

The Study of Mass Media’s Social Rights

【作者】 张振亮

【导师】 丁柏铨;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 社会学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本篇论文对大传播语境下公共领域中的传者社会权利现状以及传者社会权利功能充分发挥所依赖的社会环境及传媒法治环境调整的应然目标进行了系统研究。论文对大众媒介行为遵循的法治原则与宪政精神的密切联系、传者社会权利的边界划定与对国家公权力的社会契约性监督、公民个体权利与传者社会权利之间的权利和反权利关系以及网络媒体在协商民主理论背景下的作用等问题进行了深入探讨,对传者社会权利的相关的权利冲突予以描绘,对如何协调和解决法益冲突提出了基本构想。论文主要由四部分组成:第一部分基于传者社会权利的公共性分析,从公共领域理论的视角出发,分析了传者社会权利的社会公共权利属性及其社会价值,对传者社会权利的性质、特征及制度性保障问题进行了深度考量,分析了传者权利机制与社会功能。传者社会权利的恰当行使能够提高社会公众最大限度参与的普遍性、积极性和有效性,发挥了缓解社会矛盾的“减压阀”作用。从社会公共政策与法律制度视角探讨了传者权利的社会正当性,指出了在具备法定情形下的国家对传者权利分级监管的必要性。第二部分从社会契约论与社会减压阀理论出发,指出了传者社会权利对国家立法、政务以及司法活动实施社会监督的合理性、必要性。立法知情有助于促进立法活动民主化、科学化,并在根本上缓解和化解社会矛盾;政务知情要求政府主动或依据申请用法定的形式向社会公开除涉及国家秘密、商业机密和个人隐私之外的公务活动的信息,以保证传者行使其天然权利时的公共信息来源,继而实施对行政公权力实施社会监督;司法知情促进司法公正、遏制司法腐败方面发挥着不可替代的作用,亦要防止媒体审判的异化现象。第三部分基于自由主义中的个人主义理论,从权利与反权利的角度讨论了个人层面上的传者社会权利问题,实证分析了影响媒介侵权认定的主要因素。由于新闻报道对客观真实性把握的现实困难,对个体名誉权的保护显得十分必要。隐私保护在当事人同意和法律的特别规定及新闻报道的公益性可构成传者免责的事由,尊重和维护个人信息权是传者行使权利时的应有的“反权利”义务。以受众权利为理论观照,探究传者社会权利与受众权利之间的“权利张力”,通过针对法官群体和媒体编辑记者群体的问卷调查的统计结果分析研究了影响传者社会权利认知的主客观因素。第四部分从信息网络传播的特质角度,结合协商民主理论,在泛大众传播语境下对传者社会权利在网络背景下的新形态予以分析。从公共论坛到微博客展现了权利意识到自我意识的转变,泛传播主体的社会作用和功能得到了充分发挥,而其网络传播主体的法律地位仍需进一步明确,作为权利主体的传者当然依法享有信息网络传播权,同时传者在行使自身权利时也应注意尊重和保护他人的信息网络传播权。

【Abstract】 This paper makes a systematic study of the mass media’s social rights, under the framework of in the rights of the current social situation and the social function of mass media, which the media should be natural targets for the adjustment of the system,and gives an analysis on the right conflicts between mass media and civil,points out the mass media should follow the rule of law and the constitutionalism principles.The paper falls into four chapters. By means of text and cases analysis, it attempts to delimit proper boundaries of mass media’s rights.Chapter ONE probes into the social functions of mass media’s rights, which is referred to the moral rights and property rights, From a social perspective of public policy and the legal system,the of the mass media’s rights should be controlled under the legal system and social policy. discusses the differences based on power, communication and privacy rights of individuals between the right to information dissemination activities, there is bound to a process of necessary social rights and civil rights of the conflict between private rights. Privacy is not an absolute right.Chapter TWO dwells on the relationship between the power of executive and mass media’ right. The system of the Information Disclosure is very important to civil and society. The public except those involving state secrets, commercial secrets and personal privacy of information should be outside of official activities.studies the relationship between the mass media’s right and judicial power. As the national representative of public power, often conflicts with mass production, that is between the rights of public power and social right. Open trial also reflects the democratic rule of law for justice, fairness, authority’s deep appeals, media monitoring is the demand of the society.Chapter THREE deals the rights to be on the mass media theory of reflection, the legal status of the right audience, the definition of community property, are conducive to deepening the right audience, features, content and legal protection issues. The right of the audience should to be protected by public or civil proceedings judicial.Chapter FOUR studies the information right of network. Mass media as a social roles of network, while the main information network needed to further clarify the legal status, as a subject of the mass media were of course legally entitled to the right of communication information network.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】632