

Research and Implementation of a Testing System for Comprehensive Performance of Gearbox

【作者】 张广斌

【导师】 葛运建;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 变速箱作为汽车的主要组成部件,一旦发生故障轻则影响汽车的动力性能,重则可能无法行驶,甚至有可能发生交通意外,危害生命安全。如果要变速箱有良好的工作状态,既要注意日常维护,更要保证其在装车时就是一个质量合格的产品。因此变速箱总装完成之后的测试至关重要,但如何设计出能够稳定可靠检测变速箱产品的试验台,却是广大科研机构和企业一直探索的问题。本课题在安徽省某著名汽车集团委托的手动变速箱综合性能试验台项目的支持下,结合安徽省高等学校优秀青年基金项目“汽车变速器通用节能型智能检测系统的研究”(2008JQL085),依据相关标准,设计了一个能够测试多种型号手动变速箱的试验台。课题综合应用控制科学、信号处理、传感技术以及人工智能等多学科理论,对可变负荷加载、换挡控制、滤波降噪以及产品分类及诊断等关键问题进行了研究。本文的主要研究内容及取得的成果如下:1.研究了手动变速箱的结构和工作原理,分析了自动变速箱的类型和优缺点,在此基础上,总结了目前变速箱试验的测试项目及测试方式,探讨了国内外的研究现状,为后续内容的研究打下基础。2.在试验台的工作环境下,测量信号容易受到多种噪声干扰。通过研究非平稳随机信号及时频分析方法,在小波分析的基础上,提出用双正交小波来进行变速箱试验台信号的滤波降噪及特征提取,实践证明效果良好。3.设计了一种既能够进行变速箱换挡性能测试,又能够进行加载性能测试的综合试验台,且加载能力是可以根据需要随时进行调整的,这样就可以模拟汽车行驶时的多种工况。试验台还能够进行传动效率测试、疲劳测试、噪声测试、油温测试等多种项目,并可以根据需要在手动测试中扩展其他测试项目。此外,试验台通过更换联接件能够适用于结构不同的五种型号的变速箱。4.试验台采用交流电机变频调速技术,加载时输出端电机起到发电机的作用,能够将驱动电机传递过来的机械动能转化为电能,通过变频器返回电网,节约了大量能源,实际工作时功耗仅为总功率的十分之一。5.通过对换挡过程中的离合器接合和输入电机转速进行精确控制,极大提高了换挡品质,基本上消除了换挡过程对试验台的冲击,同时将对变速箱内部结构的影响降到最低,做到了对产品的无损检测。6.利用小波神经网络和专家系统,设计了一种针对未出厂新变速箱的分类与故障诊断系统,用来对变速箱的质量水平进行分类,同时能够对故障变速箱进行初步的诊断。本课题所开发的变速箱综合性能试验台已经通过企业验收,投入实际运行,各项性能达到了设计要求,取得了较好的试验效果,并且获得了中国科学院省院共建奖。研制的试验台系统及相关的工作成果,为变速箱试验的进一步研究奠定了良好的基础,也对我国汽车工业的发展有着一定的促进作用。

【Abstract】 Gearbox as the main components of the car, in the event of failure at worst affectthe car’s dynamic performance, serious may not be driving, there may even place avariety of traffic accidents, endangering life. Gearbox to maintain a good workingstate, it is necessary to pay attention to routine maintenance, but also need to ensurethat when its loading is a qualified product. So the test after the gearbox assembly iscrucial. But how to design a stable and reliable test bed to detect gearbox products, ithas been a problem to explore for a vast number of research institutions andenterprises.The launching of this subject was under the support of the manual gearboxcomprehensive performance test bed project commissioned by a well-knownautomotive group in Anhui, combined with the Outstanding Youth Fund of AnhuiProvince: auto gearbox Universal energy-efficient intelligent detection system(2008JQL085). In accordance with relevant standards, a test bed was designed to testvarious types of manual gearbox. The comprehensive application of the science ofcontrol, signal processing, sensor technology and artificial intelligence theory, wasused to study the key issues such as the variable loading, shift controlling, noisefiltering, product classification and fault diagnosis.The main contents of this article and made innovative achievements are asfollows:1. The structure and working principle of the manual gearbox was studied, andthe types, advantages and disadvantages of the automatic gearbox were analyzed. Onthis basis, the test items and test methods of the gearbox test was summarized, as afoundation for further research.2. In the working environment of the test bed, the measured signal wassusceptible to a variety of noise. By studying non-stationary random signal and thefrequency analysis method, the use of biorthogonal wavelet filter noise reductiongearbox test bed signal was proposed based on wavelet analysis. The practice hasshown that the noise reduction effect is very obvious.3. An integrated test bed which could carry out both a shift performance testand load performance test was designed. Load capacity could be adjusted according toneed, and thus it was able to simulate a vehicle traveling a variety of conditions. Thetest bed was also capable of a variety of other test items, such as gearbox efficiencytesting, fatigue testing, noise testing, the oil temperature testing, and it could be extended to other test items by manually test. In addition, the test bed through thereplacement of the couplings could be applied to different structures of the five typesof gearbox.4. The AC motor speed control technology was used by the test bed. At loadtime, the output motor act as a generator changed the mechanical kinetic energy bythe drive motor passed into electricity. Electrical energy could be returned to the gridthrough the inverter, saving a lot of energy. Power consumption of the test bed wasonly one tenth of the total power when the actual working.5. Precise control of clutch and input motor speed in the shift process greatlyimproved the shift quality. This control basically eliminated the impact of the shiftingprocess of the test bed; at the same time minimized the impact of the gearboxstructure. Non-destructive testing of products could be achieved.6. A classification and fault diagnosis system for unreleased new gearbox wasdesigned by wavelet neural network and expert system. The system was used for thegearbox classification of quality level, and a preliminary diagnosis of the faultgearbox.The gearbox comprehensive performance test bed developed in this subject haspassed through the corporate acceptance, and put into practical operation. Theperformance of the test bed has achieved the design requirements and better testresults. The test bed received the Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences andAnhui to build. Developed test bed system and the results of the work for the furtherstudy of the gearbox test has laid a good foundation, and also has a certain role inpromoting the development of China’s automobile industry.

【关键词】 变速箱换挡加载双正交小波故障诊断
【Key words】 Gearboxshiftingloadbiorthogonal waveletfault diagnosis