“经典”和“精英化”。在看似繁荣的儿童文学创作与出版的背后,是传播的遇冷和遇阻,儿童文学在大众传媒语境中面临重重考验与挑战。在这一时代背景下,对儿童文学传播中所遭遇的各种障碍进行调查研究和归因分析,进而思考解决问题的对策就成为一个具有时代意义的重要命题,这应该是传媒与儿童文学研究的关键问题和先在之点,有利于帮助儿童文学寻找到适应大众传媒时代的发展路径。绪论部分剖析了大众传媒对传统意义上的“儿童”和“儿童文学”的消解,并对研究所涉及的三个重要概念“儿童文学”、“目标受众”和“传播障碍”予以厘清,在分析新时期以来儿童文学研究的进展与不足的基础上,指出当下的大众传媒语境中儿童文学去向何方已成为无可回避的重要命题。由于儿童文学传播障碍的研究是一个具有跨学科性质的选题,各相关学科之间的对话与合作能解决仅凭单个学科难以解决的问题,因此,本研究将儿童文学置于文学、心理学、传播学等学科的交叉之点上从多学科角度对之进行透视。以归因理论作为基础理论和研究方法,以思辨研究和实证研究作为互相补充的研究手段,全面观照和深入解读儿童文学的传播过程,从积极角度出发对传播障碍进行专门研究并探寻减少障碍的路径就成为本研究的最终目标,也是最具创新意义之处。绪论中阐明了相关理论在本研究中将如何应用并根据理论指引推出了若干研究假设,以期在后面的研究中予以证实或证伪。第一章对儿童文学传播的总体状况进行描述与分析,并依据问卷调查结果呈现其传播过程中存在的障碍,指出儿童文学创作与出版表面繁荣的背后是传播的受阻。本章以儿童文学的典型受众——小学阶段的儿童为研究对象,从儿童、家长和教师三个角度调查分析小学生阅读儿童文学的情况,发现儿童文学阅读中存在的问题,呈现儿童文学传播过程中障碍存在的部位,并在其后的三章中分别从传播者与传播内容、传播中介与传播过程、受众的接受与反馈等几方面逐层分析儿童文学传播障碍产生的内因与外因。第二章指出,在儿童文学传播的链条中,起点是传播者与传播内容。对传播障碍进行归因研究,首先的一步就是到传播的起点去寻找原因。作为传播起点的作家及其文本创作,是决定着整个传播过程成败得失的第一个关键之点。其中,作家的创作观是文本的灵魂,决定了传播内容的立意、选材和文本建构,决定了传播内容是否受到消费者的欢迎;而文学形象独特性、文本艺术形式,则是作家创作观的具体体现。因此,从作家创作观、文学形象、结构艺术和文学话语等方面对当下儿童文学传播中存在的问题做深入细致的研究,是真正解决儿童文学传播障碍归因的重要一环。第三章针对传播过程中的障碍进行分析,指出市场导向下儿童文学出版的功能发生了位移,已从文化、教育媒介转变为商业机构,文化媒体的“把关”权力日益凸现,对作家创作的制导力量越来越突出。出版资源无序竞争、儿童文学编辑整体素质欠佳、“山寨”现象等出版“大跃进”问题成为儿童文学传播质量提升的阻碍。与此同时,语文教师儿童文学素养的不足、语文教材儿童文学选文的缺失、新课改要求与语文教师现状的矛盾以及作为“意见领袖”的家长的非科学引导等问题也是影响儿童文学传播的重要因素。第四章对于儿童文学传播的接受终端——儿童受众的接受与反馈进行了研究,指出儿童受众的接受是儿童文学创作的终极目标,也是儿童文学能否实现有效传播的关键之点。与此同时,我们还应认识到,儿童文学传播过程不是封闭的,而是开放的、循环的,儿童受众的反馈对于传播的整个过程至关重要,其本身已是传播过程中不可或缺的一环。本章以问卷调查和深度访谈等实证研究获得的数据和经验为依据,对于儿童文学接受和反馈过程中产生障碍的内因与外因进行了逐层解析。第五章针对前文所述儿童文学传播各环节存在的障碍及其根源,从文学生产、媒介组织、意见领袖和儿童接受四个方面探究实现顺畅传播的路径。本章提出了一系列减少障碍的构想:作为文学传播起点的作家关注传媒时代的儿童成长及其内在需求,构建自己的儿童文学观,在叙事方式和话语方式上大胆探索,追求文体和艺术形式的创新;作为传播中介的出版组织努力改变传统出版观念,建立立体化运作模式,追求更高审美选择,树立图书“品牌效应”,探求图书营销策略和发掘儿童文学自身市场潜力;作为“意见领袖”的教师和家长提高自身儿童文学素养,发挥积极引导作用;语文教育相关领导机构完善语文教材选文思路,落实和改进新课改要求。同时,为消减儿童文学接受与反馈环节的障碍,应努力为儿童打造良好的外部环境、进一步开发儿童自身阅读能力、畅通儿童反馈路径。只有从以上多个环节着手,才能减少儿童文学传播中的障碍,使儿童文学真正走向儿童,在传播中实现自身价值。余论以“传媒时代,儿童文学研究何为”为题,对于媒介时代,儿童文学研究如何拓宽理论视野,更新学术话语,使儿童文学理论批评重新走上儿童文学发展的前台并发挥建设性的作用进行了思考和展望,期待儿童文学研究不仅仅停留在文学研究或文化研究的“纯学术”范围,而是通过对儿童文化乃至与之相关的整个社会文化语境的思考和参与,实现对儿童文学的现实建设的努力。儿童文学理论批评应该敢于跳出“儿童文学”这个圈子,采用跨学科研究的方法,将研究对象置于当代传媒文化中去观照和审视,梳理与辩析。传媒与儿童文学是一个有着深远历史意义与现实关怀的命题,也是一个有着众多理论难点和言说障碍的艰难话题,这就注定这一话题的开放性和延展性。生长延展的传媒文化和儿童文学要求我们在对现实的密切关注中不断更新理论话语,对这一命题予以持久、延展性地探讨。

【Abstract】 In recent years,research on literature spread is being paid more and moreattention to in academic world. Comparing with prosperous media studies incontemporary literature,media studies of children’s literature appears to be relativelylag behind and quiet. With the rapid development of media industry, mass media, asthe power center of the modern culture, is surrounding children and children’sliterature with commercial awareness, consumption awareness and entertainmentawareness. The modern media, such as TVs, internet and mobile phones, catch theeyes of children with advantage of vivid images, virtual worlds, and participatory,interactive and vivid communication. On contrary, paper-based children’s literatureseems to be too“classical”and“elitist”. Behind the false prosperous phenomenon ofchildren’s literature creation and publication, there are restrictions in its spread.Children’s literature is facing tremendous tests and challenges. In the context of thisera, to investigate and analyze the attributions of various obstacles encountered in thespread of children’s literature so as to consider how to solve the problems, become animportant proposition that has epochal significance. This should be the key and chiefissue in the research of media and children literature, which will help the children’sliterature to find the development path to adapt the mass media era.The introduction analyzes the mass media’s dispelling to the traditional childrenand children literature, and clarify those three important concepts involved in theresearch: children