

Studies on Conflicts and Risks of Dual Distribution Channels of the Enterprises

【作者】 钱慧敏

【导师】 葛文雷;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 面对网络购物的发展以及传统分销渠道存在的问题,电子商务渠道显现迅速、高效与低成本的优势,很多企业在保留传统分销渠道的同时,纷纷开拓新型的电子商务渠道,从而使企业的分销渠道结构进入了传统分销渠道与网络分销渠道共存的时代。然而,这样的渠道格局并不像当初设计时的愿望那样吻合,近年来不断爆发的渠道冲突案例,都显现出传统分销渠道与网络分销渠道间的冲突与风险问题,如何使这两种渠道的冲突降低,协同发展,已成为渠道理论研究中的一个重要课题。本文致力于企业传统分销渠道与网络分销渠道间的冲突与风险研究,旨在能够发现这两种渠道不协同的起因以及由此导致的对企业的危害,寻找科学的治理与控制途径。在深入研究渠道冲突理论、渠道风险理论和渠道的相关理论基础上,论文给出了企业二元渠道的概念,提出了企业二元渠道冲突和风险的主要表现形式,构建了企业二元渠道冲突与风险间的关系概念模型,并运用统计分析工具和结构方程模型对引发企业二元渠道冲突的维度、风险的表现维度以及冲突与风险间的关系进行了分析与验证,其结果表明具有有效性,同时,构建了基于改进BP神经网络的企业二元渠道的风险预警模型,并对企业二元渠道风险预警模型进行了训练与仿真检验,得出其有效性;最后,提出了三种解决企业二元渠道冲突的策略与方法。论文的主要内容如下:(1)分销渠道理论和风险与预警理论的相关文献回顾,重点介绍了基于经济学与管理学视角的分销渠道冲突研究以及基于风险视角的渠道风险研究。论文从信息不对称、机会主义行为、博弈论到供应链管理、协同理论对渠道冲突的产生进行了理论梳理;用复杂系统、风险链及风险预警理论对渠道风险的管理进行了总结。(2)企业二元分销渠道的界定及特征研究。网络环境下,企业采用传统渠道与网络渠道共存结构已成为未来渠道的发展趋势。这种新型的渠道结构将给企业在渠道效益、管理、风险上带来什么影响?它与单一的传统渠道或网络渠道的运行有何区别?二元的特性在哪里?针对这些问题,论文系统地对企业二元分销渠道的形成、特性、结构模式及带来的影响展开研究,提出二元渠道概念,研究企业二元渠道构建前后带来的收益影响。(3)企业二元分销渠道的冲突、风险及两者之间的关系研究。企业二元渠道运行中所产生的冲突是简单的单一渠道冲突的叠加,还是有新的冲突产生?这些冲突所产生的成因是什么?它将对企业导致什么后果?目前的文献只是零散的研究,因此,论文通过对相关文献的回顾,首先对企业二元渠道冲突的成因进行研究并提出产生冲突的因素,其次研究由冲突导致企业二元渠道的风险及主要风险形式;构建企业二元渠道冲突与风险的关系概念模型并提出假设。(4)企业二元分销渠道冲突对其渠道风险产生影响的实证研究。通过企业问卷调查,采用统计分析工具和结构方程模型,对企业二元渠道的冲突及其对风险的影响进行探索性因子分析、验证性因子分析和相关性分析等,验证提出的企业二元渠道冲突的主要维度、风险的主要维度以及冲突与风险之关系假设的有效性。(5)企业二元分销渠道风险预警模型研究。企业二元渠道运行中有风险存在,根据风险理论,为降低风险的危害,需对风险进行预警。论文在文献与实证研究的基础上,提出企业二元分销渠道风险预警的指标体系,根据传统BP神经网络存在的固有局限性,改进BP神经网络,建立基于改进BP神经网络的企业二元分销渠道的风险预警模型,并采用企业问卷调查数据,进行训练与仿真验证,验证其有效性。(6)企业二元渠道冲突的控制及治理方法研究。根据前面的研究结果,对产生企业二元渠道风险的风险源进行控制与治理研究。论文主要对引发企业二元渠道风险的重要冲突影响因素进行治理与控制,运用渠道成员共赢观念,构建制造商最优批发价模型;运用知识共享原理,构建企业二元渠道的知识共享过程模型,减少企业二元渠道的目标不一致等引发的冲突,探讨风险治理与控制的有效途径。论文的创新点如下:(1)系统地研究了制造商采用二元渠道结构的动因、所遇困境、冲突成因及风险的新型渠道问题。通过对企业二元分销渠道的界定、形成机理、特性、结构模式和采用二元渠道结构前后对渠道成员的收益影响研究,提出了引发二元分销渠道结构冲突的主要因素及可能带来的风险种类,这对网络环境下,制造商采用传统渠道与网络渠道共存结构时的决策以及如何协同处理给予了系统的思考和一定的理论补充;(2)构建了企业二元渠道冲突与渠道风险之间的关系概念模型。本文在提出企业二元渠道冲突概念的基础上,通过大量文献研究,经实证分析,分别确定了引发企业二元分销渠道冲突的维度和导致渠道风险的主要风险类型,并建立了企业二元渠道冲突与渠道风险之间的关系概念模型,提出了价格差异冲突是最大的影响因素,导致最大的渠道风险是来自中间商满意度和忠诚度的风险,这为企业二元渠道的治理提供了有效途径,通过冲突、风险及两者关系的研究,为企业二元渠道风险的预警、降低冲突水平的研究提供了清晰的思路;(3)提出了企业传统分销渠道和网络分销渠道具有二元性,其共存情况形成一个二元组织,对企业二元渠道要从二元问题视角进行管理的观点。鉴于此观点,进一步提出了企业营销高层管理者要充分认识传统渠道和网络渠道两者的二元概念并达成共识,促进渠道成员对二元性理解与合作,促进二元渠道协同的观念,建设性地将二元组织理论运用到渠道管理中,为网络环境下,企业分销渠道管理的研究增添了新的理论支撑;(4)运用结构方程模型研究了引发二元渠道冲突和渠道风险的关系。不仅扩展了结构方程模型的应用领域,而且丰富了定量化研究冲突和风险的方法。

【Abstract】 Facing the development of online shopping and the problems of traditional distribution channels, e-commerce channels show its own advantages like, rapid efficiency and cost-effective. So, many enterprises choose to retain the traditional distribution channels while developing new e-commerce channels, so that distribution channels could enter the coexist ear of the traditional distribution channels and network distribution channels. However, such kind of channel patterns are not as satisfied as is designed to be. The emerged cases of channel conflicts in recent years have presented the conflicts and risks between the traditional distribution channels and network distribution channels. How to reduce these two types of channel conflict while develop synergistically has become an essential issue in the study of channel theory. This paper emphasizes on the study of conflicts and risks between the traditional distribution channels and network distribution channels, which aims to find out the causes and the danger of the coordination between these two channels, and to find out a scientific management and controllable approach. In the deep study of the channel conflict theory, channel risk theory and related channel basic theory, the paper