

Research of the Promotion and Formation about International Competitiveness of China’s Tea

【作者】 李清光

【导师】 李晓钟; 周惠明;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 食品贸易与文化, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 茶叶是我国传统的农产品,茶叶的种植、加工和出口具有悠久的历史。茶叶产品也是我国出口创汇的主要产品之一。2010年,世界茶叶生产总量为406.7万吨,我国以145万吨的产量位居世界第一位,出口茶叶30.24万吨,仅次于肯尼亚,排名世界第二位。作为长期的茶叶生产和出口大国,中国茶叶的自然资源禀赋优势和传统技术优势在一定的历史时期起着非常重要的作用。而随着国际贸易的发展,相比于一些英国、德国等非产茶国在茶叶生产加工和出口方面的较好收益,如立顿等国际品牌取得的良好效应,中国茶叶传统的比较优势在国际竞争中并未发挥出其应有的作用,茶叶出口多为原料性产品,附加值较少,以较低层次的价格竞争为主,出口价格平均每公斤仅为2美元左右。以2010年同期相比,为产茶国印度的0.81倍,斯里兰卡的0.59倍,肯尼亚的0.92倍,是非产茶国英国茶叶出口价格的0.24倍,未能充分获取比较利益。在一定的空间内,比较优势尚未转化为竞争优势,中国茶叶产业亟待从追求规模数量增长向追求质量效益转型升级。在目前的时代背景和茶叶生产与贸易格局下,如何客观系统地评价中国茶叶国际竞争力的现实情况?影响茶叶比较优势向竞争优势的转化的核心因素和催化条件是什么?能否将经济学研究发现的理论问题通过自然科学予以在技术手段上解决从而实现研究的现实意义?这是本文力求探讨和尝试的问题。本文综合运用产业经济学理论、国际贸易理论等经济学原理,茶叶生产加工、化学分析和计算机模式识别等技术进行研究。在社会科学理论分析和模型实证方面,大量搜集相关数据、信息资料的基础上,采取定性研究和定量研究相结合、实证研究与规范研究相结合以及抽象分析、比较分析的方法,对我国茶叶的生产、贸易等比较优势和竞争力进行了系统研究。在自然科学研究归纳和实验技术层面,利用ICP光谱仪检测茶叶矿质元素含量并通过支持向量机进行分析,构建茶叶品种与产地识别方法。本文的主要研究是:在第一章导论部分,首先提出了研究问题,阐明了研究的目的和意义,分层级回顾及评述了国内外茶叶国际竞争力研究进展,说明了研究思路、方法与框架,最后介绍了本研究的创新点。第二章分析了世界和中国茶叶的生产现状和贸易格局,分析了世界茶叶生产的主要地区和世界重要的茶叶进出口贸易国和地区.说明了世界茶叶的生产和贸易主要特征,阐明了中国在世界主要茶叶生产和贸易中的地位。第三章在前人的理论基础之上提出依托和发挥茶叶国际竞争力形成与提升的基础要素—资源禀赋,在现有比较优势基础之上实现比较利益的增进;通过茶叶国际竞争力形成与提升的重要途径—技术创新,实现茶叶产品的质量和科技含量的提高;发挥茶叶国际竞争力形成与提升的关键条件—市场营销,在终端环节提高市场占有率并获取更多的比较利益,实现比较利益的可持续增进。第四章在与茶叶资源禀赋高的生产国和发达国家如英国、德国非产茶国的比较基础上,通过对显示性比较优势、净出口指数和产业内贸易指数的计算和比较分析,并细化了分析对象,针对我国不同包装茶叶比较优势和国际竞争力进行了深入分析,得出绿茶仍然是中国最具有竞争优势的茶叶类别。同时,中国红茶长期缺乏竞争优势,出口大包装红茶大多作为深加工原料;中国大包装茶叶的显示性比较优势指数、贸易竞争力指数和国际市场占有率等指标都优于小包装茶叶;英国、德国等非产茶国进口大包装茶叶,经过深加工后出口小包装茶叶,通过增加茶叶附加值获取了更高的比较利益。第五章从从我国茶叶资源禀赋的分析入手,研究了基于标准化生产对于促进我国茶叶出口数量,提高茶叶出口价格,获取更多比较利益的作用。利用引力模型从实证角度分析了能够发挥我国茶叶资源禀赋优势的地理标志产品在茶叶出口贸易中应对技术性贸易措施的作用,在研究和综述前人研究成果的基础上,进一步利用自然科学的化学分析技术结合计算机模式识别,进行了茶叶品种与产地识别技术的实验,并对该识别技术的推广应用进行了模式构建。第六章从科学技术对茶叶茶叶贡献的宏观分析入手,进一步通过构建模型分析了我国茶叶的知识创新和技术创新对中国茶叶贸易的影响,得出中国的茶叶实外专利(实用新型与外观专利之和)、发明专利和学术文献对中国茶叶对日出口贸易有正向的促进作用,并且实外专利大于学术文献,学术文献大于发明专利,但是随着时间的推移,学术文献和发明专利的相对作用依次增强。第七章从市场营销角度,比较分析了中外茶叶营销理念和营销渠道,并基于联合利华立顿进行了案例分析,针对出口中的营销主体,运用协整检验、误差修正模型及脉冲响应函数等方法,分析了我国取消茶叶出口配额和许可证管理后,不同性质出口企业的茶叶出口价格和我国茶叶出口平均价格之间的动态关系。对影响我国茶叶国际市场势力进行了分析,从动态角度评价和分析了我国茶叶在主要进口国市场中同竞争对手国的市场势力现状和我国茶叶在比较利益获取方面存在的问题。得出较高的市场份额有利于中国茶叶市场势力的构建,较低的成本优势有利于中国茶叶市场势力的构建,国内较低的市场集中度导致较高的市场势力与较低的市场单价同时存在等结论。第八章在前面章节对我国茶叶比较优势现状和国际竞争力分析的基础上,对如何发挥茶叶的生产和贸易比较优势,提升国际市场竞争力,促进茶叶可持续发展提出政策建议。