literature, target audience and spread obstacles and analyzing theprogress and shortage of children’s literature since the new period, it also points outwhere the children’s literature will go in the context of that mass media becomes aninevitable important proposition. Research of spread obstacles of children’s literatureis a cross-disciplinary topic. Dialogue and cooperation between all relevant disciplinescan resolve difficult problems that cannot be resolved by single discipline. Therefore,this study put the children’s literature into the intersection of literature, psychologyand communication, to observe from the multi-disciplinary perspective. The researchuse Attribution theory as the basic theory and research means, use speculationresearch and empirical research as the research method, observe comprehensive reflection and in-depth interpretation of the spread of children’s literature. Theultimate goal of this research is that, starting from a positive attitude of specializedresearch on communication barriers to explore the paths to reduce these barriers, thisis also the most innovative idea of this research. Introduction explains how therelative theory applied and introduced a number of hypotheses, in the hope of prove ordisprove in the following study.In chapter 1, the author illustrates how to apply relevant theories in the researchand brings out a lot of research hypothesis based on theoretical guidance to confirm ordisprove them in the later research. Researches on the spread obstacles of children’sliterature is a cross-disciplinary topic, dialogue and cooperation between all relevantdisciplines can resolve problems that are impossible for single discipline researches.The research, placing children’s literature on the intersection of literature, psychology,communication and so on, put it in perspective from the multi-disciplinary point ofview. Therefore, this research takes attribution theory as the basic theory and researchmethod, Speculative research and empirical research as supplement, then takecomprehensive care of the process of children literature and do special research oncommunication obstacles from the positive angle, which will be the ultimate goal andthe most innovation significance of the research.The second chapter described and analyzed the overall situation of the spread ofchildren’s literature, rendered obstacles to its propagation according to the surveyresults, and point out that behind the presentation of prosperity of children’s literarycreation and publication, the truth is the blocked spread. The author adopted aquestionnaire to do the research, with the children in the primary school as thesubject. Then the author analyzed these materials, which are read by the children fromthe perspectives of teachers, students and parents, so as to discover the existingproblem in the children’s literature reading. In the following three chapters, the authoris trying to find the origin barriers of children’s literature dissemination from suchaspects as disseminator and content, intermediary and process, the feeling of readerand feedback and so on.In Chapter 3, the author point out that dissemination barriers are caused byfactors as the dilemma of the writers’idea, the lack of literature image uniqueness,deficiency of narrative creativity and the inadequacy of the literature languages. It is agood starting for the dissemination to try to eliminate the barriers. In Chapter 4, the author, in terms of the analysis of the dissemination barriers,found that the function of children’s literature has transformed from educational andcultural medium to business institution under the market—orientation. Therefore, thecultural medium played more and more an important role in examining these booksand set a lot of restricts for the writer. The good competition