

The Research on Enterprise Knowledge Management and Top Managers Intuitive Decision-making

【作者】 柏菊

【导师】 冯俊文;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在知识经济时代,企业高管面对市场快速变化的敏锐洞悉和快速反应显得尤为重要。直觉思维的创造性和动态灵活性功能以及从整体上把握问题的特性,使得直觉决策正在获得越来越多的认可,甚至成为企业适应瞬息万变的竞争环境和不完全信息的关键因素。从知识角度看来,直觉决策是一个知识获取、运用和创新过程。因此,如何更好的理解决策和知识的关系,提高直觉决策的知识含量,造就科学决策,是所有企业及其管理者都十分关心的问题。知识管理作为适应知识经济时代发展的需求而产生的新的管理学科的思想与理念,成为企业和个人增强应变能力和创新能力,赢取竞争优势的重要手段与工具。虽然学术界和管理者都认识到了知识对直觉决策的重要性,但目前学者们对如何提高直觉决策的知识含量、增强决策的科学性的研究还很少,对于如何将企业知识管理与直觉决策两者完整地结合起来研究的文献更是鲜见。正是基于此种思考,本文在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,以企业高层管理为研究对象,运用规范分析和实证研究相结合的方法,系统地探讨了企业知识管理与企业高管直觉决策之间的互动关系及其影响作用,从而为基于个人知识创造的企业高管直觉决策的知识管理问题研究提供了一个新的理论视角和较完整的分析框架。论文的研究工作包括以下几个方面:①通过文献研究、问卷调查和访谈法3种方法的结合,明确了企业高管直觉决策的因素结构;②在直觉决策因素结构研究的基础上,开发了直觉决策量表;③在文献研究的基础上,规范分析了企业知识管理与企业高管直觉决策的互动机制以及企业高管直觉决策的知识管理机理,并在此基础上,构建了企业高管直觉决策的知识管理总体规划;④在理论演绎分析和文献综述基础上,提出一个概念模型来分析企业知识管理对企业高管直觉决策的影响作用。以金融服务业为具体调查对象,在江苏省范围内选择若干城市进行问卷调查,通过描述性统计分析、因子分析、结构方程建模等计量统计方法,利用SPSS 16.0和LISREL 8.7计算机软件对问卷调查的数据进行分析,检验了上述变量之间的结构模型与研究假设是否成立,并对研究结果进行了探讨。经过上述研究工作,论文获得的主要研究结论是:①直觉决策是由“直觉决策过程”、“认知和洞察”、“决策效力”、“情感和情绪”、“知识”和“经验”多个维度驱动的,是一个多维的概念。企业高管相对于基层和中层管理,在管理决策中更倾向于信赖直觉进行决策,他的知识、经验、认知模式、决策效力和情感情绪影响着其直觉决策水平。②直觉决策测量量表包括6个维度,30个条目,经检验,此量表具有良好的信度和效度。③企业知识管理要素与企业高管直觉决策绩效之间存在正相关关系;企业知识管理能力在二者之间起部分中介作用;企业规模对企业高管直觉决策绩效表现出负面的影响;企业环境的不确定性对企业高管直觉决策绩效表现出正面的影响。④企业高管的直觉决策对企业绩效起着积极地促进作用。本论文研究工作及其结论的创新性主要表现在以下3个方面:①研制了直觉决策的测量量表,此量表完全是本土化的研究成果,它的开发为工作场所直觉决策的研究又增添了一个可供选择的测量工具,而且在一定程度上弥补了中国文化背景下管理研究方面缺乏足够测量工具的不足。②从实证角度明晰了企业高管的直觉决策因素结构,拓展了国内前人的理论研究成果,深化和发展了直觉决策理论的研究,为进一步实证研究企业高管直觉决策问题奠定基础或具有理论参考价值。③系统地分析了企业知识管理对企业高管直觉决策的作用机制,拓宽了企业知识管理与企业高管直觉决策理论的研究视角,弥补了国内在此领域缺乏实证性研究的缺憾。企业知识管理与企业高管直觉决策的问题研究涉及到很多学科领域,对该课题的研究既十分必要又十分复杂。本文较为系统地将两者结合起来研究,选取了中国企业作为研究对象,通过理论与实证研究,探讨了两者之间的互动关系及影响机制。这不仅是对这一新兴的前沿研究领域的积极尝试,也为解决企业实践中迫切需要解决的决策问题提供了理论基础。

