

【作者】 刘伟

【导师】 王继;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国是一个地域广袤、自然条件差异很大的国家,区域对于整个经济社会发展具有基础性、政治性等多重意义,推动区域协调发展自始至终都是中国现代化建设不能不考虑的一个重大问题。中国共产党的区域发展战略思想是中国特色社会主义理论的重要组成部分,新中国成立60多年来,我们党根据不同历史时期的区域实际和经济社会发展需要,不断调整区域发展战略思想,适时推动区域战略转型,对中国区域建设实践产生了重大影响,深刻改变了和正在改变着既有的区域结构。在当前深入贯彻落实科学发展观、加快转变经济发展方式的背景下,进行党的区域发展战略思想研究,既是区域差距不断扩大的现实要求,也是区域问题集中凸显的理论呼唤,更是区域和谐发展面临挑战的紧迫需要,具有深远的理论意义和重大的现实价值。本研究综合运用党史学、经济学、地理学、社会学等多种研究方法,从执政党对中国特色社会主义建设道路探索的视角,以中国现代化发展为主线,立足共产党执政规律、社会主义建设规律和人类社会发展规律的历史与逻辑有机统一,对建国以来党的区域发展战略思想进行系统总结。通过研究,本文将建国以来党的区域战略思想演进过程划分为三个阶段:新中国前30年的“区域平衡发展”战略思想、改革开放后23年的“两个大局”区域战略思想和新世纪近10年的“统筹区域发展”战略思想。并依据此划分,深入分析了不同历史阶段党的区域发展战略思想调整的理论资源、内外部因素,系统总结了战略思想的主要内容,客观评价了战略思想的实施成效,进而剖析了建国60多年来党的区域发展战略思想调整的历史逻辑和理论创新,提炼出其发展演进的基本特点和经验教训。通过研究,论文重点提出了以下观点:一是提出“民族问题区域化”和“区域问题民族化”两个概念。强调在当前的背景下应该更多采取“民族问题区域化”策略,就区域谈民族、就经济谈和谐,弱化、消弭民族隔阂,强化、放大经济因素。二是对新中国成立以来党的区域战略思想提出了一个全新的阶段划分。既打破了按照党的三代领导集体和新一届党中央、将“两个大局”割裂开来的传统划分方式,又突破了目前对于统筹区域发展战略思想关注不够的问题,提出以“西部大开发”为代表的控制区域差距战略思想是对邓小平“第二个大局”思想的回应、是一个带有过渡性特征的战略思想,而“统筹区域发展”在党的区域战略思想发展历程中具有阶段性的意义。三是首次对党的“统筹区域发展”战略思想进行系统总结。从区域发展总体战略、主体功能区战略、“经济区经济”发展、“老、少、边、穷”特殊区域发展和以城镇化带动区域协调发展等5个方面阐述了“统筹区域发展”战略思想的主要内容,并认为实现由“主次性”向“全面性”的转变、更加强调区域发展的整体性,由“先后性”向“共时性”的转变、更加强调发展权的公平性,由“弥补性”向“互利性”的转变、更加强调区域间的共生性,由“缩小区域生产力水平差距”向“缩小居民生活水平差距”的转变、更加强调“以人为本”,是“统筹区域发展”战略思想最独特的理论创新之处。四是从政治、经济、社会等综合性角度对不同历史阶段的区域发展战略思想进行评述,力求做到历史的“公允”。如在分析1958年建立独立的完整的地方工业体系时,并没有简单认为这是“大跃进头脑发热”的产物,而是从当时缓解交通运力紧张、“避免鸡蛋放在一个篮子里”、调动地方生产积极性等角度探究了其提出的历史合理性;在认识“三线”建设时,坚持“一分为二”的观点,既肯定其军事成效,也分析了经济方面存在的弊病;在探讨“改革开放缘何发起于南方小镇”时,不仅分析了一般意义上的经济因素,而且从中国渐进性改革、南北区域的政治风险差异等方面探究了党的区域战略初衷。五是分析了60多年来党的区域发展战略思想演进的内在逻辑,并从“以史为鉴,面向未来”的角度提炼了四个方面的经验教训。

【Abstract】 To a country as vast and diversified as China, regional division has multiple, e.g. economic and political, importance for the development of the whole society. Accordingly, promoting the harmonious development among different regions has always been a major issue in the modernization of China. The regional developmental strategy of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is a significant component of the Chinese socialist developmental theory. Since 1949, CPC, in view of the regional circumstances and developmental needs in different historical periods, has been adjusting its regional developmental strategies and promoting to transform the development pattern of different regions. These endeavors have immensely impacted on China’s regional development and deeply changed the regional structure. Under the current situation of implementing the scientific development view and accelerating the transformation of the economic development pattern, studying the regional developmental strategy of CPC is of paramount significance both practically and theoretically. On the one hand, the increasing regional gap and challenged regional harmony call for such studies; on the other hand, properly solving regional problems will shed light on the building of developmental theory. The present study, incorporating the research methods of the history of CPC, economy and geography, summarizes the regional developmental strategy of the CPC since 1949 systematically. It takes the modernization of China as a clue, examines the exploration of China’s socialist road by the party in power and holds that the laws of governing, of socialism and of human society coincide with each other. The present study divides the evolution of CPC’s regional developmental strategy since 1949 into three stages:Balanced Development (1949-1978), Imbalanced Development of "Two Overall Concerns" (1978-2002) and Harmonious Development (2002-2011). Based on the division, it further analyzes the theoretical foundation and the internal and external factors of the regional developmental strategy in various historical periods. Apart from summarizing the gist of the strategy, the study also evaluates the effects of the strategy, looks into the relationships within the three stages and draws the characteristics of the evolution of the strategy and the lessons which could be learned. By doing so, the present study puts forward the following opinions. Firstly, the author proposes two concepts of "regionalization of national questions" and "nationalization of regional questions", and emphasizes that the strategy of "regionalization of national questions" is of more value under current situation; that is, incorporating national questions in regional development and harmonious questions in economic development, and gradually, bridging the national gap by weakening national questions and strengthening the role of economic development. Secondly, the author divides the regional developmental strategy from a new approach which differs from the conventional division that took the succession of the four generations of CPC leadership or splitting up the "two overall concerns" as natural chronological divisions in the evolution of the strategy. It argues that the strategy of leveling regional gap represented by the Western Development was a response to Deng Xiaoping’s proposal of "two overall concerns" and it was transitional in nature while the harmonious regional developmental strategy is capable of representing a distinct stage. Thirdly, he summarizes the gist of the regional developmental strategy which is composed of major parts such as the strategies of the regional overall development, main-functional zones development, economic zones development etc. Fourthly, he evaluates the regional developmental strategies of different historical periods from political, economic and social aspects and tries to be historically impartial. Lastly, the author analyzes the intrinsic logic of the evolution of the CPC’s regional developmental strategy and the lessons of regional development.
