

Research on Building a Harmonious Labor Relation in Private Enterprises

【作者】 高杰

【导师】 王询;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 劳动经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在我国经济转轨时期,劳动关系成为重要的社会经济关系,而私营企业劳动关系的认知尤其引起人们的关注。作为市场经济主体的私营企业,其劳动关系表现为以经济利益或控制权为基础的冲突与合作的并存关系;以劳动契约为基础的平等与以心理契约为基础的人身让渡或隶属关系的矛盾。随着私营经济快速发展,国有企业大力改制,外资的大量涌入,私人占有的资本已经由社会主义市场经济的补充部分发展为社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,从而使劳资矛盾也日益凸显并加温。因此针对于当代私营企业劳动关系这一问题,能否处理好会直接关系着我国市场经济的构建与社会和谐发展。和谐社会的基础是和谐的劳动关系,而和谐社会的特征也体现在了劳动关系上,本文立足于此,提出了和谐的劳动关系应该包括六个方面的特征:平等合作观、利益共享观、社会责任观、人本观、诚信观和稳定观。本文基于和谐劳动关系的这六个特征来构建私营企业和谐劳动关系并探索构建路径从而提出可行性建议。由于西方国家对劳资关系的研究起步比较早,各经济学家从不同的角度出发形成了各具特色的劳动关系理论,这些对我国私营企业和谐劳动关系的构建都有很大的指导和借鉴意义,所以本文以当代西方劳动关系理论五大学派的观点为主线,结合合约理论和制度理论共同形成本文的理论基础。在确定文章的理论基础后,本文通过历史研究法对我国私营企业的劳动关系发展历程进行了梳理,以及利用定性分析的方法归纳总结了我国的私营企业的劳动关系现状,并运用定量分析法对一些置信度比较高的历史数据进行分析找出私营企业劳动关系中存在的问题,同时再利用规范分析法对这些问题加以分析处理找出存在这些问题的原因。最后本文运用经验总结法、描述性研究法、探索性研究法等来探索私营企业和谐劳动关系的构建路径,并提出有针对性的建议。在对本文的分析过程中可知目前我国私营企业劳动关系呈现出复杂化、市场化和契约化等特点。但是由于我国劳动力市场发育不完善以及农民工等弱势群体人数众多以致我国劳动力市场秩序混乱,这就使得我国的劳动力市场情况更加复杂和难以调控,所以强资本弱劳工现象得不到有效的控制。同时我国的劳动立法和相关的制度还不完善这就使得私营企业有机会利用这些法律漏洞来侵犯劳动者权益,同时也因为行政执法和监管力度不足导致私营企业劳动契约的签订率和执行率相比其他类型的企业要低很多。鉴于当前我国私营企业劳动关系中存在的利益分配不合理、劳资双方诚信缺失、收入差距加大、劳资力量对比不平衡、农民工等弱势群体遭遇待遇歧视、政府行为缺失等问题,本文提出建立政府、非政府组织和私营企业三方协调互补的机制,通过这三股不同力量,建立一个优势互补以及相对有力的三方互相监督体系,这个体系为私营企业和谐劳动关系的构建营造了一个和谐稳定的宏观环境,同时三方从各自的角度出发,担负起构建和谐劳动关系的责任并改善各自的内部治理结构发挥职能优势来促进私营企业和谐劳动关系的构建。