

The Construction of Trustworthy Government the Perspective of Relationship between Social Capital and Government Trustworthiness

【作者】 龙海波

【导师】 范柏乃;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来,政府的形象与权力合法性在多维的网络社会中受到社会公众的普遍关注,世界范围内各国政府普遍遭遇了信任危机的挑战,使得信用政府建设也面临着严峻的考验。构建一个充满民主、活力、信任的信用政府是21世纪世界各国政府致力改善的行动目标。改革开放30多年来积累的经济财富和民主意识,使得社会资本的力量在中国蓬勃发展,各种形式的组织、社团与政府之间建立的合作关系支撑着整个社会的发展与进步。因此,信用政府的建构对于树立良好的公众形象、健全社会信用体系和提升政府公信力都具有十分强烈的现实意义。信用政府的建构问题正是在这样的复杂背景下纳入公众视野的,然而学者更多关注的是如何提升政府自身信用,很大程度上忽视了社会资本的因素。社会资本与政府信用的关系视角是研究信用政府建构的切入点。将西部地区的县级地方政府作为研究对象,采取理论演绎与实证分析相结合的方法,以社会资本与政府信用的关系为主线,以新的分析框架构建为逻辑起点,选取云南省县级地方政府作为调查样本进行了实证分析,并着重探讨了信用政府建构的实现路径。具体来说,通过回顾社会资本的嬗变和剖析政府信用的双重效应,从历史与现实的角度挖掘了转型时期县域社会资本的变迁历程,以及地方政府信用的形成机理与缺失内源,并以社会资本与政府信用的关系为切入点进行了信用政府建构的愿景分析与逻辑阐释,成为本研究一个重要的理论突破。在此基础上,以实地访谈和调查问卷的形式采集了129个县级区域的样本数据进行实证检验,综合运用描述性统计分析、单因素方差分析、验证性因子分析和结构方程模型等方法研究了二者之间的影响方式与作用机理,适时提出了社会资本关联性和政府信用传导性的观点,进而比较了信用政府建构的三种模式,最终形成二元协同发展的建构模式——社会资本与政府信用的相互促进,主要包括政治信任的凝聚、多元网络的融合和制度规范的约束。研究表明,信用政府的建构处在社会资本与政府信用之间,具有两个重要的特征,即“社会资本的恒定性”和“政府信用的共振性”。结构方程模型的数据拟合与修正结果也基本印证了西部地区县域空间中信用政府建构的内在关系,既体现了社会资本的内在关联,还凸显了政府信用的传导特性,主要得出以下四大结论:(1)以人为建构的正式规则已经逐渐在县域经济合作中崭露头角,然而,社会规范的正向作用始终依附于社会资本的其他结构要素;(2)西部地区县域空间网络规模充分凸显了组织信任的重要性,但是汲取网络资源的手段和实现路径却仍与人际信任有着较大关联性,信任关系纽带分别支撑着网络规模的扩张和网络资源吸取,而社会规范作为关系网络的行动准则与标尺,扮演着维护社会网络稳定性的功能角色;(3)政府能力的传导性是信用政府所表现的共性特征,不同之处在于传导路径的多少,它与外部区域的社会资本存量、结构有关,这是一种内在影响传导路径的制度因素;(4)政府能力的提升和政府公信的滑坡造成了政府信用内在结构的不协调,但是,内在非一致性特征却没有阻碍政府官员的政治晋升和县域经济社会发展,逐渐呈现出一种自我维系、自我协调的特有信用规则,这是压力型政府下特有的信用规则。

【Abstract】 For a long time, government image and legitimacy of power have received intensive public attention in the multi-dimensional network society. In the circumstance of worldwide trust crisis of government, the construction of trustworthy government is also facing a severe test. Building a trustworthy government is an improving operational target to all countries in the 21st century, including democracy, energy and trust. The economy wealth and democratic consciousness which were accumulated in the 30-year’s reform and opening up have caused the power of social capital to flourish in China. It is the partnership between the government and various forms of organizations as well as associations that supports the development and progress of the entire society. Therefore, constructing the trustworthy government has a very strong practical significance on establishing a good public image, social credit system and enhancing the credibility of the government. The issue of constructing the trustworthy government aroused the attention of public in such complex background, while what the public concerned most is not the social capital but how to improve the government’s own credit.The perspective of relationship between social capital and government trustworthiness is the point of penetration of this thesis to trustworthy government constructing. By means of reviewing the evolution of social capital and analyzing the dual effect on government trustworthiness, this thesis taps the changes of social capital in the transitional period of county’s history from the perspective of history and reality, and analyzes the formation mechanism of local government trustworthiness and the internal root of trustworthiness lacking. The most important theoretical breakthrough of this thesis is to elaborate the plan of trustworthy government constructing and logical description of penetration of the relationship between social capital and government trustworthiness. By field interviews and questionnaire, this thesis collected a sample of 129 county-level regional data for empirical analysis so as to study the effects and mechanism, and proposed the views such as relevance of social capital and government trustworthiness conductivity via using descriptive statistical analysis, ANOVA analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. On this basis, this thesis finally proposed the constructing model of binary coordinate development by a comparative analysis of three models of constructing the government credit. The aforementioned model, including coherence of political trust, integration of diversity network and constraint of system standards, is the mutual promotion between the social capital and government trustworthiness.The study indicates that constructing of trustworthy government between social capital and government trustworthiness. It has two important features:the constant of social capital and the resonance of government trustworthiness. Data fitting and amendment results have confirmed the intrinsic relationship of constructing of trustworthy government in the West Country space, which reflects not only inter-related social capital, but also conduction characteristics of government trustworthiness. There are four main conclusions as following:(1) Formal rules of the human-constructed have been gradually emerging in county cooperation and economic and social development. However, the positive role of social norms is also dependent on other structural elements of social capital.(2) The size of network highlights the importance of organizational trust in the western region, but the means of assimilating network resources and implementing path have more relationships with interpersonal trust. Trust ties have respectively supported the network expansion and network resources drain. Social norms play a functional role in the stability of social networks, which serve as guidelines for action and scale.(3) The conductivity of the government capacity is the common feature of the trustworthy government, and the difference is about how many of transmission paths there are. It relates to the social capital stock and structure at external area and it is also a system factor which has an inner influence on the transmission path.(4) The development of government’s capacity and the erosion of public trust in government cause the internal structure in coordination of government trustworthiness, but the internal inconsistency do not hinder the political promotion of government officials and the development of society and economy at county level, which has shown a special credit rule of self-support and self-coordination, and this is the special credit rule of "pressurization government".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期