

Effects of DAMGO and Galantamine on Synaptic Plasticity of Dentate Gyrus in Lead-exposed Rats

【作者】 罗云云

【导师】 阮迪云;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 生物物理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 慢性铅暴露引发多重学习记忆和认知能力的损害。海马的突触可塑性是学习记忆的重要细胞模型,得到了广泛的重视和研究,包括长时程增强(long-termpotentiation, LTP)和长时程压抑(long-term depression, LTD)两种重要形式。去增强(Depotentiation, DP)是突触可塑性的另外一种形式。以往的研究结果表明,慢性铅暴露可以损伤海马CA1区和齿状回(dentate gyrus, DG)的LTP/LTD诱导。本文用场电位记录方法研究了μ型阿片受体激动剂DAMGO对慢性铅暴露大鼠突触可塑性损伤的影响和Galantamine对慢性铅暴露大鼠突触可塑性损伤的修复和保护作用。研究方法和结果如下:新生的Wistar大鼠从出生起到断乳通过饮用0.2%醋酸铅溶液染铅。在27-30日龄大鼠海马离体脑片齿状回记录兴奋性突触后电位。结果表明:DAMGO在铅暴露组和control组都诱导得到LTP幅度增加,并且铅暴露组比control组升高更明显。NMDA受体阻断剂AP5不能完全阻断DAMGO诱导的LTP。铅暴露损伤了高频刺激诱导的LTP,DAMGO对这种损伤没有明显的修复,对control组的HFS-LTP也没有明显的影响。结果说明,DAMGO可以在慢性铅暴露组诱导比control组更高的LTP,其机制部分来源于NMDA受体途径的参与;DAMGO对HFS-LTP组别没有明显作用,可能与铅神经毒理作用在两种LTP诱导过程中位点差异有关。新生的Wistar大鼠自出生到成年通过饮用0.2%醋酸铅溶液染铅。在成年大鼠(60-90日龄)的海马齿状回记录兴奋性突触后电位和群峰电位。进行实验前两周起通过腹腔注射为Galantamine组别动物给药(1 mg/100 g体重每天)。结果显示,慢性铅暴露损伤了大鼠海马DG区LTP/DP的诱导,而Galantamine可以显著的升高铅暴露大鼠LTP/DP的幅度,但是在非铅暴露组只有不明显的升高。这个结果提示Galantamine可以逆转铅导致的大鼠突触可塑性损伤,并且可能是有效的铅所致认知障碍治疗药物。通过以上的实验,我们研究了DAMGO和Galantamine对慢性铅暴露造成的突触可塑性损伤的影响,了解了可能的作用机制。为进一步了解了铅的神经毒理机制,寻求新的治疗途径提供理论支持。

【Abstract】 Chronic lead exposure causes a variety of impairments in learning and memoryand cognitive function. And synaptic plasticity in hippocampus is an extensivelystudied cellular model of learning and memory, which includes long-term potentiation(LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) in two forms. Depotentiation (DP) is anotherform of synaptic plasticity. Previous studies show that chronic lead exposure candamage the induction of LTP/LTD in hippocampal CA1 and dentate gyrus (DG) areas.The studies of thesis were carried out of investigate the effects on chronic lead-causedsynaptic plasticity impairment by DAMGO, a selectiveμ-opioid receptor agonists,and we investigated the repair and protection on lead-caused synaptic plasticityimpairment by Galantamine, using field potential recording on chronic lead exposurerats. The methods and results are as follows:Neonatal Wistar rats were exposed to lead from parturition to weaning via milkof dams whose drinking water contained 0.2% lead acetate. Field excitatorypostsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) in DG area of hippocampus were recorded onpostnatal days 27-30. DAMGO application was followed by an increase in EPSPslopes in both control and lead-exposed rats, while the amplitude of DAMGO-LTP inthe lead-exposed rats was significantly greater than that in controls. DAMGO-LTPcan not be blocked by NMDA receptor antagonist AP5 completely. Chronic leadexposure causes impairment in the amplitude of HFS-LTP, and the impairment wasnot significantly affected by DAMGO treatment, the DAMGO application also didnot influence the amplitude of HFS-LTP in control group. These results indicate thatthe amplitude of DAMGO-LTP in lead-exposured group was greater than controlgroup, and it was depends on the activity of NMDA receptor partly. No significanteffect of DAMGO on HFS-LTP groups is the result of different sites of leadneurotoxicity.Neonatal Wistar rats were exposed to lead from parturition through adulthood bythe drinking of 0.2% lead acetate. Galantamine was applied by intraperitonealinjection every day (1 mg/day/100 g body weight) twoweeks before theelectrophysiological recording. The results showed that chronic lead exposureimpaired LTP/DP induction in DG area of the hippocampus, and Galantamine causeda significant increase on the amplitudes of LTP/DP of lead-exposed rats, but only a small increase in non-exposed group. These results suggest that Galantamine couldreverse the lead-induced impairments of synaptic plasticity in rats and might be aneffective medicine to cure the cognitive deficits induced by lead.By these experiments, we studied the effects on the chronic lead-exposuredimpairments of synaptic plasticity by DAMGO and Galantamine, and possiblemechanisms. All of these findings provided us a more comprehensive understandingabout the toxicity of lead.

【关键词】 齿状回长时程增强去增强大鼠DAMGOGalantamine
【Key words】 leaddentate gyruslong-term potentiationdepotentiationratDAMGOGalantamine