

Economic Analysis on Judgement

【作者】 杨柳

【导师】 张瑞萍;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在我国,随着司法改革的不断深入,司法裁判在处理社会纠纷中的作用和影响日渐突出,然而司法裁判中存在法官能力不高、司法裁判不公正等问题越来越受到人们的关注。对于此类问题,学者们更多的是从法学角度进行了详尽的讨论并提出相关建议。本文以经济学为视角分析了司法裁判的经济属性,并关注法官作为理性人在面临诸多制约下的现实选择,构建法官的效用函数并分析了效用函数中的相关变量如何影响法官的效用,进而影响司法裁判的结果,在此基础上提出有助于司法系统良好运行的建议。本文研究的主要内容如下:(1)本文运用治理理论指出司法裁判是一种第三方治理方式,人们是否选择司法裁判治理方式取决于治理方式效率的高低;运用委托代理理论指出作为代理人的法官追求自身效用最大化是影响司法裁判结果的原因之一;从我国司法实际情况出发,构建中国法官的效用函数,具体分析法官效用的影响因素。(2)本文运用契约和信息经济学相关理论,通过构建法官效用函数来具体分析法官的专业知识、专业认同感、知识发酵度及负外部性信息对法官效用的影响进而对司法裁判产生的影响,在分析的基础上得出假设命题。(3)本文在对法官进行调研和数据收集的基础上,通过对问卷的样本构成进行分析,对我国司法裁判的相关影响因素进行了系统的分析,建立实证计量研究模型,运用回归分析方法分析相关数据进而对司法裁判的影响因素进行实证研究,实证结果支持理论分析的假设。(4)本文在理论研究和实证研究的基础上,分别从法官的专业知识、负外部性信息、法官的知识发酵度方面提出了完善法官制度建设、保证法官独立审判和构建案例指导制度等政策建议。本文运用了文献研究、实证分析、跨学科研究等方法对司法裁判进行经济学分析和研究。论文的创新点是从经济学角度分析司法裁判,尝试构建了中国法官效用函数,对司法裁判的影响因素进行分析;运用问卷调查方法,收集第一手资料分析司法裁判的影响因素;在实证分析的基础上,提出了完善法官制度建设、保证法官独立审判、构建案例指导制度等政策建议。

【Abstract】 In China, with the deepening of judicial reform, the administration of justice in dealing with social disputes have become increasingly prominent and influencial, but there are still some issues of justice such as the ability of judges is not high, unfair justice and other issues are more and more attentionable. Scholars discussed in detail and make recommendations from the legal view. This dissertation analyzes economic attributes of justicefrom economic view, and focus on the judge as a reasonable person, the reality of choice under many constraints, construct the judge’s utility function, analyze related variables affect judge’s effectiveness and thus affect justice, and then givethe proposal how to well-run judicial system. The main contents of this dissertationare as follows:(1) This dissertation uses agency theory, suggests that justice is third-party governance, whether people choose judgement depending on efficiency of judgement; the judge as an agent pursuits maximizing his own utility is one of the reasons of unfair justice; from the actual conditions of our country, build the utility function of Chinese judges, anlyze the factors of judge’s effectiveness.(2)In this dissertation, use the information economics theory, incomplete information game theory, derive the effectiveness of knowledge, degree of fermentation and negative information on the judge, and then derive propositions.(3) Based on the data collection of judges, analyze on samples of the questionnaire posed, the influence of factors related to justice, using the regression data to analyze the factors affecting the justice. Empirical results support the assumptions.(4) In this dissertation, based on the theoretical and empirical research, from the view of the judge’s knowledge, the negative externalities information, the fermentation degree of the judge’s knowledge, give the recommendations of a perfect judge system, ensurrance independent trial judges and building a case guidance system, etc..In this dissertation, the literature study, questionnaire research, empirical analysis, interdisciplinary research methods had been used.Innovation of the dissertation is analyzing justice from an economic view, attempts to construct a judge’s utility function, analyze on the factors affecting justice; use questionnaires to collect first-hand information in order to analyzeaffecting justicefactors; base on empirical analysis, give the arrangements such as making a perfect judge system, ensuring independent trial judges, building institutional case guidance system.

【关键词】 司法裁判经济学效用函数分析
【Key words】 JudgmentEconomicsUtility FunctionAnalysis