本文从结构上分为六章,具体结构如下:第一章是引言部分,这部分主要介绍了本文的研究背景以及研究意义并且对本文的相关该概念进行了界定。通过对劳资关系与和谐劳资关系内涵的界定,确定了私营企业和谐劳动关系应该具备的特征(即平等合作观、利益共享观、社会责任观、人本观、诚信观和稳定观)。此外对平时研究中出现的私营企业、非公有制企业、中小企业、民营企业等几个容易混淆的概念进行了区分界定并以此确定本文的研究范围。第二章首先对西方著名学者的劳动关系的相关理论进行了介绍,并对国内外的研究现状做了大体的概括。这部分主要介绍了亚当·斯密、卡尔·马克思、韦伯夫妇和康芒斯等学者对劳资关系的观点,这些学者从不同的学科角度如政治、经济、社会与历史等对劳动关系进行了研究,由此形成了各具特色的劳动关系理论。本文同时还介绍了当代西方劳动关系理论如新保守学派、管理学派、正统多元论学派、激进学派与自由改革主义学派等五大学派的观点。本章还通过文献研究法对我国学者的相关观点进行了梳理,最后对合约理论、制度理论和权威的理论模型做了概括介绍。这些理论观点为本文奠定了理论基础,对本文的研究有着不容忽视的指导意义。第三章首先利用历史研究法对我国私营企业劳动关系的情况进行了归类总结,然后利用归纳总结法对当前我国私营企业劳动关系现状进行了概括,最后通过利用观察法、规范分析法、定量分析法、定性分析法等方法找出私营企业劳动关系中存在的问题并加以分析发现产生问题及原因主要包括:由于收入分配制度不完善导致私营企业收益分配不合理、政府行为缺失导致劳动标准得不到执行、工会形同虚设导致劳动者权益得不到有效维护、企业产权不明以及家族化的人事资源管理模式导致企业内部治理不完善等。在我国私营企业劳动关系中,存在着以企业、劳动者与政府为主的三方格局,这三者都有着其特殊的地位与身份,并且相互之间形成了利益结构、权利以及相互关系。非政府组织和政府又对私营企业外部环境产生重要的影响。基于此,第四章对政府行为、非政府组织进行了简单的介绍,着重分析了这二者对私营企业和谐劳动关系构建的促进作用和二者各自的职能优势,最后建立一个三方协调互补的模型。第五章以前面介绍理论为基础结合对问题分析和第四章建立的三方互动模型,为私营企业和谐劳动关系的构建提出相应的政策建议。首先对政府的政策建议是建立和完善相关法律法规的制定、改革和完善劳动争议处理体制,健全政府监管制度、解决好劳动总量与薪酬分配的矛盾,明确企业分配制度、参与提供社会对话服务、对劳动资源进行合理安排等。其次对非政府组织以及工会的建议是强化工会等非政府组织的作用、加强工会组织建设,进一步发挥企业工会职能、发挥工会职能,维护职工的经济利益、着力完善私营企业职工工资集体协商机制、重视劳动争议的预防和处理等。最后对私营企业的建议是优化企业内部环境治理机制、强化劳动合同管理、加强劳动合同日常管理,防范管理风险、构建和谐的企业文化、树立以人为本的管理理念等。第六章是结论部分,这部分是对整篇论文的概括总结,并对论文得出的重要结论加以介绍。

