

Urban Physical Acitivity and Health Related Human Environment Construction

【作者】 张莹

【导师】 陈亮;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 体质健康型人居环境建设是响应《国家环境与健康行动计划》的号召,在城市化进程背景下,为了适应城市健康与环境同步建设的发展目标和满足当今都市人们体质健康现状需求的背景下进行的研究。本研究从城市生态规划的视角出发,提出了体质健康型人居环境理论模型、建立了其指标体系并进行了指标的信度和效度检验、分别对客观人居环境质量、人居环境感知质量进行了探讨,在此基础上,构建了体质健康型复合人居环境模型。论文旨在探讨人居环境对体质健康的作用,为体质健康型人居环境的建设提供借鉴。本研究抽取两个市中心行政区(杨浦区、卢湾区)和一个郊区(闵行区)中的13个街道/镇,80个居委会,900个45-80岁中老年人受试者作为样本量。利用计步器收集受试者连续7日的体力活动数据,同时测量受试者的体质指数(Body Mmass Index,BMI);询问身体健康状况,并发放关于“人居环境”内容的问卷900份,收集环境感知数据;通过地理信息技术(Arcgis 10.0)获得500m缓冲半径内客观环境变量的数据。随着中国城市化进程的发展,体质健康与人居环境的建设逐渐成为关注的热点,而此方面的理论还不成熟。本文就该领域进行了相关理论的探索,对本论文中的人居环境、住区、体质健康、体质健康型人居环境、建设环境的相关概念进行了辨析和界定,明确了体质健康型人居环境的物质构成要素。同时,在对国外此领域研究模型整理的基础上,建立了体质健康型人居环境的理论模型,并提出了本研究的假设。构建体质健康型人居环境的指标体系是城市建设健康人居环境目标的前提。采用频度分析法、理论分析法和专家咨询相结合的方法,以体质健康型人居环境的内涵及关系、国外此领域不同发展阶段的文献总结以及国外成熟的量表作为参考依据,按照建立指标体系的原则,结合本研究的需要和实践,建立了具有可操作性的包括2个目标层、10个准则层、40个指标层的城市体质健康型人居环境指标体系。信度和效度指标的高低直接影响到测量工具的测量能力。采用Crobach’s a检验问卷的信度,使用修正后项总相关系数(Correeted Item-Total Correction, CITT)净化测量项目,分别对环境感知质量的7个准则层进行了信度检验;采用结构方程模型拟合指标来检验体质健康型复合人居环境指标的效度;结果表明该指标具有良好的信度和效度,适合今后在中国南方城市开展此类调查时使用。采用主成分分析法对客观人居环境质量指标进行了加权;对体质健康与客观环境的现状进行了分析;在对多阶层线性模型的原理和优点进行总结的基础上,提出了体质健康型人居环境多阶层线性模型(Hierarchical Linear and Nonlinear Modeling, HLM)分析的框架。按照此框架的逻辑,对体质健康和人居环境的数据进行了多阶层线性模型的实证研究,通过以平均数为结果的回归模型的构建确定了客观人居环境对全程总步、BMI、身体评价的风险评价;通过固定效应Logistic模型的构建确定了客观人居环境对超重肥胖的风险评价;通过完全模型的构建确定了客观人居环境对身体健康直接效应和间接效应的风险评价。得出结果:(1)客观环境因素对全程总步的风险评价为:街道连通性变量和土地混合使用率每增加一个单位(10%),步行数将分别增加22%和12%。其中,街道连通性在平均值之上的居委会的居民步行数将会比此平均值之下的全程总步多21步。街道连通性最大值的地区将会比最小值的地区步行数多8步;公园和广场的距离、人均道路面积、人口净密度每增加一个单位(10%),步行数就分别减少18%、27%、25%、16%。其中,公园和广场距离在平均值之上的地区比均值之下的地区可少走21与39步。公园距离最大值比最小值的地区将少走38步。人口净密度最大值比最小值的地区居民全程总步少771步。均值之上比均值之下的步行数少144步;(2)客观环境因素对BMI的风险评价为:广场距离和公园距离每增加一个单位(10%),BMI指数将会增加10%和6%;土地混合使用率、人均绿地面积每增加一个单位(10%),BMI指数将会减少19%、12%;自然村落、旧式住宅、新式住宅对BMI的正向关联作用逐渐增大。(3)客观环境因素对身体评价的风险影响为:人均绿地面积每增加一个单位(10%),居民身体评价的分他就会增加12%;(4)客观人居环境对超重肥胖的风险评价结果:河流、公园和广场距离每减少一个单位(10%),超重肥胖将分别增加14%,18%和19%;土地混合使用率每增加一个单位(10%),则超重最和肥胖的几率则会降低49%;自然村落,旧式住宅的超重肥胖的发生率要比新式住宅的情况要低;(5)客观人居环境对身体健康直接效应和间接效应的风险评价结果。用地可达性指标中,广场距离对BMI的直接作用为:当广场距离每增加一个单位(10%),则BMI就减少12%,而当体力活动作为中间变量起间接作用后,每增加一个单位(10%),则BMI就减少3%,即广场距离对BMI的直接作用大于间接作用。环境感知质量是人居环境的重要组成部分。对人居环境感知和体力活动数据进行了灰色关联模型的实证研究,得出了各个环境感知因素的权重,同时明确了影响体力活动的环境感知因素的主次排序,对上海市3个行政区、13个街道/镇进行了人居环境感知质量的综合评价,并对人居环境感知质量因素及综合评价进行了分析。最后进行了自然生态环境感知质量与客观质量的评价比较。结果显示:(1)33个参考序列的排序为:健身场所>交通安全>道路设计>街道路面>穿越马路>活动环境安全>步行街/商业街>学校>交通站点>休息设施>用地结构>绿化、景观>环境卫生>空气质量>交通量>噪声>银行>道路拥挤>小区治安>菜场/水果店/便利店>广场/公园/绿地>人文设施>大型超市/商场>居住密度>光环境>照明情况>景观水质>垃圾转运站或回收场地>扬尘>通达性>周围的工厂/工业区>饮用水质>辐射源;通过排序可以看出,人们对感知环境的评价中,最为关切、也最容易体验的环境体现为方便性、安全性和视觉感观性,如绿地、景观与卫生。以功能性为主的环境则不容易被感知,诸如景观水等。(2)以上海市中老年人为研究对象的体质健康型人居环境感知质量调查中,行政区评价排名依次为:声湾区,杨浦区,闵行区。13个的街道/镇的排名同行政区排名趋势一致,都呈现出靠近市中心的行政区/街道/镇人居环境(或中心化程度高)比郊区的行政区/街道/镇人居环境(或中心化程度低)更适合进行体力活动的趋势。环境感知质量与客观环境共同构成了人居环境的组成部分。按照SEM模型构建的步骤,建立了体质健康型复合人居环境的结构方程路径图,以及与该图匹配的数学模型;对SEM模型进行了拟合指标的选择;在此基础上对体质健康与复合人居环境的数据进行了结构方程模型的实证模拟,并对拟合结果、模型检验、复合人居环境构成要素的重要性进行了分析,最后得出人居环境和体质健康关系的预测联立方程。