【Abstract】 Tea is our traditional agricultural products, the planting, processing and export of tea have a long history. Tea product is also one of the main export products in China. In 2010, the total volume of global tea production is 4.067 million tons, in which China ranking first with the production of 1.45 million tons. As for the export volume, China is second only to Kenya, which export 302.4 thousand tons. As a long-term major tea producer and exporter, natural resource endowment and traditional technology are the two advantages that played a very important role in a certain historical period. However, with the development of international trade,some non-tea-production countries, like UK and Germany, have better income on tea processing and export, some international brands, taking Lipton Tea for example, obtain good effect. By contrast, Chinese tea, with more productions of raw materials and low-price in competition, loses its traditional advantage, for example, compared to the same period in 2010, the average export price of Chinese tea is only $2 per kg, 0.81 times of tea-production India, 0.59 times of Sri Lanka, 0.92 times of Kenya, 0.24 times of UK.In certain space, in order to change comparative advantage to competitive advantage, Chinese tea industry needs upgrade from the pursuit of quantity and scale to the pursuit of quality and efficiency. Under the current era background and tea production and trade pattern, how to evaluate the reality of Chinese tea international competitiveness objectively? What are the core factors and catalytic conditions that affect the change from comparative advantage to competitive advantage? Whether the theories found in economics study can be applied, via natural science, into techniques to realize the realistic significance of the study? Those are the questions that the paper tries to investigate and explore.Economics, International Trade, Theory of comparative advantage, The Theory of Competitive Advantage and Tea Production and Processing, chemical analysis and Computer pattern recognition are comprehensively applied in this paper. In social science theory analysis and empirical level, on the basis of large relative data and information materials, this paper, adopting the way of combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, empirical research with normative research, and also adopting the method of abstract analysis and comparative analysis, systematically studied the comparative advantage and competence in Chinese tea production and trade. In natural science research summary and experiment technology level, the mineral elements in tea is detected by ICP-OES and analyzed by Support Vector Machine to construct tea varieties and origin recognition method.This paper contains nine chapters. The first chapter, the introduction, firstly puts forward the research questions, illustrates the purpose and significance of the study, reviews the research progress on tea international competitiveness at different levels, declares the research idea, method and framework, and finally introduces the innovative points of this paper.The second chapter analyzes the production status and trade patterns in China and other countries, and the main areas of tea production and the important tea import and export trade countries and areas in the world, illustrates the main features of tea production and trade and the Chinese status in the tea production and trade in the world. The third chapter, on the basis of previous theories, puts forward three ways to improve Chinese tea: first, comparative advantage should be improved by the use of resources endowment, the basic elements in forming and promoting the international competitiveness; second, the quality and the technology content of tea production should be improved by technological innovation, an important way to form and promote the international competitiveness; third, sustainable increase of comparative advantage should be realized by increasing market share in the terminal link and obtaining more comparative advantage during marketing, a critical condition for forming and promoting the international competitiveness.The fourth chapter compares China with the countries abound in tea resources endowment and non-tea-production countries such as UK and Germany by analyzing RCA, TCI and the IMS. Through analyzing the index of the teas in different packaging in China, a conclusion is drawn that green tea is still the most competitive of all the varieties, that the black tea has no comparative edges for long, the large sized tea is usually used for further processing, and that the dominant comparative edge index, trade competitiveness index and international market share of large sized teas are all lower than those of small sized ones.Non-tea-production countries like UK and Germany import and further process large sized tea to produce and export small sized tea, during which higher value is added The fifth chapter analyzes the resource endowment of tea in China, based on Technology standard,studies the effect for the promotion of China’s tea export volume, increasing of export price of tea, and the role of get more comparative advantage.uses the gravity model to analyze the effect that products of geographical indication with the advantage of Chinese resource endowment of tea have on the technical measures to trade in tea export, and further utilizes the chemical analyzing technology together with computer pattern recognition technology to conduct innovative research on tea breads and places of origin recognition technology.The sixth chapter starts from the macro-analysis of the contribution Science & Technology made to the tea trade, and then further analyzes the impact of knowledge and technology innovation upon Chinese tea trade, and finally draws the conclusions that the patent of utility model and appearance, the patent of invention, and the academic literatures are benefitial for Chinese tea exports to Japan, and the impact of the patent of utility model and appearance is greater than that of academic literatures, which is still greater than that of the patent of invention. However, the impacts of academic literatures and patent of invention grow faster with time.The seventh chapter is based on marketing, makes a comparative analysis of tea marketing ideas and marketing channels, and Unilever Lipton is based on case studies, the relationship between export enterprise and export price of Tea were analyzed by cointegration test, error correction model and impulse response function after the abolition of export quota and license management of tea. The results indicated that private enterprise made a great contribution to the increase of the average export price of China’s tea. analyses the elements that impact Chinese tea’s international market power, and evaluate from a dynamic perspective, the problems China’s tea faces when confronting with other tea export competitors in profit obtaining, and then draws the conclusions that higher market share, lower cost are beneficial for the market power building of Chinese tea, and that the lower market concentration contributes to the coexistence of high market power and low unit price.The eighth chapter raises constructive suggestions about how to utilize the production and trade comparative advantages of tea, and how to improve its competitiveness in the international market and promote its sustainable development, on the basis of previous chapters about the comparative advantages and international competitiveness of China’s tea.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】F426.82;F326.12;F752.62
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】3985
  • 攻读期成果