【Abstract】 During the time of the country’s economic transition, labor relations became one of the important social economic relations, especially the cognition of private enterprise labor relations appealed the people’s attention. As the main body in market economy, the labor relationship of private enterprise is the relationship of conflict and cooperation based on the economic interests or the right of control and the conflict of equality based on the labor contract and personal guaranteed or subordinate relationship based on psychological contract. Along with the state-owned enterprise restructuring, the rapid development of the private economy, the influx of a large amount of foreign capital, private capital, the complement to socialist market economy, has become the import part, so the contradiction between the employers and workers is appearing gradually and heating increasingly. So how to deal with contemporary private enterprises’ labor relations well directly relates to the harmonious development of the society and the construction of market economy.Harmonious labor relations is the foundation of the harmonious society and the characteristics of the harmonious society reflected above the labor relations. Based on that, this paper puts forward that the harmonious labor relations should include the following six characteristics:the view of equal cooperation, humanistic, benefit sharing, honesty, stabilize, social responsibility. This paper, based on the harmonious labor relations of the six characteristics of private enterprise, constructs the harmonious labor relations and explores the constructing path and proposes the suggestion. As the study of the labor relationship in western countries started earlier, the economists from different perspective have formed different labor relation theories, which gives much guidance and reference of the construction of the harmonious labor relations of the private enterprise in our country. So the paper used the five contemporary western labor relation theories’view as the main line, and combined with the contract theory and system theory together to form the theoretical basis of this paper. After determining the theoretical foundation, this article combed the development of labor relations of the private enterprise in our country through the historical research; used qualitative analysis to make a summary of the current situation; used quantitative analysis to analysis some high confidence historical analysis data to find the problems of private enterprise labor relations o. at the same time, used standard analysis to analysis and find out the cause of these problems. Finally, this paper use experience method, descriptive research and exploratory research to explore the construct path of private enterprise harmonious labor relations and put forward some suggestions. In the process of analysis, we found that, at present, our country private enterprise labor relations present some characteristics of a complicated, marketization and materialized etc. However, the undevelopment of the labor market and the large number of vulnerable groups such as migrant workers leads to the disorder of our country’s labor market, which makes the country’s labor market conditions more complex and difficult to control and the phenomenon of strong capital while weak labor phenomenon can be effectively controlled. At the same time, China’s labor legislation and the relevant system is not perfect so that the private enterprises have chances to use these legal loophole to encroach upon workers rights, and the low administrative law enforcement and supervision leads to lower rate of signing and running of the private enterprise of labor compared to other types of enterprise. In view of the problems of unreasonable distribution of interests in both sides of labors, lack of trust, increasing income disparity, the unbalanced labor force, vulnerable groups in treatment discrimination such as migrant workers, the loss of government behavior and so on in the labor relationship in our country, this paper proposed coordination complementary mechanism of three part---- the government, Ngoc and private enterprises, and through the three strands of different forces to establish a complementary advantaged and relatively strong three party mutual supervision system, which build a harmonious and stable macroeconomic environment for the relationship in the private enterprises. At the same time, three parties take on the responsibility of constructing the harmonious labor relations and improve their internal management structure and play the functions to promote the construction of the harmonious labor relation in private enterprises from their own perspective.The structure of his article is divided into six chapters, and concrete structure is as follows:The first chapter, the introduction part, mainly introduces the background and significance of this article and defines the related concept. Through the definition of the labor relations and harmonious labor relations, this article puts forwards the characteristics which the private enterprises’ harmonious labor relations should have: the view of equal cooperation, humanistic, benefit sharing, honesty, stabilize, social responsibility. In addition, this article defined several confusing distinguish concepts such as private enterprise, non-public enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, private enterprise and so on and so as to determine the scope of this article.The second chapter first introduced related theory about labor relations of the western scholars, and made a summary of the current situations generally. This part mainly introduced the view of Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Mr. and Mrs. Webber and Commons and other scholars who made research of labor relations and formed unique labor relation theory viewpoint from the perspective of politics, economic, history and the society and so on. At the same time, this article introduced the five theory school: the new conservative school, management school, the orthodox school of pluralism, free reform of socialist school, radical school about contemporary labor relations in western countries. The chapter also combed the related views in China through read the literature, and finally made a summary instruction to contract theory, system theory and the authority model. These theories for this paper laid a theoretical foundation and have ignored significance.In the third chapter, firstly this article used historical research on labor relations in China’s private enterprise to make a classified summary, then used the method of summarized to summary the current labor relationship status in the private enterprises, and finally, used the observation, the standard analysis, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis to find the problems of labor relations and analysis the reasons. Through that, the reason mainly includes:the income distribution system is not perfected so that it leads to private enterprise income distribution is not reasonable; government actions lacks labor standard and not been executed; trade union erosion causes laborer rights without effective maintenance; enterprise property rights and personnel resources of unknown family-based management mode leads to unperfected enterprise internal management; etc.Labor relations of private enterprise in China exist three party pattern--- enterprise, workers and government, each of which has a special place. identity and formed rights, interests relationship between each other. Nongovernmental organizations and government has important influence on the external environment of private enterprise. Based on that, the Fourth Chapter made a simple introduction of the government and the nongovernmental organization behaviors, and emphatically introduced their respective functions and advantages in the construction of harmonious labor relations of private enterprise, and finally established a tripartite coordination complementary model.Chapter 5, based the frontier introduction and the three party interaction model the fourth chapter established, putted forward the corresponding policy for the construction of the harmonious labor relations of private enterprises. Firstly, the advice to government’s policy is to establish and perfect the relevant laws and regulations, reform and improve labor dispute processing system, perfect the government supervision system, solve the total amount of labor and salary distribution contradictions well, clear the distribution system of enterprise, participate in and provide the social services dialogue, arrange the labor resources reasonable.Secondly, the suggestion to Ngoc and union is to strengthen the role of trade unions and other nongovernmental organizations, strengthen trade union organizations’ construction, further exert enterprise trade union function, protect the labors’ economic interests, focus on perfecting the private enterprise worker salary collective negotiate mechanism, pay attention to the labor dispute prevention and treatment, etc. Finally, the advice to the private enterprise is to optimize the enterprise internal management mechanism, strengthen the labor contract management, strengthen labor contract daily management, prevent management risk, construct the harmonious enterprise culture, establish people-oriented management idea and etc.Chapter 6 is the conclusion. This part is the summary to the entire article, and introduces the important conclusions the article concluded.

  • 【分类号】F249.26;F276.5
  • 【被引频次】5
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