

The Research on Legal Personality of the Laborer

【作者】 李斌峰

【导师】 王全兴;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 经济法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 劳动者法律人格是劳动法的逻辑原点,也是价值原点,其所蕴含的伦理价值是劳动法体系建构和实施的目的所在。长期以来,劳动法领域对劳动者的研究更多地侧重于实践特性,工具主义的立场导致法律论证和政策分析难以区分,法的伦理价值难以清晰地体现,法律的权威性也逐渐消弱,而现实的后果就是劳动者主体客体化或者说劳动者人格的“物化”,富士康“十二连跳事件”就是一个真实的缩影。劳动法意义上的劳动者是始于近代工业文明兴起后的工资劳动者或雇佣劳动者。从法哲学的角度来看,劳动者是自由意志在“客观性阶段”经“选择”后的定在形态,“劳动者”就是这个意志的“规定性”。劳动者“有限的自由意志”通过伦理精神把握自己的本质走向“单一的自由意志”,实现真实的自由,这种伦理精神就是劳动伦理,劳动者只有置于劳动伦理中才能上升到“劳动者人格”,才能超越有限性和规定性,实现现实的、具体的自由。劳动不能简单地理解为劳动力的使用或消费,劳动更是人的存在和实现方式,揭示了人是否自由以及在何种程度上自由,与劳动者的人格价值和自由发展紧密相连。劳动者人格与劳动力只能实现逻辑上的分离,而无法现实分离。劳动力商品化的极端演绎将导致劳动的异化或劳动者的“物化”,在劳动法领域就是劳动者主体性的缺失。劳动法律关系的客体不是劳动力,而是隐藏着劳动者人格价值的劳动给付。劳动法律关系也不仅仅是财产价值的交换关系,还是基于劳动伦理之上的雇主与劳动者之间的人格信用关系。劳动伦理的实在层面就是“体面劳动”,贯穿于劳动关系的各个方面,是指导性原则。源于自然法层面劳动者人格与劳动伦理的统一,体面劳动与作为实在法层面的劳动者法律人格具有契合性,其价值目的就是劳动者。劳动法领域的劳动者法律人格不是区分主体的法技术工具,而是蕴含有劳动伦理精神的伦理型人格。劳动者法律人格的界定应更多地进行价值上的判断,而非囿于作为工具的法技术或形式推演,对其界定宜采取直接模式,建立以劳动者为价值目的的弹性认定标准,即在判断当事人是否为劳动法上的劳动者时,要对照劳动法的目的,即劳动者价值目的性,判断该当事人是否应该被认为是“劳动者”以及是否应该受到保护,在此前提下,确立劳动者法律人格的具体判断标准。劳动者的具体判断标准包括“自然属性”和“法律属性”,前者指年龄、健康和智力;后者主要指“人格从属性”和“经济从属性”。“人格从属性”作为一般劳动者的判断标准,“经济从属性”作为非常态下劳动者的判断标准。劳动者人格价值的权利形态就是劳动尊严权。劳动尊严权不同于民法上的人格权,有其自身的独立性,是兼具积极性和消极性、绝对性和相对性的权利。劳动尊严权具有开放性和发展性,分为劳动就业权、劳动保护权和劳动发展权,上述权利还可以衍生出一系列子权利。雇主的义务不仅仅来源于劳动合同,也来源于劳动伦理精神。雇主的保护义务不能置于劳动合同附随义务的地位,其法律效力应该高于劳动者作为主给付义务的劳动给付,可作为劳动者主给付义务之抗辩。在实体立法设计上,保障并实现劳动者体面劳动应该作为劳动法的基本原则或指导原则。在此原则下,确立劳动者职业尊重权、工作场所隐私权、反对职场性骚扰的权利等具体的权利形态。通过在劳动基准法中增加职业心理安全卫生标准,重构劳动保障监察内容,坚持劳动规章程序性审查和实质性审查并重,实行举证责任倒置等手段,建立劳动者人格利益的全面保护机制。

【Abstract】 The legal personality of the laborer is the logical starting point in labor law, but also the value of the origin.The ethical values inherent in legal personality of the laborer is the purpose of labor law system construction and implementation. For a long time ,the research on laborer in the field of labor law focuses on its practical characteristics,Instrumentalism gradually destroyed formalism of human reson ration, Which led to difficult distinguishment between legal analysis and policy analysis, uncleat refection of the ethical values of labor law and gradual weakness of the authority of law,and led to the materialization of laborer personality as consequences of reality .“The twelve consecutive jumping events”in Foxconn is a true miniature.The employer or the wage worker after the rise of modern industrial civilization is the earliest manifestation of the laborer on labor law. The laborer is the manifestation selected by free will in“objectivity stage”.“the laborer”is the prescription of free will.and the laborer’s“limited free will”steps up to“the single free will”through ethical spirit, and achieves true freedom, this ethical spirit is the laobor ethics. The laborer realizes his essence of hunman through labor ehics,and gets real freedom.Only the laborer that exists in the labor ethics is free and real.and abandons its limits and prescriptions. I think that the labor in labor law has not only economic significance, but more significance of ethical values.Labor can not be simply understood as the use of labor or consumption, Labor is the form of man’s existence and implementation. Labour reveals Whether freedom and what extent to the freedom of hunman. Labor is closely connected with the personality value and freedom of value. The separation between the labor personality and the labor force is only logical,but not real. The idea of the labor force is easily lead to the "materialized"laborer.The object of labor legal relations is not labor force, but Payment of labor that contains a laborer’s ethics .Labour legal relations is not only the exchange of the property, but also credit relationship of personality beteen the labot and the employer.“decent work”is the positive content of the labor ethics,which is the guiding principle of labor relations.Because of the unity of labor ehics and the personality of laborer in natural law,the principle of“decent work”is unified with the legal personality in postive law. The value of the laborer is the purpose of labor law. The definition of legal personality of the laborer should be more on the value judgments, rather than relying on deducing by legal technology.The standard of definiton of laborer,which taking the value of laborer personality as the purpose,should be flexible by means of the direct model.When we judge whether a man is the laborer in labor law,we should determine whether the man should be considered“the legal personality of laborer”and should be protected in accordance with the purpose of labor law, On this basis,we establish the specific criteria for judging the legal personality of laborer.The criterion of identification is composed of“the natural property”that including age, health and intelligence,and“the lawful property”that including the“personalitical subordination”that is the general criterion of laborer, and“economic subordination”that is the criterion of irregular laborer.According to the ethical principles of decent work, the paper proposes the concept of“the right to the dignity of labor”,which is the right form of the value of laborer personality, both positive and negative. From the right content,“the right to the dignity of labor”, as a special kind of personality right, is absolute but also relative. moreover,“the right to the dignity of labor”includs“the right to employment”,“the right to protection”and“the right to development,”that deriving a series of child rights. Employer’s obligation is not only from the labor contract, but also from the labor ethic,so the employer’s obligation to protect the laborer is not the accompanying obligation of labor contract.In the designation of rules, the princple of“decent work”should be seen as the fundamental principles of labor law or guidelines.We should identify the spcific rights of the laborer, such as“the right to professional respct”,“the right to workplace privacy”,“the right against workplace sexual harassment”, etc.By means of adding professional psychological health standards in labor standards act, reconstructing the contents of labor security supervision, reviewing the labor regulations both procedural and substantive,reversing burden of proof etc.we should establish a comprehensive protection mechanism for protecting personality interest of the laborer.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期