and the overall level ofthe edition of the children’s literature leave much desired. The phenomena of piratedbooks and the problem of“Big Leap”in publishment become the obstacles for theimprovement of the children literature. Meanwhile, the dissemination of children’sliterature had been effected by such factors as the lack of literature quality of Chineseteacher, the limit of textbooks for children, the conflict between the requirement of thenew course reform and the current situation of the teacher and the existing problem ofparents.In Chapter 5, the author conduct the research on the feeling of readers and thefeedback and put forward that the reception of the children is the ultimate goal and thekey issue whether the children’s literature disseminated effectively. Meanwhile, theprocess of children’s literature dispersion is open and recycled rather than closed. Thefeedback is critical to the process, for it was the indispensable elements in the process.This chapter based on the data from questionnaire and interview, and then the authorgave a detailed analysis of reasons of the barriers incurred by reception and feedback.In Chapter 6, as pointed out earlier, regards to the obstacles in the various aspectsof children’s literature spread and its origin, the author explored the path to reducebarriers and to achieve smooth propagation of children’s culture, from four aspectswhich are literary production, media organization, opinion leader and childrenreceive. This chapter pointed out that the writer, which is the start point of literaturespread, should pay more concern on children’s growth and its internal needs in thismass media era, build their own concept of children’s literature, and to make boldexplorations in term of innovative style and narrative mode; as the agent of culturespread, the publication organizations should strive to change the traditional publishingconcept, to establish comprehensive operation mode, to pursuit a higher aestheticchoice, to establish the "brand effect", to explore the book marketing strategies and toexplore children’s literature market potential; teachers and parents, as "opinionleaders", should raise their own children’s literature quality, to play an active role inguiding; educational government should improve the idea for choosing languageteaching materials, should implement and improve the new curriculum requirements. In the mean time, in order to eliminate the obstacle in acceptance and feedbackaspects children’s literature, efforts should be made to create a favorable externalenvironment for children, and to further develop the children’s own reading ability, tosmoothen the path for feedback from children. Proceeding with the above tasks, wecan reduce the obstacles to the spread of children’s literature, and children’s literaturecan be truly be the children’s, and to realize their own value in its spread.In Future Discussions,considering the barriers of the process, the authorprovided some suggestions and pointed out the current dilemma of the children’sliterature and dissemination. The author continue to present the idea how the newmedium offer the chance to the development and take full advantage of thenewly-space and dissemination carrier, strengthen the initiative of the reception ofchildren literature, conform the real context in the era of medium so that createecological literature reading environment and enhance the power of children’sliterature dissemination.Media and children’s literature are of profound historical significance and caringsubject and also a tough topic for theoretical difficulties and language barriers. All ofthese points give a open and large space for the topic. The medium culture andliterature require our attention on the constantly update theory and a long—standingdiscussion on the subject.
