

The Research of Wireless Tele-control and Telemetry Technology in Brain Machine Interface

【作者】 王鹏

【导师】 叶学松;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 生物医学工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 脑机接口(brain-computer interface, BCI)技术在生物体的神经系统及其周围环境之间建立了一种崭新的通讯模式和交互界面,它的研究在基础医学、临床康复和神经修复等众多领域具有重大的研究价值和广泛的应用价值。植入式脑机接口技术是指将电极置于颅内,直接从大脑皮层提取皮层脑电的研究方法。这种方法具有空间分辨率高、位置稳定性好、特异性强、信噪比高和后处理简单等优点,但该技术困难大、有创伤。植入式无线遥控遥测技术是植入式脑机接口技术中的关键核心技术,它也是未来脑机接口技术十分重要的发展方向之一。以“动物机器人”的发展为例,随着近年来生物材料、微机电系统(micro electromechanical systems, MEMS)加工、集成电路以及微系统封装设计等技术的发展,植入式脑机接口技术正由早期遥控背包式技术向着全植入式无线遥控遥测技术发展。基于上述研究背景,本文围绕着脑机接口中植入式无线遥控遥测的关键技术进行了相关研究。主要研究内容如下:首先,结合“动物机器人”相关课题研究,研制了基于嵌入式PDA手持机的便携式植入式无线遥控遥测系统。系统包括植入式微电极及其前置放大器(headstage)、无线遥控遥测背包、PDA手持机以及PC控制系统。构建了BCI动物行为学实验平台并设计了多种BCI动物行为学实验,在上述平台上完成了上述遥控遥测系统的功能测试以及相应的动物行为学实验测试。其次,在上述无线背包系统的基础上,进行了全植入式无线遥控遥测微系统的设计研究,完成了硅基MEMS神经电极阵列、射频无线供能CMOS芯片、单/多通道低噪声神经电信号放大器和低功耗A/D转换器等核心部件的设计制作。这些研究成果为下一步全植入式无线遥控遥测微系统的完整实现奠定了良好的基础。本文的研究进展和创新点整理如下:1.设计研制了一种用于BCI研究的背包式植入式无线遥控遥测系统,其神经电信号采集与神经电刺激一体化、无线双向通讯、低功耗、重量轻和便携式的特点。为自由活动状态下的BCI动物实验研究和相关神经生理学实验研究提供了一种新的实验手段和方法。2.搭建了BCI“动物机器人”动物行为学实验平台,开展了大鼠压杆、八臂迷宫、3D复杂环境导航等实验研究。在国内首次实现了3D复杂环境下的大鼠导航实验,为“动物机器人”的进一步精细化深入研究奠定了基础。3.针对植入式BCI技术,提出了一种基于MEMS神经微电极阵列、CMOS集成电路和压缩传感(compressed sensing, CS)技术的全植入式无线遥控遥测微系统整体设计方案。完成了硅基MEMS神经电极阵列、低噪声神经电信号放大器、无线供能等模块的原理及版图设计。部分模块已进行流片和性能测试。相关结果对全植入式BCI技术的继续深入开展具有一定的指导意义。4.设计研制了一种新型的CMOS无线供能电源管理集成电路芯片,具有超低功耗待机(待机电流5pA)、无线供能及充电、无线唤醒/关闭的特点。该芯片在植入式装置的无线供能及电源管理方面有广泛的应用价值,属国内首创。

【Abstract】 Brain-machine interface (BCI) has established a new way for the central or peripheral nerve system to communicate with outside environment directly which have great value in the research fields of basic medicine, clinical rehabititat ion and nerve repair and so on. Implan table brain-machine interact ion technology refers to the research method of recording neural signal from the cerebral cortex by directly implanting electrodes on the brain. This method has high spatial resolution, location stability, specificity, high signal to noise ratiofor simple post-processing. However, it has technical difficulties, and have a trauma. Implantable wireless telecontrol and telemetry technology is the key technology of brain-computer interaction. It is also one important direction of brain-computer interaction technology in the future. Take the development of "Animal robots" for example, with the development of material, MEMS process, micropackage and ASIC technology, implantable BCI technology is developing toward fully implantable wireless telecontrol and telemetry microsystem from early stage of implantable telecontrol and telemetry backpack system. Based on the above background, the proposed dissertation studied mainly on the key technology of implantable telecontrol and telemetry system. The main research work is followed:First, combined with the practical requirements of animal-robot training subject, the proposed dissertation presented an implantable telecontrol and telemetry backpack system developed with embedded technology of PDA. The system consists of implantable electrode, headstage amplifier, backpack, portable PDA and PC control station. Design and implemented the platform for BCI animal behavior experiment and several BCI animal behavior experiments. and tested and verified the implantable telecontrol and telemetry backpack system with the platform. Second, based on the study of the backpack system mentioned above, we studied on the fully implantable wireless telecontrol and telemetry microsystem, and designed and fabricated the MEMS neural microelectrode array, RF energy supply power management unit chip, single/multi-channel low noise neural signal amplifier and low power SAR-ADC. The result laid the foundations for whole realization of fully implantable telecontrol/telemetry microsystem.The achievements and creative work is summarized.1. Implemented an implantable telecontrol and telemetry backpack system based on portable PDA. The system has the features of bidirectional communication, portable, light weight and simultaneously neural signal recording and electric nerve stimulation. The system provides a new platform for behavioral and neurophys iological experiments and exploi ts new method for BCI unstrained animal experiments study.2. Use the implantable telecontrol and telemetry backpack system to build the experiment platform for’animal robots’research in BCI. Confirmed the platform with behavior experiments such as experiments of bar-pressing, eight-arm maze testing, as well as navigating rats through a 3D obstacle route. The result laid the foundations for further study on more precise control of ’animal robots’3. The proposed dissertation presented an overall design of fully implantable wireless telecontrol and telemetry microsystem with the technology of MEMS neural microelectrode array, CMOS intergrated circuit and compress sensing (CS). Implemented the schemat ic and layout design of several modules, such as MEMS neural microelectrode array, RF energy supply power management unit chip, single/multi-channel low noi se neural signal amplifier and low power SAR-ADC. Some of these modules have been fabricated and tested. These results have a certain signi f icance for the further research work on fully implantable technology in BCI.4. The proposed dissertation presented a novel wireless integrated power management unit (PMU) for implantable biomedical telemetry systems. The presented unit can recharge implanted batteries via radio frequency power transmitted from an RF source. And it provides on/off switching through external wireless control. And it has an ultra low standby current about 5pA. The work is the first in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】TP873;TP334.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】776
  • 攻读期成果