propose the concept of enterprises’ dual channel, and suggest the main forms of the dual channel conflicts and risks. Besides, the paper build the relation model between the dual conflicts and risks, and apply the statistical analysis tools and structural equation model to analyze and verify enterprises’dual channel conflict’s dimensionality, the risk performance’s dimensionality and the relationship between conflicts and risks, and the results have shown its effectiveness, meanwhile, build a BP neural network optimization based dual channel risk warning model, and carry out the training and simulation tests toward the dual channel risk warning model, and the results have shown its effectiveness Finally, the paper propose three strategies and methods to solve dual channel conflicts.The main contents of the paper are as follows:(1) Related literature review on distribution channel theory, risk and early warning theory. The paper mainly introduces the economics and management based perspective study of the distribution channel conflicts and risk perspective channel risk study. The paper emphasis on asymmetric information, opportunistic behavior, game theory, supply chain management and collaborative theory to make clear the reasons for channel conflicts, besides, it applies complex systems, chain risk and risk early warning theory to summarize the management theory of channel risks.(2) Enterprises’dual distribution’s definition and characteristics research. Under the network environment, enterprises using the traditional channels and network channels’coexist-structure have become the main trend of the future. What will the new channel structure bring to enterprises concerning benefit, management, risks in general? What is the difference between this kind of structure and single traditional channel or network channel? What are the dual features? To solve these problems, the paper systematically study enterprises’dual distribution channels’ formation, character, structure model and influences, and propose dual channel concept and study the possible profit it brings beforehand and after.(3) Relation study on enterprises’dual distribution channel conflicts and risks. Are channel conflicts simply segistrated or caused by new conflicts during the operation? What are the causes of these conflicts? What consequences will they bring about to the enterprise? The current research literature is scattered, so through a review of relevant literature, the paper firstly studies the causes of channel conflicts and propose the possible factors. Then, it researches the main risks caused by dual channel conflicts and its forms, and builds the concept model and of enterprises’dual channel’s relationship between conflicts and risks and make assumptions.(4) Empirical research for enterprises’dual distribution channels effects towards its risk. Through enterprise surveys, the paper applies the statistical analysis tools and structural equation model to analyze impacts of the enterprises’channels conflicts and risks through exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and correlation analysis,ect. Besides, it proposes the major dimension degree of enterprises’dual conflict and risks, and the conjecture validity of the relationship of conflicts and the risks. (5) Enterprises’dual distribution channels’ risk warning model study. There exists risks during the operation of enterprises’dual channel, according to the risk theory, early warning risks is needed to reduce the risk danger. In literature and empirical research basis, the paper proposes the risk early warning indicator system in enterprises’dual distribution channels. According to the inherent limitations of traditional BP neural network, the paper proposes the ways to improve the BP neural networks and establishing the risk early warning model basing on improved BP neural network distribution channels, and uses enterprise survey data to train and simulate to verify its effectiveness.