模型拟合指标的结果显示良好,证明了指标体系的良好效度;得出“复合人居环境与体质健康关系的结构方程模型实证数据图”,使得客观人居环境与环境感知各层次指标间的关系得以清晰和直观的展现;同时对本研究提出的理论模型进行SEM模型的验证,结果证明该理论模型成立;对人居环境构成要素的重要性分析结果表明:交通环境(0.67)、生态规划(0.59)、建筑环境(0.44)依次是影响客观人居环境质量的重要性因素排序及载荷值。交通环境(0.77)、环境安全(0.62)、用地可达性(0.58)、居住环境(0.54)、自然及生态环境(0.51)、环境设计(0.32)和环境污染物来源(0.23)是影响环境感知的重要性因素的排序及载荷值;最后得出上海市体质健康型复合人居环境预测联立方程。提出了自然生态环境、环境规划、城市功能分区建设、交通环境等多方面的建议和措施,为体质健康型人居环境的规划和建设提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Physical activity and health related human environment construction is the response to the Promgram of National Environment and Health Action to meet the urban development goal and the constitution health of people of Shanghai during urbanization.900 participants aged 45-80 of 13 communities of three districts were selected from urban centers, sub-civic centers and suburbs of Shanghai during April-October 2009. The dependent variables included physical activity measured by pedometer, body mass index (BMI) and overweight/obesity with objective anthropometric measures, weight-related health outcomes measured by self-reports in individual-level. The independent variables at the neighborhood level involved GIS-derived measure of street connectivity, availability of facilities, road areas, green and open spaces, net residential density, land-use mix, residential style. Physical activity, health status and human environment were taken as the surey objects to collect the data.For the first time to probe physical activity and health related human environment in China, the theoretical framework was given firstly to provide guidance to the research. The classification, definition, constituted elements, connotation and nature of physical activity and health related human environment were also definited.To construct the index system is the premise for realizing urban human environment goal. With the combination of theoretical analysis and frequence analysis method, through analyzing the connotation and relationship between physical activity-health and human environment, the high frequence used index from abroad literatures about the field in four development stages were induced. Meanwhile, refering to the mature tools scale of abroad with the index construction principle and combining the research goal and practicability, the index system about physical activity-health related human environment was constructed.Reliability and validity will influence the measure power of a tool. The reliability of questionquaire were verified with the Crobach’s a method and Corrected Item-Total Correction method. With the Structural Equation Model, the validity of the total index system was verified. The result showed, the questionnaire has good reliability and validity, and the questionnaire is fitable to survey physical activity-health related human environment in southern city of China.With the Hierarchical Linear and Nonlinear Modeling, the result