

A Study of the Dynamic Anaphora of Chinese Reflexive Ziji

【作者】 郑众

【导师】 刘振前; Thomas G. Bever;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文是关于汉语反身代词“自己”动态照应的研究。相关理论普遍认为,作为一种长距离照应语,“自己”可以跨过自身所在语域寻找其先行词。目前对“自己”长距离照应现象所做的研究大多是从纯句法或语用的角度进行的,研究的焦点是当句中出现两个或两个以上名词短语可以作“自己”的候选先行词时,“自己”与其中一个或多个共标的约束条件。但迄今尚未有一种理论能够给出圆满的解释。究其原因,本文认为以往的研究都是单纯从句法或语用等单一角度进行的,而“自己”的长距离照应应是句法、语义、语用和认知等多种因素共同作用的结果。本文提出了动态照应的观点来解释“自己”的长距离照应现象。“自己”长距离照应的动态性体现在三个方面:1、语义的动态性;2、照应结构的动态性;3、认知过程的动态性。本文从以上三个方面对“自己”的动态照应进行了研究。首先,通过提出动词语义指向的概念来研究影响“自己”动态照应的语义因素。研究表明,动词语义指向影响“自己”对其先行词的选择:汉语单句中,如果含有两个或两个以上能够充当“自己”先行词的名词短语,在句法因素不变的情况下,“自己”与其先行词的照应关系受动词语义指向的影响。当主句或小句动词具有明确语义指向,或在副词修饰下具有明确语义指向时,“自己”能够明确与其中一个名词短语的同标关系;否则,“自己”无法只与一个名词短语同标,意即与两个或两个以上名词短语同标。其次,本文基于意义组合理论,以“NP的NP的NP”结构和表被动意义的“被”字句为例,研究了结构因素对“自己”与其先行词之间的照应关系的强弱的影响。研究发现,“自己”与多个候选先行词NP之间是一种动态照应关系,“自己”与候选先行词之间的照应强度受多个候选先行词之间的结构或语义关系、主动或被动句式等因素的影响。换言之,“自己”与其先行词之间的动态照应由各句子成分的意义以及联结句子成分的规则所决定。最后,本文从认知的角度研究了“自己”动态照应,并提出了“自己”动态照应的心理语言学依据。研究表明,“自己”的动态属性及其认知过程的动态性使“自己”的照应表现出动态照应的特点。最后,本文在分析“自己”照应动态性的基础上,提出了“自己”照应的一种综合认知模型,以表明影响“自己”与其先行词照应关系的多种因素(如句法因素,语义因素,认知因素等)之间的相互关系。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is a study on the dynamic anaphora of Chinese reflexive ziji. It has been generally accepted that ziji, as a long-distance anaphor, may refer to an antecedent outside the very local domain. The studies on the long-distance anaphora of ziji so far have been mostly conducted from the syntactic or pragmatic perspective and the focus of the studies is the syntactic or pragmatic constraints for the co-indexation of ziji with one or more noun phrases when there are two or more antecedent candidates in a sentence. But none of the syntactic or pragmatic theories or principles has presented a satisfactory account for it, because, as suggested in this dissertation, the long-distance anaphora of ziji should be regarded as a result of the comprehensive effect of various factors such as syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, cognitive factors.A dynamic perspective is proposed to explain the long-distance anaphora of ziji. As discussed in this dissertation, the dynamics of the anaphora of ziji is reflected in three aspects:the first, the dynamics of the semantic meaning; the second, the dynamics of the anaphoric structure; the third, the dynamics of the cognitive process.The study in this dissertation on the dynamic anaphora of ziji is conducted from the above-mentioned three aspects. Firstly, the semantic factors affecting the anaphora of ziji are explored in terms of the effect of the semantic orientation of the verb. It is shown that in a sentence, if there are two or more candidate antecedent NPs for ziji, if the syntactic factors remain unchanged, the referential relationship between ziji and its candidate antecedent NPs is determined by the semantic orientation of the verb:when the verb of the matrix clause or small clause has a clear semantic orientation or acquires a clear semantic orientation due to the effect of the adverbial modifier, ziji is co-indexed with only one of the NPs; otherwise, ziji is co-indexed with two or more NPs.Secondly, based on the Principle of Compositionality, the structure of NP de NP de NP and the passive bei-construction are used as examples to investigate the structural constraints on the dynamic anaphora. It is suggested that there is a dynamic relationship between ziji and its candidate antecedent NPs and the anaphoric strength between ziji and its antecedent candidates is affected by the syntactic structure of active or passive voice and the semantic or structural relationship among the NPs. If the semantic factors remain unchanged, the anaphora of ziji is determined by the syntactic relations among the sentence constituents. In other words, the anaphoric relation between ziji and its candidate antecedents is affected by the meanings of the syntactic constituents and the rules linking the constituents.Thirdly, psycholinguistic evidence for the dynamic anaphora of ziji is provided. It is shown that the dynamic nature of ziji and the cognitive process contribute to the dynamic anaphora of ziji. The processing mechanism of the dynamic anaphora of ziji is proposed in the form of a comprehensive model in which the syntactic, semantic and cognitive factors are incorporated to indicate the comprehensive effect of the factors on the anaphoric relation between ziji and its antecedent.

【关键词】 汉语反身代词自己动态照应
【Key words】 Chinese reflexivezijidynamicanaphora
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期