(6) Enterprises’ dual channel conflict control and management methods. According to the previous research, the paper studies the ways to control and administer the risk source of dual channels’ operation. The paper mainly studies the methods to control and administer the important conflicts of the influence factors of dual channel’s risk, uses channel members’win-win concept, builds producers’best wholesale price model, applies the knowledge of sharing principles, builds enterprises’dual knowledge-sharing channel process model, reduces dual channels’ conflicts, like conflicting objective and seek effective way for risk management and control.The innovations of the paper are as follows:(1) Systematically studying the manufacturers using dual channel structure’s motivation, predicament, and the causes of conflict and risk’s new access problems for the first time. Through enterprises’ dual distribution channels’definition, formation mechanism, properties, structure model and study on the influence before and after using dual channel’s structure towards channel members’ profits, proposes the main factors and probable risk types of which leads to dual distribution channel structure’s conflict, which offers producers to use the traditional channels and network channels in decision-making and systematic thinking and theoretical supplement on cooperative processing under network environment.(2) Building relationship concept model between enterprises’dual channel conflicts and risks. On the basis of proposing the concept of enterprises’ dual channel conflict, extensive literature research, and the empirical analysis, the paper respectively determines the dimensionality of the causes of enterprises’dual distribution channel conflicts and the main types of channel risks. Besides, the paper establishes the relationship concept model between enterprises’ dual channel conflicts and risks and proposes price difference conflicts are the biggest factor of conflict, and the greatest risk is mainly from the channel brokers’ satisfaction and loyalty risk, which offers effective ways for enterprises to administer enterprises’ dual channels. Through the study of the relationship between conflicts and risks, the paper offers a clear way for enterprises’ dual channel risk early warning and reduction of conflicts’level.(3) Proposing enterprises’ traditional distribution channels and network distribution channels’exist dual, the coexistence formats a dual organization, the management of dual channel should be undergone through dual perspective. Given this view, further proposes a corporate marketing executives should fully understand the dual concept in both traditional channels and network channels and reaches a consensus, promotes the channel members’ understanding and cooperation of the dual, promotes the concept of dual channel’s synergy, constructively applies the theory of dual organization into channel management to add new theoretical support for business distribution channel management under network environment.(4) Applying structural equation model study to propose the relationship between dual channel conflicts and risks, which not only extend the structural equation model’s application field, but also enrich the methods for quantitively study the conflicts and risks.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期