

Study on Composite Design Strategy of Contemporary Museums

【作者】 何小欣

【导师】 何镜堂;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 博物馆在21世纪以经济为主导的全球化时代中扮演着十分重要的角色,需要承担起教育、休闲、娱乐甚至大众的精神依归等社会职能。近十年来,中国对文化产业的认识以及对文化产值的关注持续升温,决策部门也开始意识到博物馆作为国家形象和开放程度的指标性意义。随着国家对国有博物馆建设投入的增加,中国的博物馆力量从数量、规模到展览内容及品质,包括服务性能均处于一个快速上升的过程。在这个过程中,博物馆与城市空间公共文化体系的发展,博物馆与文化产业链的运作,博物馆与社会文化生活需求的更新等关系发生了变化,从而产生了变革的客观趋势和主观意向。对此,当代中国的博物馆也呼唤一套涵盖从城市到建筑、从策划到运营、从功能到形式等领域的系统而综合的设计思维。本文以配合与促进博物馆的运营发展作为切入点研究博物馆的设计方法,对当代世界和中国的博物馆发展现状进行了比较、分析和综合,在充分认识到与博物馆运营相关联的各种因素作为博物馆发展动力的特征、影响和启动的基础之上,总结出当代博物馆发展的复合化趋势;同时,把博物馆形式与城市空间的多样结合、博物馆功能对运营模式的统筹配合、博物馆的各种空间秩序的有机组合等三大内容纳入理论研究框架,提出了博物馆的复合化设计策略,并对博物馆在未来的发展模式进行了预测和展望。复合化设计策略是对现有博物馆设计理论及思维方法的一种拓展和突破,为博物馆在当代及未来发展过程中的运营实践和设计实践提供了一定的借鉴和指导意义。论文分三大部分进行阐述:第一部分:发展反思,趋势归纳第1章绪论,基于对当代世界及中国的博物馆发展情况的简要概括,提出论文研究的核心问题:如何通过设计促进当代中国博物馆的运营和发展?同时明确从配合博物馆运营发展的角度切入研究当代博物馆的设计策略,界定研究对象为当代中国城市中的博物馆类建筑及场所,并介绍了国内外相关的研究成果,以及阐明了研究意义、研究方法和论文的研究框架。第2章通过对当代世界博物馆所处的客观环境以及其自身发展过程中的现状特点和矛盾进行分析,提出了当代博物馆发展的复合化趋势,并配合相关案例归纳出复合化趋势的主要表现形式。第3章对复合化趋势之下中国博物馆的现状和存在问题的实质进行了总结和深入剖析,明确复合化趋势对当代中国博物馆的影响以及设计层面介入的重要性。第二部分:框架建立,分层建构第4章基于现象的分析、理论的启示以及实践的探索,对顺应博物馆客观发展趋势的复合化设计策略的研究框架进行主体建构,其中包括对复合化设计策略的概念、内涵和意义的阐述;其中复合化设计策略的内涵是:复合化城市网络、复合化功能定位、复合化空间模式。第5章、第6章、第7章分别从博物馆在城市中的整体规划布局、博物馆自身发展的功能定位以及空间模式变化三大方面对博物馆的复合化设计策略进行分层建构。第5章从规划选址的角度提出博物馆的复合化城市网络;第6章从博物馆的发展定位切入,以前期建筑策划的角度提出博物馆的复合化功能定位;第7章从博物馆的空间变化切入,以建筑设计的角度提出博物馆的复合化空间模式。第三部分:实践探索,前景展望第8章展望了博物馆复合化设计在未来的发展趋向,总结了复合化设计策略在当代实践的支撑体系,并以作者亲历的2010年上海世博会中国馆的设计思考和设计实践为例子,进一步说明复合化设计策略在实际工程中的运用和探索。最后结论部分总结了论文以及复合化设计策略的创新点,指出了本研究需要继续完善的方面,并展望了复合化设计策略的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Museums in the 21st century era of economic globalization dominated play an important role, it need to take education, leisure, entertainment and even the mass of spiritual and other social functions. Over the past decade, China’s understanding of cultural industries and cultural value continues to heat up the attention, decision-making departments have begun to realize that the image and open the museum as a national indicator of the degree of significance. As the state increased investment in state-owned museum, the Museum of Chinese forces from the number, size and quality to the exhibition, including service performance are in a rapid increase in the process. In the process, museums and cities, museums and related industries, museums, features and space and the audience to experience a change in the relationship between, and produced changes in trends and the subjective intent of the objective. In this regard, calls for a contemporary Chinese museums ranging from the city to architecture, from planning to operation, from the functional areas to form a complete and integrated design thinking.In this paper, the operational cooperation and promote the development of museum studies as Qieru Dian design museum, the Museum of Contemporary World and China’s development status were compared, analysis and synthesis, in full recognition of Yu Museum of the factors associated with operating as a museum the characteristics of the development of power, influence and start on the basis of summed up the development of contemporary museum complex trend; the same time, the museums and cities, museums and related industries, museums, features and space and deal with the relationship between the audience into the experience theoretical research framework proposed design of the museum complex strategy, and the museum model of development in the future were predicted. Composite design strategy is to design theory and the existing museum as a way of thinking and breakthrough development for the museum in contemporary and future operations in the development of practice and design practice and provide a reference guide. Most were described in three papers:PartⅠ: Reflections on the development, trends summarizedChapter 1 Introduction, from the seven groups with museum-related phenomena and data leads to problems with the background analysis, the core issues: how to design for the Museum of Contemporary China operations and development? Clear from the operation with the Museum of Contemporary Perspectives of the development of the museum’s design and definition of the object for the contemporary Chinese city in the construction of museums and places class and introduced domestic and foreign research results, and illustrates the significance, methods and thesis framework.Chapter 2 of the contemporary world through the museum and the objective environment in which the development process of their own characteristics and contradictions in the analysis, a composite of contemporary trends in museum development, and concludes with the relevant cases the main trend of complex forms.Chapter 3 of the composite trend of museums in China under the current situation and the real problems are summarized and in-depth analysis, a clear trend of composite Museum of Contemporary China, and the design level, the importance of intervention.PartⅡ: Framework established, hierarchical constructChapter 4 in field research, comprehensive analysis and the theory of learning and reference on the basis of an objective response to trends in museum design strategy of composite framework of the main building, including the concept of composite design strategy, content and meaning elaboration.Chapter5,Chapter6,Chapter7,respectively,from the development operations of the museum and the city’s relationship, the relationship between museums and related industries, the museum’s function and the relationship between space and the audience to experience the museum’s complex hierarchical design strategy construction. Chapter 5 cut from the museum of urban functions, planning and site selection of the angle of the complex of urban policy;Chapter 6 operations from the museum’s industrial strategy to be the angle of pre-construction planning strategy for composite operators; Chapter 7 from the museum functional and spatial development strategy to be the angle of the architectural design space for composite strategy. PartⅢ: Practice, ProspectsChapter 8, into a museum complex design strategy in the contemporary practice environment recommendations, and of the personal experiences of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo China Pavilion’s design thinking and specific treatment methods as an example to further clarify the complex design strategy in the actual project practice and exploration.Final conclusions section summarizes the paper and composite design innovation strategy, points out the need to continue to improve aspects of research and prospects for the design strategy composite applications.
