

Establishment of the Evaluation System on the Living Level of Land-lost Farmer

【作者】 吴岩

【导师】 王秋兵;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 土地利用与信息技术, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 目前,我国正处于工业化和城市化飞速发展阶段,是社会主义现代化建设的关键时期,工业规模的不断壮大和城市建设的不断扩张,使农用地转变为非农用地的数量逐年递增,由此造成大量农民丧失土地,成为“失地农民”。伴随着工业化和城市化进程的加快,失地农民群体在不断壮大,由于我国城乡二元结构的长期存在,现行征地补偿制度不够合理,征地过程中失地农民的权益得不到保障,并且失地农民自身素质较差、思想观念落后等原因,失地农民问题已经成为制约我国经济发展和社会稳定的重要因素,同时也是国家和学术界关注的热点。而解决好失地农民的生活水平问题,使失地农民被征地后的生活水平不降低、长远生计有保障是处理失地农民诸多问题的关键。因此,在加快社会主义新农村建设、构建和谐社会以及坚持可持续发展的时代背景下,建立失地农民生活水平评价体系,对失地农民生活水平变化进行深入分析,意义重大。本文在诸多失地农民生活水平相关理论和国内外学者相关研究的基础上,建立失地农民生活水平评价体系,通过辽宁省部分失地农民的实地调查,对失地农民生活水平评价体系进行了验证;并结合调查数据的对比分析,以及在实地调查中发现的失地农民实际问题,提出了改善失地农民被征地后生活水平的若干政策建议,为解决失地农民问题提供有力的理论和政策支持。主要研究结果如下:1.在查阅相关文献,回顾国内外学者关于生活水平概念和评价方法、失地农民内涵和社会保障、征地补偿制度等研究的基础上,严格界定了本研究中失地农民和生活水平概念的内涵,为下一步研究打下理论基础。2.在马斯洛需求层次理论和失地农民生活水平内涵的基础上,构建了失地农民生活水平的评价指标体系,共包括2个一级指标、5个二级指标和13个三级指标;运用层次分析法和德尔菲法相结合的方法对各级评价指标权重值进行计算,采用极差化法将评价指标标准化处理后运用加权算术平均法得出失地农民生活水平评价指数,通过比较失地农民生活水平评价指数来衡量失地农民生活水平状况。3.根据辽宁省近期征地的实际情况,运用参与式农村评估方法对辽宁省部分失地农民进行实地调查,根据调查结果对失地农民各级评价指标以及评价体系进行验证,结果表明失地农民生活水平评价指标体系能够较好地反映失地农民的生活水平,评价方法具有科学性和可行性。通过对比分析辽宁省部分失地农民被征地前后的生活水平评价指数,可以看出76%的失地农民被征地后的生活水平并未降低,甚至有所改善,而其他24%的失地农民被征地后的生活水平基本持平或略有降低,结果表明辽宁省失地农民被征地后的生活水平未降低,但由于失地农民的自身因素以及征地补偿和社会保障制度不完善,失地农民的长远生计缺少保障。4.在对比分析辽宁省部分失地农民被征地前后生活水平状况的基础上,结合实地调查中发现的失地农民实际问题,从保证失地农民生活水平不降低、长远生计有保障的角度,提出了严格控制土地数量、改进征地补偿制度、提高农民社会保障意识、完善失地农民社会保障体系、加快农村经济发展以及建立失地农民生活水平长效监测机制等六个方面的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Currently, our country is on the rapidly developing stage of industrialization and urbanization, which is the critical period of socialist modernization. Meanwhile, the rising industrial scale and the expansion of urban construction make it increase each year that agricultural land is changed into non-agricultural land. However, it causes a number of farmers to lose their land, making them become land-lost farmers. With the process of industrialization and urbanization, the number of the farmers is increasing. Because of the long-term existence of urban-urban dual structure, the unreasonableness of the existing land requisition compensation system, the problem of land-lost farmers has become a constraint for economic development and social stability of the important factors. Also, it is the focus that our country and academics pay attention to. There’s no denying that peasants have poor quality and backward ideas contribute to this. The key to solving the problem is that their living standard must be improved and their future life must be safeguarded. But it still lacks a set of complete evaluation standard and system to objective evaluate the land-lost farmers’ living level. This makes the national polices in land expropriation hard to get conscientiously implement in practical work. As a result, it is significant to establish the evaluation system for land-lost farmers and analyze their living level in the background of accelerating the building of new socialist countryside, building a harmonious society and sustainable development.This paper is based on many theories about land-lost farmers’ living level and some related studies at home and abroad. It also establishes the evaluation system for land-lost farmers. And through the survey of part of land-lost farmers in Liaoning Province, it examines the evaluation system of their living level. Combined with the comparative analysis of assessment of land-lost farmers’ living level in Liaoning Province before and after, the paper proposes some ways to improve the living level of land-lost farmers. It also provides some strong theoretical issues and policy support.First of all, on the basis of studying related papers, and reviewing the concept of living standard, assessment approach, the connotation of the land-lost famers and the compensation for lost-land, it strictly defined the connotation of the concept of the farmers. Meanwhile, it lays a solid theoretical foundation for further study.Secondly, under the guidance of Maslow’s hierarchy of need and land-lost farmers’ living level connotation, it establishes the index of land-lost farmers’living level, including two One Grade Index, five Two Grade Index and 13 Three Grade Index. Using AHP and Delphi, it calculates index weight to establish the evaluation system of land-lost farmers’ living level. Thirdly, according to the practical situation of recent land in Liaoning Province, do some surveys about land-lost farmers by using participatory rural assessment method. The results show that all the indexes can better reflect the land-lost farmers living level. The evaluation method is scientific and feasible. Through the comparison and analysis of evaluation index, it shows that 76% of land-lost farmers’living level do not reduce, even improve, and other 24% of land-lost farmers’living level flat or slightly lower. The results reflect that the land-lost farmers’living level do not reduce in short term, but in long term, they lack long-term livelihood guarantee due to their own factors. It also because of the land compensation and social security system are not perfect.Lastly, on the basis of analysis of their life with the practical problems, it proposes that we should strictly control the quantity of the land, improve the compensation system, raise the awareness, promote the social security system, speed the economic development of countryside. The goal is to establish the long-term monitoring mechanism to improve the land-lost farmer’s living.
