

Research on Web Map Usability Engineering

【作者】 李响

【导师】 华一新;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 伴随着互联网渐渐变为“日用品”,网络地图也越来越流行。但是在这一场互联网的变革中,网络地图领军的旗手并不是传统的地理信息系统企业(ESRI、MapInfo、超图等),而是互联网巨头(Google、微软和百度)。在技术的变革中,为什么我们会失去原本擅长的领域呢?这样的困惑确实值得每个地图学家为之反思。本文认为至少有以下两点原因:1、搜索的弱势:网络地图需要以地图为平台,搜索整个互联网,为用户提供某一领域全面和深入的信息;2、可用性不强:长期以来,地理信息系统被认为是一种复杂的专业系统,面对的是具备一定专业技能的技术人员,而网络地图面向的对象是普通网民。“可用性不强,没有良好的用户体验”将会筑起无形的高墙,将大部分网民拒之门外。“搜索的弱势”属于先天的不足,而“可用性不强”则属于后天的漠视。改变我们能够改变的。为此本文以改善目前网络地图产品可用性为目标,展开了以下六个方面的研究工作:1、虽然地图可用性研究是伴随着网络流行而兴起的,但是与地图可用性类似的研究,地图应用研究(Map Use Research)早已存在。本文系统总结了从地图应用研究到地图可用性研究的形成与发展过程,并在此基础上构建了地图可用性研究的科学体系结构,对当前的研究现状与存在的主要问题进行了分析;同时也明确了本文的研究内容在整个地图可用性研究中所处的位置。2、构建了网络地图可用性工程的研究框架。本文将一个完备的网络地图可用性团队划分为团队领导者、交互设计师、视觉设计师、地图设计师、用户界面工程师、用户研究者和可用性专家七个角色,并且系统地研究了这些角色如何参与网络地图从设计到实现的整个过程,建立了网络地图可用性工程框架的五层模型图和九阶段研发过程模型。同时本文研究了网络地图可用性工程最为核心的数据分析与处理方法。网络地图可用性工程框架研究是全文的纲领,随后的研究内容均围绕着可用性团队某一个或者某几个角色展开。3、网络地图用户研究方法和实践是围绕用户研究者和可用性专家两个角色展开的。首先对现有的用户研究方法进行了分析,认为现有的用户研究方法最大问题是成本和样本数量就如鱼和熊掌一样无法兼得。在此基础上本文引入了Web分析方法,提出了一种将Web分析工具和传统用户研究融合的方法(WA&TUR)来进行用户研究。通过Web分析工具、市场研究报告、问卷调查和用户测试四种途径来收集数据,并对其进行分析和挖掘,从而得出了中国网络地图用户性别、年龄、学历等特征和行为习惯。4、网络地图可用性问题发现方法是围绕可用性专家角色展开的。该方法的核心思想为两点:(1)可用性问题发现只需要进行小成本甚至是零成本的多次迭代的可用性测试。这些测试最重要的目的不是判断方案A比方案B优秀,而是坚定个人的判断;(2)发现的可用性问题必须有效,即发现的可用性问题必须能有助于改进设计,无助于改进设计的可用性问题发现不能称之为真正的可用性问题发现。在以上核心思想的指导下,以改进注记设计为例探讨了该方法在可用性问题发现实践中的可行性和有效性。5、网络地图可用性问题度量方法和实践同样是围绕可用性专家角色展开的。首先讨论了实验设计的方法。然后通过实验评估了三种不同组合的缩放和漫游操作方式的可用性,并对实验结果数据应用数理统计方法和可用性度量方法进行了分析。最后实验分析结果表明以鼠标滑轮进行缩放,拖拽进行漫游的方式可用性最好。但是三种缩放和漫游组合方式在绩效上并不存在显著性差异,而只是在主观满意度上有显著性差异。6、基于模式语言的原型系统设计方法是围绕交互设计师、视觉设计师和用户界面工程师三个角色展开的。传统设计方法的最大问题在于好的设计方案无法复用。本文提出了一种基于模式语言的原型系统设计方法能够很好地解决复用的问题。在本文的原型系统设计方法的指导下,由一名学生开发的世博会信息地图服务发布平台获得了2010年Esri中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛.应用开发组鼓励奖,作者本人也获得了2010年Esri中国大学生GIS软件开发竞赛优秀指导教师奖。证明了其方法的可行性和先进性。

