

【作者】 方广宇

【导师】 郑召利;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 G.A.柯亨(G. A. Cohen)是当代享誉西方的左翼政治哲学家,同时也是分析马克思主义学派的奠基人和社会主义平等主义的斗士。他自幼出生在信奉马克思主义的家庭之中。关于平等和未来美好社会的憧憬一直激励着柯亨在理论和实践上的探索。本文意在立足于马克思主义哲学和政治哲学的双重视野对柯亨的平等主义思想进行剖析和评判。柯亨的平等主义思想的形成与其马克思主义哲学的背景是密不可分的。柯亨在早期学术生涯中着重于对马克思的历史唯物主义的学术研究,正是基于此,后期转向以平等为核心的政治哲学研究。他的平等主义思想尤其体现在与两位当代最重要的政治哲学家罗尔斯和诺齐克的争论之中。本文一方面着力分析柯亨的平等主义思想与马克思主义思想的渊源,另一方面力图在还原柯亨与当代著名政治学家争论的基础上,清晰地展现出柯亨独树一帜的以平等为核心的政治哲学体系。柯亨的意义在我看来也正是在以下两个方面,一方面他确立了社会主义的平等在当今政治哲学领域中的地位,另一方面他也为马克思主义在当今的发展尝试一个新的方向。本文以柯亨学术后期的政治哲学著作为基本文献;以其所提倡的平等理念为基本线索;以文本解读和思想史解读相统一、思想史与现实背景相统一的方法为基本的研究方法。本文各章的主要内容分别是:前言部分主要介绍了本文的选题缘由和意义、国内外研究柯亨现状分析以及本文的基本思路和创新点等内容。第一章主要围绕柯亨平等主义思想的理论渊源及其学术转向展开。本章一方面通过对柯亨研究路向的梳理为柯亨的平等主义思想研究和理论探讨提供一个思想背景和时代背景。重在通过思想背景的阐述来探讨柯亨自身学术研究从为历史唯物主义辩护到政治哲学、道德哲学的转化。本章另一方面还介绍了柯亨的方法论。借以达到突出柯亨学术坐标,明确柯亨研究方法之目的。第二章主要探讨了柯亨对马克思主义平等思想的评析。本章一方面力图弄清楚马克思主义到底有无平等思想,进而探讨平等在马克思主义那里究竟意味着什么。另一方面探讨柯亨针对于马克思主义平等思想的分析和评价。第三章主要探讨柯亨对以诺齐克代表的自由意志主义的核心-自我所有原则的批判。诺齐克无疑在柯亨平等主义思想的形成过程中起到了重要的影响作用。柯亨自己曾经说过,是诺齐克,使其从社会主义的麻木中惊醒过来。在柯亨看来,自我所有原则是自由意志主义的核心原则,柯亨对自由意志主义的批判始终围绕着该原则而展开。本章力图在自我所有原则的这个框架内,展现诺齐克与柯亨的争辩。第四章主要探讨了柯亨除了从批判自我所有原则中确立平等之外的另一种理论努力。即从罗尔斯的自由主义命题中拯救出正义和平等。在柯亨看来,罗尔斯的以差别原则为代表的自由主义命题并未确保罗尔斯意义上的“正义的不平等”的正当性,同时也没有证明基于激励的不平等是正义社会的特征。而柯亨正是要从上述批判中,确立其自身的平等主义思想。第五章主要对柯亨的平等主义思想加以整体上的梳理。主要彰显柯亨的“可及优势平等”的思想,并在此基础上试图对柯亨的平等主义进行评价,从而明确指出柯亨思想的重要意义在于为了论证社会主义的优越性。同时试图站在马克思主义的立场对柯亨的平等主义思想进行批判,力求言之凿凿,切忌空穴来风。本文的理论成果表现在:对柯亨以平等主义思想为代表的政治哲学进行了专门探讨,揭示了柯亨平等主义思想的独特性,并且沟通了柯亨早期为历史唯物主义辩护和后期对政治哲学探讨的思想关联;本文还揭示了柯亨平等主义思想的目的是为了进一步回到马克思主义所确立的目标上来。这样的努力彰显了柯亨这个深受马克思主义思想影响的政治哲学家的追求和信仰。

