

Research on Outward-Looking Economy Republic Korea

【作者】 申东镇

【导师】 金凤德;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 国际贸易学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 学术界关于韩国经济成功秘密的探索,在一个基本点上达成了共识——韩国坚持并成功地推进了外向型经济模式。但对韩国外向型经济的解释还不能令人满意,仍留下诸多待进一步探索的空间,主要有三点:第一,如果说二战后韩国不是唯一的取外向战略者,也不是唯一的外向战略的成功者,那么,韩国的外向型经济具有什么特征,怎样概括?第二,是哪些因素决定和支撑了韩国的外向型经济战略(模式)?要不要、怎么样从经济和政治、社会、文化、历史等非经济因素以及国际环境等多维度去解释其合理性?第三,韩国外向经济模式的走向是怎样的,是“转型”还是“升级”?经济学家们对韩国经济给出了很多解释,并取得了相当丰富的成果。但是,在研究方法上缺乏多维性和综合性,未能真切地再现韩国经济的实际过程。因为造就韩国经济奇迹的“不是任何一个增长因素或某种与众不同的文化特征的结果,而是许多有利的国际、国内因素和支持性的政府政策综合起作用的结果”。这种情况在韩国外向型经济的研究中同样存在。韩国外向型经济模式的确立与发展受到,经济、政治和社会、外部因素共同影响。经济因素作为国家确定经济发展战略的最核心因素,其重要性不言自明。韩国经济的历史基础、资源禀赋、地缘的政治、经济特点,决定了必须要走一条符合本国国情的和顺应时代潮流的外向经济发展道路。但是以往对韩国经济的经济学解释,过分强调所谓“正统”经济学,发展经济学的运用也缺乏针对性,而对赶超经济学则很少兴趣,更不消说去努力地发掘伟大先驱李斯特、格森克隆等人的赶超经济思想宝库。这种状况必须改变。与此同时,决不能忽视政治因素在韩国经济发展过程中的作用。尊重历史的人都不会否认这样一个事实——韩国经济起飞突显为一种典型的政治过程,在很多时候遵循的是“先政治变化、后经济变化”的时序。韩国经济的起飞和工业化过程,是在威权政治体制下实现的,是由“发展导向型”的“强政府”以超常规的手段发动和推行的。政治上的威权体制,使政府有条件摆脱国内外各种利益集团的干扰,通过有效的制度创新和制度供给迅速推动经济增长。韩国在战后除经济方面取得了巨大成就之外,它还完成了政治民主化的历史任务。经济现代化与政治民主化作为国家现代化的两个最主要衡量指标,在战后发展中国家中能够同时完成这两项任务的国家屈指可数。韩国的经济赶超的过程伴随着政治民主化进程,两者相互影响、相互作用。在高度威权主义政体下,经济发展初期政治民主受到打压,完全让位于经济发展。但民主化进程并没有因迫害而停止,在艰难环境下各种民主力量不断与威权势力进行抗争,推动民主化进程持续不断的向前发展,并随着经济的发展民主化势力不断发展壮大,最终完成了政治民主化的历史任务。韩国的经验表明,后发国在赶超初期“威权政治”是必要的,但不是永恒的。没有政治民主化,就不可能有真正的市场经济,也就不可能实现真正的赶超。揭示韩国经济发展与政治发展之间的互动关系是本研究的重要内容之一。后发国家的经济战略选择,既是由本身内在因素决定的,同时也取决于全球经济、政治发展的大环境。受国际政治格局的影响,朝鲜半岛至今一分为二、南北对峙,是当今世界残存的唯一冷战格局的地区。研究韩国的任何问题都不能离开这一背景。因为南北对峙本身就是政治,就是国际关系,渗透于半岛南北方经济、政治、社会发展的方方面面。韩国所处的特殊地缘环境对韩国发展道路选择的影响具有两重性。透视韩国外向经济发展的轨迹,我们将发现它是怎样游弋于大国之间,绕过一个个暗礁、穿越险滩和激流而驶向赶超彼岸的。本研究的主题和研究视角,对于进一步认识韩国的外向经济的本质和真实内容,对于丰富赶超经济理论,具有重要的学术价值。中国与韩国同属后发国,其经验对我国的借鉴价值是毋庸置疑的;韩国又是我国的近邻,密切注视其当前和未来的战略、道路取向,特别是对于韩国外向经济升级的动向的研究,对于我国的东北亚乃至亚洲战略具有十分重要的意义。本论文以政治经济学分析为基本视角从经济、政治与社会、国际因素等三个方面,跨学科、多角度考察韩国外向型经济的发展变化过程,力图全面分析韩国外向型经济发展的过程、特点、选择机理及成功原因,展现韩国外向经济发展的真实过程。本文首先通过全面回顾韩国外向经济发展的过程,把握其总体脉络,然后分析韩国外向型经济的特点及内涵;进而从经济学原理、政治与社会环境、国际环境等三个方面分析韩国外向型经济。在韩国外向型经济模式的形成与发展过程中,经济、政治与社会、国际因素的影响表现出这样的逻辑关系:韩国经济自身特点和所遵循的经济学原理,促成韩国选择了外向型经济发展模式,并决定了韩国外向型经济模式的特点;韩国国内政治及社会因素,保证了外向型经济有效推进;外部因素提供了良好的外部环境与机遇,助推了韩国外向型经济的发展。本文的基本构思和研究框架,也是基于上述逻辑关系,建立了,外向型经济发展模式选择及特点——经济学分析;外向型经济实施的保证——政治、社会视角的分析;外向型经济的助推——国际因素分析的研究框架。而随着自身经济条件、政治和社会基础及外部环境的变化,导致韩国外向型经济发生不断发生变化,进而带来由单向外向型经济向全面开放的外向型经济的调整与升级。本研究有以下几点创新:一、从经济、政治与社会、国际因素等视角分析韩国外向型经济,探究韩国经济成功的原因,是比较新的尝试。本研究在经济学视角的研究基础上,结合政治学、社会学以及国际关系等相关理论,克服单纯经济学研究的局限,通过多视角探究韩国外向型经济的形成、发展、特点等问题,力求揭示韩国外向型经济发展中的“特殊性”,还原韩国外向型经济发展的真实过程。二、以外向型经济发展为主线,比较清晰地展现了韩国经济从殖民地经济——外援依赖型经济——单向外向型经济——开放外向型经济的发展轨迹,揭示了由“被动外向”到“主动外向”的韩国外向型经济发展中的内在联系和韩国“‘出口导向’+‘进口替代”’外向型经济的本质特征,总结了经济因素选择、政治和社会因素保证、国际因素推动韩国外向型经济的作用机理。三、从利益集团的利益均衡角度,分析韩国外向型经济成功的原因,是本研究的另一个创新。韩国政府通过高压控制与“互惠”相结合的调控方式,很好地控制了韩国利益集团的利益诉求,比较成功的实现了利益集团之间的利益均衡,保证了政府主导下,以经济增长为核心目标的外向型经济模式的有效推行,成为韩国经济发展的重要成功因素。本文还存在一些不足,需要在后续研究中进一步加强。主要表现为:一、对于韩国外向型经济研究还缺乏更加深入的经济学视角的理论分析。对于韩国外向型经济发展过程中表现出来的“特殊性”、有悖一般经济学原理和基本逻辑的一些政策选择,以及为何能带来出人意料的经济效果等问题,还缺乏更加深入、全面的理论分析和解释,在后续研究中有待加强。二、从利益集团的利益均衡角度分析韩国外向型经济是本研究的一个创新点,但仍存在不足和较大的研究空间。利益集团在经济发展中的影响变得日益重要。尤其是对发展中国家而言,如何处理好经济发展过程中不同利益集团利益诉求,平衡利益关系,显得格外重要。很多发展中国家面临的经济与社会发展不平衡、各种社会矛盾的激化、“公平与正义”的实现等问题,在很大程度上都与利益集团的利益均衡问题有着密切关系。在后续研究中,有必要进一步加强对韩国经济发展过程中的利益集团及利益均衡问题的研究,希望从中总结出一些有益的经验。三、本研究将侧重点置于对韩国传统外向型经济的研究,有其必要性和合理性,有助于我们更好地了解韩国经济发展的实际过程,从中得到更多有益的启示。韩国传统外向型经济作为特定历史阶段的产物,随着时代发展发生了重大变化,已经完成了向全面开放的外向型经济的过渡与升级。在后续研究中,有必要对当前韩国全面开放的外向型经济进行进一步深入研究,特别是对建立FTA轴心为目标的韩国外向型经济发展动向研究将是后续研究的一个重点。