【Abstract】 In the knowledge economy, the keen insight into the market changes and rapid response of the top managers are particularly important. The intuition features of creativity, dynamic flexibility and the overall grasp of the problem make it gain increasing acceptance, even become a key factor as companies adapting to the changing competitive environment. From the perspective of knowledge, intuitive decision-making is a knowledge acquisition, application and innovation process. Therefore, how better understanding the relation between decision and knowledge to improve knowledge of the intuitive decision-making, creating a scientific decision, which are all enterprises and their managers concerned about. Knowledge management as new ideas and concepts management discipline that adapting to the knowledge economy development, are becoming an important means and tools to enhance enterprises and individuals response and innovation capabilities and to win the competitive advantage.While the academia and managers have recognized the importance of intuition in decision-making, there is little scientific research on how to improve the knowledge of the intuitive decision-making and enhance decision-making, not to mention the study of combination systematically of the enterprise knowledge management and intuitive decision-making. So, based on previous research, selects the top management as study object and uses normative analysis and empirical research methods, the paper systematically explores the interaction relationship and influence mechanism between enterprise knowledge management and top managers’intuitive decision-making, so as to provide a new theoretical perspective and a more complete analytical framework of enterprise knowledge management and top managers’intuitive decision-making.The work of this thesis mainly includes four aspects as follows:①It identifies top managers intuitive decision-making factors structure through literature research, surveys and interviews three methods.②it develops the intuitive decision-making scale based on the research of intuiti,, ve decision factors structure.③it analysis normatively the interaction relationship and influence mechanism between enterprise knowledge management and top managers’intuitive decision-making and builds the enterprise knowledge management master plan faced to managers intuitive decision-making.④it proposes a conceptual model to analyze the knowledge management influence on top managers intuitive decision-making based on theoretical analysis and literature review. Selects the financial services industry in Jiangsu province as survey objects, the paper examines the structure model and hypotheses through actor analysis, structural equation modeling and other statistical measurement methods by using the statistical software SPSS 16.0 and structural equation modeling software LISREL 8.7. At last, the findings are discussed.Through the above research work, the main conclusions are as follows:①Intuitive decision-making is a multidimensional concept driven by "knowledge", "experience", "cognition and insight", "Decision-making effectiveness", "feelings and emotions" and "intuitive decision-making process". The top managers trend to rely on intuition to make decisions relative to the primary and middle managers during management and his knowledge, experience, cognitive model, decision making effectiveness and emotional impact on their intuitive decision-making.②Intuitive decision-making measurement scale includes 6 dimensions and 30 items and it has good reliability and validity.③there is a positive correlation between enterprise knowledge management elements and top managers intuitive decision-making; Enterprise knowledge management capability plays some of the intermediary role between the above two; Firm Scale plays a negative impact on top managers’intuitive decision-making performance; Environmental uncertainty plays an active positive role on top managers’intuitive decision-making performance.④Top managers intuitive decision-making play an active role on firm performance.The innovation of this paper’s work and its conclusion conclusions includes three aspects:①It developed intuitive decision-making measurement scale. This scale is completely localized research and its development adds a choice of measurement tools for the research of intuitive decision-making in the workplace and to some extent makes up for the lack of adequate measurement tools in management under Chinese cultural context.②It Identifies top managers’intuitive decision-making factors structure from the empirical point. This study expands the domestic previous theoretical studies and deepens the intuitive decision-making theory and lays the foundation for intuitive decision-making for the further empirical research.③It systematically analysis the enterprise knowledge management influence on the top managers’intuitive decision-making. This broadens research perspective of the knowledge management and top managers’intuitive decision-making and makes up the pity of the absence of empirical studies in this field.The study on enterprise knowledge management and top manager’s intuitive decision-making involves many disciplines; the research on the subject is both necessary and complicated. Selected Chinese enterprises as Research objective, This paper firstly made more systematic study combination of the two to explore the interactive relationship and impact between the two through theoretical and empirical research. It is not only the actively trying in this cutting-edge and emerging the field, but also providing a theoretical basis to solve practical problems.
