

Study on Register Center Cluster Construction for Grid Geospatial Information Service

【作者】 刘嵘

【导师】 王家耀; 徐青;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 网格地理信息服务是地理信息服务在网格环境下的拓展,它进一步提升了地理信息资源共享和协同的理念,旨在实现网格环境下空间信息相关的所有资源(如计算资源、存储资源、通信资源、GIS软件资源、GIS数据资源、空间知识资源等)全面集成、共享、管理和协同。然而,网格地理信息服务的动态性、多样性和区域自主性等特点,给服务管理带来极大的困难,已成为网格地理信息服务真正走向应用的瓶颈。服务注册中心是网格系统中进行服务资源管理的核心部件,其主要功能是为服务的共享与协同管理提供有效平台。为适应网格规模大,结构复杂的特点,在大型的网格应用中,通常采用分布式注册中心来管理服务资源。本文研究了集群式网格地理信息服务注册中心(RCC-GGIS)的相关理论与方法,论文的主要工作与创新点包括:1、在比较已有网格地理信息服务注册中心实现技术的基础上,明确了集群式网格地理信息服务注册中心的主要应用需求及研究的内容。2、从发展、功能和内涵三个角度分析和比较了网格服务与网络服务的关系和差异,提出了广义网格地理信息服务与狭义网格地理信息服务的概念与内涵。3、在综合分析了当前已有地理信息服务分类体系特点与不足的基础上,提出了顾及网格应用的地理信息服务分类体系,并形成了网格地理信息服务的元数据描述方案。4、阐明了地理信息服务静态虚拟组织和动态虚拟组织的概念和划分方法,在此基础上,提出了集群式网格地理信息服务注册中心RCC-GGIS的概念,设计了RCC-GGIS的结构框架和目录数据库体系结构。5、阐述了RCC-GGIS中服务注册与发布的流程,构建了基于用户偏好的多维地理信息服务质量评价模型,从局部搜索和全局搜索两个方面出发研究了网格地理信息服务的搜索方法。6、研究了网格地理信息服务生命周期管理问题,实现了集群式网格地理信息服务注册中心的用户管理、负载均衡以及容错处理。7、建立了集群式网格地理信息服务注册中心原型系统,在国家863重大项目的示范应用系统中得到了初步应用。

【Abstract】 Grid geographic information service (GGIS) is the extension of geographic information service under grid environment, which upgrades the share and cooperation for geographic information resource. The purpose of GGIS is to realize the integration, share, administration and cooperation of whole resources (computing resources, storage resources, communication resources, GIS software resources, GIS data resources, spatial knowledge resources, etc.) about spatial information under grid environment. But the dynamic, various and regionally independent characters of GGIS bring great difficulty to service administration, which becomes the bottleneck of GGIS application. Service register center is the core component of grid system, which supplies effective platform for share and cooperation of services. To fit the mass and complicated character of grid, distributed register center is usually used to administer service resources in large-scale grid application.The paper discusses the theory and approach of register center cluster for grid geospatial information service. Main works and innovations include:(1) On the basic of comparing with the technologies of current register center for grid geospatial information service, the main application needs and research contents were brought forward definitely.(2) This paper analyzed the relationship and difference of grid service and web service in the three aspects of development, function and connotation, and proposed the conception and connotation of generalized and specialized grid geospatial information service.(3) On the basic of analyzing the character and shortage of current geospatial information service classification system, grid geospatial information service classification system considering application was proposed and built.(4) Based on the conception and dividing method of static and dynamic virtual organization of geospatial information service, the conception of RCC-GGIS was proposed, and then RCC-GGIS frame and catalog database architecture were designed.(5) The process of service registration and publication was discussed, and multi-QoS model of geographical information service based on user preference was built. Then local search and global search methods were studied about grid geographic information service search.(6) The life cycle management problem about grid geographic information service was studied, and user management and load-balance and fault-tolerant in RCC-GGIS were realized.(7) The prototype system of RCC-GGIS was built, and preliminary application achieved in the state 863 important demonstration application system.