【Abstract】 Academic community has reached an agreement on the success secrets of South Korea economy, that is South Korea has insisted carried out outward-looking economy. However, their interpretation of outward-looking economy still is not so perfect, and there’s still more researches to do, mainly focuses on the following four aspects:Firstly, if South Korea wasn’t the only country which picked outward-looking strategy, nor was the only success country, then what’s the feathers of South Korea’s outward-looking economy? Secondly, what’re the factors that decide the outward-looking mode? How to explain the rationality from the economic, politics, social, historic and the international environment? Thirdly, what’s the trend of South Korea’s outward-looking economy? Was it transition or promotion?The economists have gave many interpretations to the success of South Korea’s economy, and has made a lot of achievements. But, their research methods lack of multidimensionality and comprehensive, not really represent the actual process of South Korea’s economy. Because the wonders of South Korea’s economy has "not any a growth factor or some kind of extraordinary of the cultural characteristics of the results, but many favorable international and domestic factors and supportive government policies comprehensive work results". This is the same case in the research of South Korea’s outward-looking economy.The establishment and development of South Korea outward-looking economy has been the results of the economic, political and social, external factors influenced together. Economic factors as national economic development strategy determine the core factors, its importance is self-evident. The historic economy foundation, resource endowment, geopolitical political, economic characteristics of the South Korea decided must go on a line with their own national characteristics and conform to the trend of the times of the outward-looking economic development road. But the former explanations to the south Korean economy, emphasize the so-called "legitimate" economics and development economics also lack the use of specific aim, and are rarely interested in economics to catch up, the more it to efforts to explore forerunner, case clone of people catch up with economic thought treasure. This occasion must be changed.At the same time, we must not ignore the political factors in South Korea economic development process. People who respect the history will not deny such a fact that South Korea economic take-off highlight for a typical of the political process, and in many cases what it follow is "the first political changes, the economic change" timing. The take-off and industrialization process of South Korea economy is in the power of the political system that to realize, is by the "development guidance," the "strong government" means a great launch and implementation. Political power system, the government is conditional get rid of various domestic and international interest group interference, through effective system innovation and system supplies rapidly promote economic growth. Except great achievement that the South Korea has made in the post-war, it also completed the political democratization historical task. The economic and political democratization as national modernization of the two most main measures, in the post-war developing countries can finish at the same time the two task country is less. The growth of South Korea’s economy was caught up with the political democratization process, both influence each other. At the height of the authoritarian regime,economic development by early political democracy, dragged down completely let is located in the economic development. But the democratization process and not because of persecution and stop, in difficult conditions various democratic force has to contend with authoritarian forces, promoting the democratization process of continuing to move forward, and with the economic development of the democratic forces the constant development and expansion, finally complete the political democratization historical task. South Korea’s experience shows that the late-development countries catch up "authoritarian" in the early age is necessary, but is not eternal. No political democratization, there can be no real market economy, also cannot realize the real catch up. Try to find out the interactive relationship between the political development and South Korea economic development is one of the important contents of this study.The economic strategic