

The Research on Structural Design and Edge Orientation Method of Grating Ruling Tool

【作者】 吉日嘎兰图

【导师】 任建岳;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) , 光学工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 光栅刻划是金刚石刻划刀刀刃对光栅基底上的金属镀层进行挤压、擦光,使其发生形变而形成阶梯形状刻槽的过程,且在刻划过程中不去屑。另外,与去屑成形(如车、铣、磨)中金刚石刀具与材料的作用方式和作用条件不相同,即磨削、切削时,金刚石刀具刀刃方向与运动方向垂直,且刀具在高速及高载荷条件下与高硬度材料发生作用;光栅刻划成形时,刻划刀刀刃方向与刻划刀运动方向一致,且刻划刀在低速及低载荷条件下与低硬度材料发生作用。目前,用于去屑成形的金刚石刀具结构设计和磨损机理研究较多,但是,对用于刻划光栅的金刚石刻划刀研究做得不够深入,在一定程度上影响了光栅刻划技术的发展。本文以金刚石尖劈刀及双圆锥形圆弧刀为例,对光栅刻划刀结构设计与刃口取向方法做了较为深入的研究。第一,采用Deform有限元仿真软件进行了光栅刻划刀具参数模拟优化设计,初步实现了软件模拟设计刀具参数过程。进一步,从刀具精度角度出发针对性的设计金刚石尖劈刀和双圆锥形圆弧刀具的刀体结构,为高精度光栅刻划刀具的研制提供统一基准的刀具。第二,采用Deform软件有限元仿真方法,对两种光栅刻划刀具几何模型进行光栅刻划过程中的磨损形式分析,通过对金刚石晶体弹性模量及泊松比模型、周期键链(PBC)模型、解理特性、微观强度模型的研究,确定了金刚石光栅刻划刀具刃线晶体取向。基于金刚石晶体三个典型晶面的微观强度理论,建立了金刚石晶体微观强度向周期键链(PBC)方向柱面分布模型。最终结合磨损形式分析结果、刃线晶体取向方法及微观强度柱面模型,提出了光栅刻划刀具刃口取向方法。第三,从金刚石晶体定向、金刚石与刀体的焊接方法及金刚石光栅刻划刀具刃磨工艺改进等方面入手,对传统的刀具制备工艺技术进行了改进。改造刨床制作了双圆锥形圆弧刀具刃磨试验设备,实现了双圆锥形圆弧刀具刃磨制作。第四,在制作双圆锥形圆弧刀刃磨试验设备的基础上,为了满足金刚石双圆锥形圆弧刀在线换刃的高精度刃磨需要,量身设计了双圆锥形圆弧刀高精度刃磨机床。

【Abstract】 Grating ruling is a process that extruding and polishing of metal coating on grating substrate and form stepped grooves after deformation, and that can’t produce chip. In addition, grating ruling process differ in chip forming process(as cutting, grinding and milling) on type of action and role in conditions under diamond tools and materials interaction. At chip forming process such as grinding or cutting, the diamond tool edge is perpendicular to direction of motion and the diamond tool interact with more hard material under high speed and high load condition. At grating ruling process, the diamond tool edge is parallel to direction of motion and the diamond tool interact with more soft material under low speed and low load condition. At present, more and more research in diamond tool design and wear mechanism of chip forming process is go on, but less research go on diamond tool design and wear mechanism of grating ruling process, to some extent, affected the development of grating ruling technology.This paper mostly focused on to more in-depth study of structural design and edge orientation method of diamond grating ruling tool through the case study of chisel-edge tool and double-conical arc tool. Firstly, using Deform finite element simulation software proceed optimal design of grating ruling tool parameters, preliminary realized the software simulation optimal design process of grating ruling tool parameters. Further, design tool body structure aim at precision of the chisel-edge tool and double-conical arc tool respectively, and provide an benchmark for developing high precision grating ruling tool. Secondly, using Deform finite element simulation software analyze wear shape of two type of grating ruling tool in grating ruling process. Through the study on model of Young’s modulus , Poisson’s ratio, periodic bond chain, cleavage speciality and micro strength of diamond, ascertain edge orientation of diamond grating ruling tool. Based on the micro strength theory of three representative crystal plane, establish cylindral model of micro strength that parallel with periodic bond chain(PBC) on diamond crystal, and provide the edge orientation method of grating ruling tool. Thirdly, carry out improvement on traditional technique of making grating ruling tool such as orientation technique of diamond, welding technique of diamond on tool body and lapping technique of diamond tool. Make double-conical arc tool lapping experimental equipment by alteration of planer, realized the double-conical arc tool lapping process. Fourthly, in order to meet the precision requirement of line transferring double-conical arc tool, designed high precision double-conical arc tool lapping machine, on the base of making double-conical arc tool lapping experimental equipment.
