

Research on Institutional Changes of China’s Financial Supervision and Behavior of Government

【作者】 柴景辉

【导师】 韩毅;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 经济史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 近现代金融业从自由状态走向政府管制是经历制度变迁的过程。金融监管作为一种制度安排,目的是为了保持金融体系的均衡稳定并提供效率与公平。为保证利益为社会所共同享受,政府需要通过外部监管保持金融体系的正常运行与可持续发展。在真实的金融业世界中,各国政府为保持金融业的稳定与经济发展,对金融交易及金融机构采取了不同的监管措施,包括制定金融法规和制度,并采取措施控制金融危机。多年以来,特别是经历了数度金融危机,各国政府及学者在是否支持金融监管的讨论方面逐渐趋于同一声音,但在如何监管,政府在其中扮演怎样的角色方面,意见始终未有统一。无论学者如何争论,不论金融市场如何风云变幻,政府在金融监管方面表现出的缺乏预见性、灵活应变能力,不可否定,特别是在金融危机发生时表现得尤为突出。因此,研究政府行为在金融监管中的变化具有十分重要的意义。回顾新中国金融历史与金融监管史,罕有一个国家能够如其一样,从单一的金融业态变迁到多元化的金融市场,仅仅用了三十年的时间。其间,中国经历了独特的二元制经济结构的转变,金融创新层出不穷,金融监管从无到有,国家与政府为金融业的发展谋划并实施了诸多制度移植及制度创新,开启了以政府主导型制度变迁为主要特点的金融监管之路。本文采用制度变迁理论,运用历史分析方法,以金融监管制度变迁为逻辑研究框架,以政府行为作为研究目的,揭示改革开放以来中国金融监管制度变迁的动因、变化过程与内在因果关系与逻辑内涵。本文的结构安排:第一章是绪论部分;第二章是制度变迁的理论分析;第三章是中国金融监管体制演变轨迹;第四章是混业经营、集中监管体制及制度学习;第五章是分业经营、分业监管体制及制度修正;第六章是综合经营萌芽下分业监管体制及制度调整;第七章是本文的结论与启示。

【Abstract】 The process of modern financial industry from the free state to the government regulation has been experienced institutional changes. Being a kind of institutional arrangement, the purpose of financial supervision is to keeping the financial system steady and balanced, providing efficiency and fairness. To ensure benefit of whole society for enjoing together, Governments need external supervision to maintain normal functioning and sustainable development of the financial system. In the real world of the financial industry, in order to maintain financial stability and economic development, governments adopt different regulatory measures to the financial transactions and financial institutions, including financial regulations and rules, as well as taking measures to control financial crisis. Over the years, especially undergoing financial crisis times and again, governments and scholars gradually become the same voice on discuss whether they could support the financial supervision, but on how to regulate, which role governments could pay, has not been an unified opinion. No matter how many voices scholars can argue, It can not be denied that governments has been demonstrated lack of foresight, flexibility and adaptability, regardless of financial markets amidst the winds of change, especially in the financial crisis,they behaved more seriously than normal. Therefore, studing the behavior changes of the government in financial regulation has been of very great significance.Reviewing the history of China’s finance and supervision, a country can hardly be a financial market, from a single financial form to a plurality one, in just thirty years. Meanwhile, China experienced the unique transformation of the two dual economic structure. Financial innovation and financial supervision have been emerging from an endless stream, state and government planed and implemented a lot of institutional transplantation and system innovation for the development of financial industry, opening the road for financial supervision with government-leading characteristics.This paper adopts the theory of institutional change, useing historical analysis methods, regarding institutional changes of financial regulation as the logical framework, regarding government behavior as objective of the research , revealing the causes of China’s financial supervision changes, process ,internal causal relation and logic connotation since reform and opening up of China.The structure of this article : the first chapter is introduction; the second chapter is the theoretical analysis of institutional changes; the third chapter is the Chinese financial supervision system evolution; the fourth chapter is mixed management, centralized monitoring and control system , institutional study; the fifth chapter is the separated operation, separated supervision system, and institutional amendments; sixth chapter is the comprehensive management of budding under separated supervision system and institutional adjustment; the seventh chapter is the conclusion and enlightenment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期