choice of late-development countries is decided not only by the internal factors, but also depends on the global economy, the environment of political development. Influenced by the international political structure, the Korean peninsula has split in two, north and south confrontation, which is the only remaining cold war pattern of the region in today’s world. Any researches about South Korea cannot leave this background. Because the north and south is the political standoff itself, is the international relations and penetration in peninsula at the economic, political, and social development in every aspect. South Korea in the special geographical environment on S China and South Korea late-development countries belong to, the experience to our country the reference value is beyond doubt; South Korean outgoing track, we will find that how it is cruising between great power, bypassing a reef, through the rapids and stream to catch up and the other shore.The theme of this study and research perspective have important academic values for the further understanding of the nature of the outgoing south Korean economy and real content, and also is important to catch up with rich economic theory. China and South Korea belong to late-development countries, so the value of South Korea’s economy development experience to our country is beyond doubt; what’s more, the South Korea is China’s close neighbor, so keeping a close eye on their current and future strategy, road orientation, especially the research of South Korea outgoing economic trend or upgrade, for our country’s northeast Asia and Asia strategy has very vital significance.This paper takes the political economic for basic perspectives, try to explore the development of South Korea’s economy, and analysis the process, feathers, choice factors and success reasons from economic, political and social, international aspects, and try to exhibit the real development process of South Korea’s outward-looking economy. This paper first through the comprehensive review of the economic development of the south Korean outgoing process, master its context, and then analyses the characteristics and the south Korean export-oriented economy connotation; And from the economics principle, political and social environment, the international environment and so on three aspects analysis South Korea export-oriented economy. In South Korea export-oriented economic model of the formation and development process, the economic, political and social, international factors which influence the performance of such a logical relationship:South Korea’s economy of its own characteristics and followed by the economics principle, contributed to South Korea chose export-oriented economic development mode, and determine the export-oriented economy modes of South Korea; South Korea domestic political and social factors, ensure the effective promoting export-oriented economy; The external factors provides a good external environment and opportunity, thrusting the South Korea the development of export-oriented economy. The basic idea and research framework, which is also based on the above logic relationship, establish the export-oriented economic development mode selection and characteristics-economic analysis; The implementation of the export-oriented economy guarantee-political, social perspective analysis; The export-oriented economy booster-international factors analysis of the research framework. And as their own economic conditions, political and social basis and changes in the external environment and lead to South Korea happened export-oriented economy change constantly, and bring the one-way export-oriented economy to overall open the export-oriented economic readjustment and upgrade.This research has the following innovations:1. It is relatively new to research South Korea outward-looking economy, and to explore the reasons for the success of South Korea’s economy from the economic, political