

Study on Mao Ze-dong’s Strategic Decision-making Thought

【作者】 张爱民

【导师】 张守军;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 中国管理思想史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 毛泽东战略决策思想是在批判地借鉴和吸收中国传统文化中有关的战略战术思想和决策思想精华的基础上,以马克思主义辩证唯物主义认识论这一先进的方法论武器为指导,并与以毛泽东同志为核心的中国共产党第一代领导集体所领导中国革命斗争和生产实践紧密结合,逐步产生、丰富、发展,并走向成熟,从管理哲学这个理论高度阐释了战略决策的基本原则和方法,同时带有比较明显的毛泽东伟人气质烙印的战略决策方法论体系。毛泽东的战略决策思想成功突破了西方战略管理理论发展过程中“丛林”困境,超越了战争和企业战略决策的局限性,具有西方战略管理诸学派所无法比拟的科学性和普适性特质,成为指导人们从事各领域的战略管理和战略决策活动的重要思想和理论武器。认真梳理毛泽东战略决策思想,对于加深人们对毛泽东思想的认识和理解,丰富我国战略管理和战略决策思想的理论宝库,指导我国当前和今后为实现中华民族的伟大复兴的战略实践,都具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。在研究方法方面,这篇论文充分发挥我在历史学方面的良好素养这个优势,采用历史的方法,以史为据、以时为序、以论为主、以史实为证,并以西方现代管理学和决策学的基本原理为指导,力图揭示出毛泽东战略决策思想所赖以形成的社会历史条件和理论渊源,深刻总结毛泽东战略决策思想的基本内涵和实践指导意义。在写作的过程中,我力图避免重蹈某些研究者的覆辙——将毛泽东决策思想描述为贴着某些决策概念标签的毛泽东思想史或中国革命史,而是努力从毛泽东的决策思想和实践中抽象出一些具有普遍适用性的战略决策理论原则,用以指导现实实践。这篇论文从毛泽东战略决策基本原则出发,大致按着战略决策的通行逻辑顺序,即调查研究并科学分析战略环境——确定战略目标和任务——制定战略方案——组织实施战略方案并根据战略环境变化及时对之进行调整直至完全变更——战略目标的实现,来安排各章的顺序。当然,在战略过程的不同阶段,关注的内容会有所侧重。具体是:第一章为导言,主要从战略、战略决策的基本含义,国内外对毛泽东战略决策思想的研究状况,以及这篇文章的研究思路,主要创新之处进行了阐述。第二章从毛泽东少年时代的家庭环境、中国传统文化的熏陶、马克思主义的影响、中国革命实践活动和毛泽东独特的伟人气质五个方面探讨了毛泽东战略决策思想的理论渊源。对其战略决策思想来源的透彻认识是正确把握其具体的战略决策思想与原则的基础。第三章论述了调查研究之于战略决策的重要意义。确保战略决策正确性和有效性的前提是所进行的战略决策必须符合客观实际及事物的发展规律。因此,任何战略指导者进行决策前都必须充分了解其所处的战略环境,并对战略环境的发展态势做出尽可能正确的预判,以便为确定战略决策的众多内容提供基本的依据。毛泽东在长期的革命和决策实践中摸索出一套简单却行之有效的理论和方法,他将之称为“调查研究”。从客观实际出发,实事求是地制定出切实可行的战略内容,并将主观战略指导同客观实际情形紧密结合起来,这是保证战略决策活动得以有序进行的根本要求。第四章考察的是群众路线问题。在毛泽东的战略决策思想体系中,人的因素占有核心的地位。这是因为,在毛泽东看来,人民群众决策实践活动中扮演着两个相互联系又相互区别的角色。首先,人民群众是战略决策活动全过程的重要参与者,甚至是最基本的参与者。其次,人民群众还是战略过程的主体,是将战略决策落实为战略行动的基本力量。毛泽东提出了“兵民是胜利之本”的著名论断,而“从群众中来,到群众中去”的群众路线则是毛泽东战略决策的群众观的最集中体现。第五章集中讨论了毛泽东战略决策的全局性原则。全局性是战略决策的最基本特质之一。战略决策就是要求战略指导者对全局性重大问题做出决定。衡量一项战略决策是否得当,首先就是要看其对全局关照得好或不好。战略决策者必须站在战略高度,总揽全局,将各方面的因素综合起来进行科学分析和对照,将当前和长远利益统统纳入战略思考的视野,抓住主要矛盾和矛盾的主要方面,抓住重要关节,掌控全局的重心和枢纽,从而做出有利于推动全局发展的正确决策。全局观是战略决策的着眼点。第六章概要地阐述了毛泽东进行战略决策的策略思想和策略艺术。强调战略决策的策略性是毛泽东战略决策思想的重要特质之一。通俗地讲,策略即是计策、谋略的意思。战略决策的策略性主要是指战略指导者要对关乎决策的各种矛盾,各种因素做深入细致的分析,权衡利害,多方比较,根据具体情况制定出多套决策或应变方案,并从全局发展的基本态势出发把握事物发展的必然性和偶然性之间的联系与规律,据此作出最终的判断,选定策略方案,实现战略目标。战略上蔑视,战术上重视以及坚持原则的坚定性与策略的灵活性的有机统一等,都是毛泽东对于马克思主义策略武器宝库的重要贡献。第七章从战略指导者应具备的基本素养角度,从独立思考、战略预见和创新意识与能力几个方面对毛泽东在这方面的论述进行了认真整理。这篇论文充分肯定了毛泽东战略决策思想在中国乃至世界战略思想发展史上的重要地位,认为毛泽东的战略决策思想深深植根于中国古代战略文化这片沃土,近乎“贪婪地”汲取着其中的丰富养分,并在马克思主义科学方法论的指导下,与中国革命和建设实践紧密地、有机地结合在一起。毛泽东的战略决策思想带有鲜明的中国烙印和诸多中国元素与符号,是中国传统战略决策思想在现代的表现形式和全面发展,是中国乃至东方战略管理思想宝库当中的一支当之无愧的理论奇葩。国内外的战略理论和决策理论研究者在某种程度上忽略了毛泽东决策思想的重要理论价值和科学性。另一方面,文章认为,在基本素质方面,毛泽东所揭示的战略决策原则对所有从事领导工作的人提出了更高的要求,其中最重要的一点是要切实提高领导干部的战略思维能力,因为这是领导干部必备的基本素质。毛泽东关于战略决策的思想恰恰为领导干部战略思维能力的提高提供了强大的,具有很强针对性和操作性的理论武器。这篇论文的创新之处主要体现在下面三个方面:1,中国毛泽东思想研究界普遍认为,毛泽东思想主要有三个理论来源,分别是马克思主义,中国传统文化和中国革命实践。因此,有些学者据此推定,毛泽东战略决策思想也无外乎这三方面来源。但我在文章中指出,除了这三个基本理论来源外,毛泽东少年时代的生活环境和毛泽东独特的伟人气质在毛泽东战略决策思想形成的过程中均起到了不可忽视的作用:前者是潜移默化的,而后者则是毛泽东所独有的禀赋。2,这篇论文从“战略”的视角对毛泽东的决策思想进行了细致梳理,这在当前尚不多见。当代西方管理学的研究指出,管理者与领导者具有不同的工作职能,普通领导者与战略领导者的管理职能也存在差异。毛泽东作为战略思想家和卓越的战略实践家和领导者,其提出的关于决策的思想原则普遍具有长远性、全局性和前瞻性特征,是当代战略决策思想宝库的重要内容,值得认真加以系统总结。3,全局观是战略思维与战略决策的最重要特质之一。但文献显示,无论是中国管理学界还是管理思想史学界,除了零星关注到毛泽东的统筹兼顾思想外,对毛泽东的全局观几乎予以足够的重视,甚至连一篇像样的文章都难以寻觅。这篇论文比较系统地介绍了毛泽东全局观的基本内涵,包括毛泽东全局观,全局与局部关系等战略决策思想,以及这些思想在实践中的应用情况。

【Abstract】 Mao Ze-dong’s strategic decision-making thought is a methodological system aiming to make strategic decision, which critically inherited the cream of strategic decision-making and tactical thought in Chinese traditional culture, guided by Marxist dialectical materialism epistemology, closely combining with the revolutionary struggle and production practice directed by Mao Ze-dong and having some kind of Mao Ze-dong’s brand of a great personage. Mao Ze-dong’s strategic decision-making thought expounded the fundamental rules and methods of strategic decision-making