

The Historical Process of China’s Environmental Diplomacy after the Cold War

【作者】 范亚新

【导师】 卫灵;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文选取冷战后中国环境外交的历史进程作为研究对象,采取历史分析、比较分析和层次分析等研究方法,评析了中国环境外交的历史演进过程,总结出中国环境外交发展的特殊性:国内环境治理滞后于环境外交的发展,中国环境外交与国际环境外交的发展存在“同期不同步”问题;明确了冷战后中国环境外交的历史定位,即:中国环境外交的实质性发展阶段和战略转型阶段;重点探讨了冷战后中国环境外交面临的战略转型问题,包括制约因素、发展契机和战略重构等三个方面。本文以冷战后中国环境外交的历史进程为纵向线索、以冷战后中国环境外交与国际机制、国内治理的互动关系为横向线索,将对冷战后中国环境外交历史进程的分析分为回顾、反思与前瞻三个部分:回顾探究过去,即中国环境外交参与国际环境机制、建构国内环境治理体系的历史过程;反思立足当下,即中国环境外交在现存国际环境机制、中国国内环境治理体系中所处地位及存在的现实局限;前瞻指向未来,即中国环境外交在国际环境机制、国内环境治理发展变化过程中的角色转变和重新定位,最后集中探讨冷战后中国环境外交的系统构建问题。本文写作的基本框架如下:绪论部分介绍选题的理论和现实意义,国内外对该领域的研究现状、本文的研究方法和创新之处,并对环境外交、国际环境机制、国内环境治理等基本概念进行界定。第一章主要是对冷战后中国环境外交发展历史的整体回顾,探讨了中国环境外交历史阶段划分问题,提出了冷战后中国环境外交的主要特点及其取得的阶段性成效。总结出冷战后中国环境外交已经完成了对环境外交基本框架的建构,进入了实质性发展阶段。在此基础上,中国环境外交已经获得了与世界对话的能力,基本具备了实现战略转型的前提和资格。第二章主要是对冷战后中国环境外交制约因素的集中反思,结合历史与现实,从国际环境机制、“中国环境威胁论”、“中国环境责任论”、”绿色壁垒”等问题入手,阐释其在国际环境领域中存在的局限;从国内环境治理和外交政策保障等不同角度,探讨其发展中受到的国内制约;从先天条件、能力建设等方面,归纳其自身存在的问题和缺陷。论证了冷战后中国环境外交发展形势的严峻性。第三章主要是对冷战后中国环境外交发展契机的战略前瞻,论证系统重构中国环境外交发展战略的必要性:以内政与外交的互动关系作为分析视角、借鉴双层博弈论作为分析框架,从国际环境和国内形势两个角度,分析中国环境外交在冷战后面临的历史机遇:伴随着中国在冷战后国际环境领域的角色发生转变、环境问题在中国经济发展与外交转型中战略地位的持续上升,环境外交在中国外交格局中的地位由边缘转向主流。第四章主要是对冷战后中国环境外交发展战略转型的系统重构。在总结历史经验,分析现实局限的基础上,论证了冷战后中国环境外交实现战略突破的可行性。提出在中国的外交战略中,应重视和提高环境外交工作的地位,从角色定位、战略调整、政策激励、智力支持、能力建设、国内保障等方面入手,系统构建中国环境外交的发展战略,从而在环境领域实现内政与外交的良性互动,为21世纪中国经济可持续发展保驾护航,为中国实现和平崛起开辟道绿色发展空间。结语:总结与展望,归纳出全文的基本结论:在冷战后国际环境领域利益格局重新调整、中国经济发展与外交战略转型的大背景下,中国应及时调整关于环境问题的国家立场和对外政策,系统构建中国环境外交的发展战略,重视和提高环境外交在中国外交转型中的战略地位。最后结合中国国内环境治理和国际环境领域的现实发展,进一步引申中国环境外交实现战略突破的紧迫性和现实意义。