and social, international perspectives. This study in view of economics research foundation, the union politics, sociology and international relations and related theory, overcome the limitations of pure economics research, through the perspectives of South Korea in export-oriented economy to explore the formation, development and characteristics, and strive to reveal South Korea in the development of export-oriented economy "special", restore, South Korea export-oriented economic development of the real process.2. This paper takes export-oriented economic development as the main line, try to show the south Korean economy from colonial economy-foreign aid dependence economy-one-way export-oriented economy-open the development of export-oriented economy track more clearly, what’s more, this research also try to reveal the "passive outgoing" to "active outgoing" South Korea in the development of export-oriented economy connection and South Korea "’export orientation" + "import substitution’" the essential characteristics of export-oriented economy, and summarizes the economic factors selection, political and social factors, the international factors that promote South Korea function mechanism of export-oriented economy.3. Another innovation of this study is, this paper analyzes the reasons for the success of South Korean outward-looking economy from the interests of the interest groups balanced view. The South Korean government easily control the interest groups in the South Korea interest demand through the high pressure control with "mutual benefit" is the combination of the regulation and control methods, and succeed in realized the interest group of interest between equilibrium. In this way,the South Korea government guarantee is dominated by the government, to economic growth as the core target the export-oriented economic model of the effective implementation, become Korea economic development of important success factors.There are also some shortages of this paper, which needs further study:1. The research of South Korea outward-looking economy still lack the more thorough theoretical analysis from the view of economics. For the "special" feathers showed in South Korea’s outward-looking economic development process, and the policy choices against general economy principle and basic logic, and why can bring unexpected economic effect, still lack the more thorough and comprehensive theoretical analysis and explanation, which needs to be strengthened in the follow-up study2. One of the innovations of this study is research the outward-looking economy of South Korea from the interests balance aspects, however, there still exist some shortages in this aspect. The influence produced by the interest groups to economy develop is becoming more and more important. Especially for the developing countries, it appears that how to deal with the economic development process of different interest groups interest demand, interests balance, is particularly important. Many developing countries are confronted with economic and social development is not balanced, all kinds of social contradictions between the, "fairness and justice" realize, in a great extent and interest groups interests balance problems have close relationship.3. The study emphases on the research of the South Korea’s traditional outward-looking economy, which has its necessity and rationality, what’s more, this will help us understand the practical process of South Korea economic development better, and get more beneficial enlightenment. As a product of particular historical times, South Korea’s outward-looking economy has changed a lot along the development of history, and has completed the transition and upgrade to full-opened outward-looking economy. It is necessary to make in-depth research of the full-opened outward-looking economy, especially the study of the economy development trend which is encircled by FTA, will be the centre of future study.