from the point of management philosophy, successfully broke through the "jungle" of dilemma in the course of the development of the theory of strategic management theory, surmounted the limits of strategic decision-making in war and business management, and possessed scientific and universal characters which western strategic management schools lacked. The significance of this study lie in that it will deepen people’s understanding on Mao Ze-dong’s strategic decision-making thought, enrich China’s theoretical treasure house of strategic management decision-making, provide guideline with the great strategic practice of realizing the Chinese nation’s reviviscence.Generally speaking, any strategic decision-making’process will comply with the following logic sequence:investigating, studying and scientifically analyzing the strategic environment——determining the strategic goals and works——drawing up the strategic plans——organizing the needed resources to implement such plans, regulating them when needed——realizing the strategic goals. Of course, in different stages of the same strategic process, there will have different emphasis. Based on the sequence mentioned above roughly and also Mao Ze-dong’s fundamental rules on strategic decision-making, the paper arranges its contents as follo wings:The first chapter discusses the theoretical origins of Mao Ze-dong’s strategic decision-making thought from five aspects:Mao Ze-dong’s family circumstance when he was young, the nurture of Chinese traditional culture, the influence of Marxism-Leninism, Chinese revolutionary practice and Mao Ze-dong’s unique character of Great Man. I think understanding this origins deeply will help to grasp Mao Ze-dong’s whole theory on how to make strategic decisions.The second chapter explores the importance of investigation and study to strategic decision-making. The strategic decision has to be in conformity with the objective developing law and the practical conditions of the things, which will assure that the strategic decisions are correct and effective. Therefore, any strategic guider has to know the strategic environment surrounding him to the full and to foresee the developing trends as properly as possible in order to provide him with basis when to determine the contents on strategic decision-making. The so called "investigation and study" was Mao Ze-dong’s method when he needed to inquire into such conditions. Combing the subjective guide closely with the objective is the fundamental demand of assuring the process of the strategic decision-making in an orderly way.The third chapter focuses on the issue of the mass line. In the system of Mao Ze-dong’s strategic decision-making thought, the factor of the people occupies a core place. Mao Ze-dong thought that the mass played double roles in the course of decision-making practices which interacted with each other. First of all, the mass are the most fundamental participators in the whole process of making any strategic decision. On the other hand, the mass play an important role of carrying out the strategic decisions. Mao Ze-dong put forward a famous thesis called "the soldiers and the mass are the bases of assuring victory", while his mass viewpoint of "from the mass, in the mass" reflected his thought on the importance of the mass in strategic decision-making processes.The fourth chapter locates Mao Ze-dong’s theory of maintaining the independence and keeping the initiative in one’s own hands. Any strategic guider has to be confronted with the issue of how to attain initiative and the place of competing superiority so as to create a best strategic environment. Mao Ze-dong’s solution on this issue was maintaining the independence and keeping the initiative in