【Abstract】 G.A.Cohen is not only a renowned contemporary Western left-wing political philosopher,but also the founder of Analytical Marxism School. He was born in the atmosphere of Marxist belief in his childhood.The vision of social equality and better future has inspired Cohen in the exploration of theory and practice.This article is intended to be based on the dual perspective of Marxist Philosophy and Political Philosophy to analyze and judge Cohen’s equalitarianism. Cohen’s equalitarianism and its background of Marxist philosophy are inseparable. Cohen’s early academic career focused on Marx’s historical materialism. Cohen later shift to equality as the core of political philosophy.His equalitarianism was particularly reflected in the debate with the two most important political philosopher,John Rawls and Robert Nozick. This article focus on the analysis of Cohen’s equalitarianism and the origins of Marxist Philosophy on the one hand,and clearly try to show Cohen’s unique equality as the core of his political philosophy on the other hand.In my opinion,Cohen established the position of socialist equality in political philosophy on the one hand,and found a new direction in the development of Marxism on the other hand.In this article,I take Cohen’s later works as the basic resource. The basic clue is his concept of equality.This article combines the reading of texts with the history of the thoughts. The basic method is to combine the history of the thoughts with the background.The main content is as follows,Introduction introduces Cohen’s approach which provides the background of the thoughts and ages for Cohen’s egalitarianism.It also introduces the shift from defending historical materialism to studying political philosophy and moral philosophy.Chapter I introduces Cohen’s academic shift and its methodology. It is in order to establish the position of Cohen and make clear the purpose of Cohen’s methods.It is also about the political philosophy of equality before Cohen. The Chapter establishes the connotation and extension of political philosophy.and thus further analyses a series of philosophers before Cohen’s research on equality. In this chapter, the above study is based on the time. In this article, this section also insists on the subsection which are the ancient philosophy, the modern philosophy and the Chapter II discusses the main idea of equality in Marxism. This chapter on the one hand tries to make clear whether the idea of equality in Marxism exists, and then discuss what the equality means in Marxism. On the other hand,the chapter introduces Cohen’s view about the equality of Marxism.Chapter III focuses on the Cohen’s criticism of the self-ownership in libertarism philosophy(such as Robert Nozick). Nozick is no doubt important in the formation of Cohen’s egalitarianism.Cohen himself once said,it was Nozick who takes him out of the socialism.In Cohen’s view, self-ownership is the core principle of libertarism.Cohen’s critique of libertarism has always revolved around the principle. This chapter seeks self-ownership to show Nozick and Cohen’s debate.Chapter IV focuses on Cohen’s another academic efforts.Cohen tries to rescue justice and equlity from Rawls’s liberal proposition. In Cohen’s view. Rawls’s difference principle does not justify the inequality.And it also does not prove the inequalities based on justice and social incentives justified. And Cohen bases on the above criticism to establish his egalitarianism.The main ideas of Chapter V is Cohen’s egalitarianism in a whole such as " equal access to advantage". From the view,I attempt to figure out Cohen’s evaluation and criticism. I figure out Cohen’s thinking in that sense is to demonstrate the superiority of socialism while I stand in the position of the Marxist philosophy.This article’s theoretical achievement is as follows:I dicuss Cohen’s egalitarianism and reveal the unique nature of his egalitarianism,I combine the former and later views of Cohen.The article also reveals the purpose of Cohen’s egalitarianism.He returns to Marx in order to achieve his goals. This effort demonstrates a deeply ideological influence of Marxism in the pursuit of political philosophers and beliefs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】D09
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】618