【Abstract】 With the Internet getting into one of everyday things, web map is becoming more and more popular. However, in this change of Internet, the leader is not the traditional GIS company (ESRI, MapInfo, SuperMap, tec.), but Internet giant (Google, Microsoft and Baidu). Why we lost our areas in this change? This confusion is indeed worthy of reflection by every cartographer. In this paper, I think there are two following reasons:1. The disadvantage of the searching. Map is needed as a platform for web map to search the whole Internet content and provide comprehensive and in-depth information for users.2. Usability is not so good. For a long time, GIS is regarded as a very complicated professional system, facing with the persons who have some specialty. However, the persons who use web map are just ordinary Internet common users. If the usability and user experience are not good, there is an invisible wall which will close the door on the most Internet users. The first reason is congenital deficiency, but the second is acquired disregard.Be all you can be. So our goal is to improving map’s usability. In order to complete this goal, we have done the following work:1. We have reviewed the literature about the usability of the web map. Although the research about the usability of the web map is arising with the development of the network, the similar research about map existed previously, for example, the Map Use Research and the Cognitive Map Design Research, they come down in one continuous line. What we have done is collecting all the literature hiding in the other area of the cartography and summarizing so that the following researcher can easily master the development of the usability of the map and then consider the subject’s intending evolution. And the same time, we also find there are many shortcomings and problems in map’s usability research.2. We have built up the framework of the usability engineering for the web map. We point that an integrated web map usability team is composed of the team leader, interactive designer, visual designer, map designer, UI engineer, user researcher and usability expert, and we discuss the role they play in the process of the web map design and the data analysis and disposal method which are the core of the usability engineering for the web map. This framework is the subject of the whole paper and the following content spread as one or more roles of the UX team.3. Web map user research methods and practise.This work involves about user researcher and usability expert.First, we analyze the existing method of user research and come to conclusion that the biggest issue is that the cost and the swatch can’t be gained at the same time. On the basis of this conclusion, we introduce the Web analyzing method and bring forward a method inosculating WA&TUR to carry through the user research. We analyze and dig the collected date by WA, market research report; questionnaire survey and user test, and come to the character and behavior habit about gender, age and education of the Chinese web map users.4. The approach of finding the web map usability issues is carried around the role of usability professionals. The core idea of this method is two things:(1) The finding of usability issues that need only a multiple iterations of usability testing which is small cost or even zero cost.The most important purpose of these tests is not to judge the program A better than program B program, but to firm the individual discretion;(2) Usability issues found must be effective, the usability issues found must be able to help improve the design, the usability issues that useless in improve the design can not be called a real usability issues found.Under the guidance of the core idea above, improving the design of note as an example to discuss the feasibility and effectiveness of this approach used in the practical of usability issues finding.5. The metrics and practice of the usability of web map is also carried around the role of usability professionals. First discuss the experimental design approach. And then we design the experimental evaluation of availability of three different combinations of zooming and panning. The results showed that use mouse wheel to zoom, drag and drop mouse to pan is the best available way. But the three kinds of combinations of zoom and pan on the performance difference is not statistically significant, only in the subjective satisfaction on the significant differences.6. An approach of prototype system design based on pattern language is built around interaction designers, visual designers and user interface engineers. The biggest problem of traditional design methods is that good design program can not be reused. This paper presents an approach of prototype system design based on the pattern language can solve the problem of reuse. Under the guidance of this approach of prototype system design, a information service delivery platform of World Expo that developed by a student received the Development Team Encouragement Award of 2010 Chinese college students contest of Esri GIS software development, and author also received the Outstanding Instructor Award of 2010 Chinese college students contest of Esri GIS software development. It proved that this method is feasibility and effective.