one’s own hands, which can be regarded as the soul of Mao Ze-dong’s strategic decision-making thought. It was also the basic guideline in handling all kinds of domestic and overseas relationships.Chapter five emphasizes my attention firmly on the rule of overall situation. I think of it as a starting point in any strategic decision-making practice. Also it was one of the basic characters and demands of strategic decision-making. Whether the strategic guider properly shows enough consideration for the whole situation can be regarded as an important standard of judging the degree of suitability of a strategic decision-making. The strategic decision-maker must bring all aspects relate to his decision-making practice, the current and long-term interests into his thought field of vision, grasp the principal contradiction and the principal aspects of the contradiction and seize the key links and hub in order to make a wise strategic decision to promote the development of the whole situation.The last chapter briefly interprets Mao Ze-dong’s tactics when making a strategic decision. Mao Ze-dong paid much more attention on the issue of tactics in the course of making decisions. He demanded the strategic guiders deeply and carefully analyze all the contradictions and factors, then formulate several solutions according to the practical circumstance. At the same time, the strategic guiders have to try his best to judge correctly the fundamental trends, grasp the relationships and law between necessity and contingency, give his final judgment and select the best suitable scheme. Showing contempt for the opponent in strategy and attaching importance to him in tactics was one of Mao Ze-dong’s contributions to strategic decision-making thought.As to methodology, the writer makes full use of his superiority in historical study, has latest principles in the current western management and science of decision as the guides, the historical facts as the foundation, the time as the sequence and makes every effort to explain the whole picture of Mao Ze-dong’s thought on strategic decision-making.The paper confirms to the full Mao Ze-dong strategic decision-making thought’s significant place in the developing history of strategic decision-making thought in China and the world as a whole. It absorbed the quintessence in Chinese traditional strategic culture as much as possible, accepted Marxism as its guide in methodology, combined itself with Chinese revolutionary practice and had much Chinese factors and marks in itself. It was the contemporary forms and full development of Chinese traditional strategic decision-making thought.The research characteristics of the paper are as follows:Firstly, the writer think that the family conditions of Mao Ze-dong’s boyhood and Mao Ze-dong’s unique character as a Great Man also played important role in formulating his strategic decision-making thought, except for the well-accepted origins mentioned above.Secondly, the paper trys to arrange Mao Ze-dong’s decision making thought from the view angle of "strategy", which is exceptional to some degree. The contemporary western study of management has indicated that there exists obvious differences between universal leaders and strategic guiders, the latter focus their attention mostly on the long-term issues and take the situation as a whole when making any decision. Mao Ze-dong was one of the greatest strategic thinkers and had contributed to the enrichment and development of the world’s strategic decision-making thought.Finally, the writer interprets scientifically Mao Ze-dong’s viewpoint of taking the strategic situation as a whole, which was ignored for long time in Chinese academic circles. The paper fills up the blank spot.