【Abstract】 This thesis aims to study the historical process of China’s environmental diplomacy after the cold war. By analyzing this research object through such methods as historical analysis, comparative analysis, and systematic analysis, it summarizes two specific features of China’s environmental diplomacy: the backwardness of domestic environmental improvement with respect to environmental diplomacy and the asynchronism between China’s and international environmental diplomacy in the same period. Therefore, it clarifies the historical position of China’s environmental diplomacy from the end of cold war to the time being, stating that China’s environmental diplomacy was actually experiencing substantial development and strategic transition during this period. Then, after exploring the restraining factors, the opportunities for development, and the strategic reconstruction of China’s environmental diplomacy after the cold war, all of which consist in the issue of its strategic transition in the post-cold war era.While the focal point of this thesis is the historical process of China’s environmental diplomacy, the interactive relationships between China’s environmental diplomacy and the international environmental regime, and between that and domestic environmental management, are also important research points. In this thesis, the historical process of China’s environmental diplomacy after the cold war is divided into three stages: the review stage, the reflection stage, and the prospect stage. The first stage is about reviewing the past, or specifically, discussing the historical process in which China’s environmental diplomacy integrated into the international environmental regime and in which the domestic environmental management system was established. The second stage is of reflection, upon the current situations, including the present position and limitations of China’s environmental diplomacy in the international environmental regime and the domestic environmental management system. The prospect stage targets the future, which involves the role shift and repositioning of China’s environmental diplomacy while the international environmental regime and the domestic environmental management are changing. In the end, the thesis expounds the systematic construction of China’s environmental diplomacy in the post-cold war period.The basic structure of this thesis is as follows:In the introduction part, it introduces the theoretical and realistic significance of the topic, the research status of this topic both at home and abroad, the research methods employed in the study, and the innovations of this thesis. Then, it makes definitions of several basic concepts such as environmental diplomacy, international regime, and domestic management.In the first chapter, it reviews the development of China’s environmental diplomacy after the cold war as a whole, divides the historical process into several stages, and presents the main characteristics of China’s environmental diplomacy after the cold war and the periodic achievements it has made. Then it is concluded that a basic framework has been established for China’s environmental diplomacy, driving it to a substantial stage of development. Therefore, China’s environmental diplomacy has obtained the ability to communicate with the world and it is completely ready to undergo strategic transition.In the second chapter, it intensively reflects on the factors restraining the development of China’s environmental diplomacy after the cold war. By combining the history and the reality, it discusses biased theories like“China Threat to Environment”and“China Responsibility for Environment”, and the problem of green barriers, which explain the restrictions of China’s environmental diplomacy in the field of international environment. Consequently, it shows the domestic restraints from the angles of domestic environmental management and foreign policy securities and sums up the inherent problems and defects of China’s environmental diplomacy by focusing on the congenital conditions and ability building. Then it demonstrates of the severe situation of China’s environmental diplomacy after the cold war.In the third chapter, it proposes strategic prospects for the development opportunities of China’s environmental development after the cold war and emphasizes the necessity of the systematic reconstruction of China’s environmental diplomacy strategies. From the perspective of the interactions between domestic and foreign affairs, and by applying the analyticial structure of the double game theory, it analyses the historical opportunities for China’s environmental diplomacy after the cold war in view of both the international environment and the domestic situation. It also elaborates that China’s role in the field of international environment has improved after the cold war and that environmental issues are becoming more and more important for the economic development and the diplomatic transition, which means that China’s environmental diplomacy has transformed from its marginal role into a mainstream role in the diplomatic structure of China.In the fourth chapter, it concentrates on the systematic reconstruction of China’s environmental diplomacy after the cold war. On the basis of summarizing historical experience and analyzing current limitations, it discusses the feasibility of the strategic breakthrough of China’s environmental diplomacy, suggesting that China should attach great importance to and enhance the status of environmental diplomacy in its foreign strategies and systematically construct the development strategies for its environmental diplomacy from such perspectives as role positioning, strategic adjustment, policy stimulation, intellectual support, ability building, and domestic security, so that China can achieve a positive interaction between domestic and foreign affairs, ensure the sustainable development of its economy in the 21st century, and open up green space for its peaceful rise.In the conclusion part, it draws a conclusion from the entire thesis that under the complicated circumstances where the interest structure of international environment in the post-cold war period has been readjusted, and where China is undergoing economic growth and diplomatic strategic transformation, China should immediately modify its national position and diplomatic policies concerning environment, systematically establish development strategies for China’s environmental diplomacy, and thus value and promote the strategic role of environmental diplomacy in China’s diplomatic transition. Finally, in accordance with China’s domestic environmental management and the current situation of international environment, it further states the urgency and realistic significance of the strategic breakthrough of China’s environmental diplomacy.

  • 【分类号】D822.3;X321
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】733