showed:(1) One unit (10%) increase of street connectivity was positively associated with 22% steps increase of PA. The steps in the district where the street connectivity are above the average value are more 5 steps than in those below the the average value. One unit increase of accessibility of river was inversly related with 18% steps PA. While the accessibility of park and square has both significant relationship with PA. The river and square distance are in above the average value district are less 21 and 39 steps than those below the value. The steps are less 38 with maximum park distance than with minimum. One unit (10%) increase of road areas has inverse decrease relationship with 25% steps. One unit net residential density only has inverse relationship with 27% steps PA. One unit land-use mix was positively associated with 12% steps PA, inversely associated with 19% units BMI and 49% units overweight/obesity. The net residential density in district with the maximum value is more 771 steps than with minimum value. It is more 144 steps the net residential density are above the average value than below. (2) One unit (10%) decrease of distance of square and garden, BMI will increase 10% and 6% units respectively. One unit increase of land use mix, BMI will increase 12% units. One unit decrease of green areas per capita, BMI will increase 12% units. The inflence of village, old-style residence and new-style residence on BMI are gradually increasing. (3) One unit (10%) decrease of river, garden and square distance, the overweight and obesity will increase 14%,18%and 19% units respectively. One unit increase of land use mix, the overweight and obesity will decrease 49% units. The overweight and obesity rate in village and old-style residence will fewer than in new-style residence. (4) One unit (10%) increase of green and open spaces positively related with 12% units BMI and 12% units health status. (5)The direct effect of accessibility of square is much stronger than its indirect effect on BMI through PA. Conclusion:The Findings can help planners build more pedestrian-friendly communities. It is also useful for creating interventions that are sensitive to possible environmental barriers to PA in old people.To probe the relationship between physical activity and perceived environment with Grey Correlation method, the factors influenced physical activity were ranked:Body-building club, traffic safety, street design, ground surface, crossing the street and activity environment are the largest six factors affecting physical activities. The order of comprehensive evaluation of the three districts is:LuWan, YangPu and MinHang. The order of 13 communities is:N3>N2>N4>N10>N9 >N11>N7>N6>N5>N8>N1>N12>N13. Conclusion:the urban center environment is most appropriate for physical activity, sub-civil center comes second and suburb is the last. The urban environment is most appropriate for physical activity, sub-civil center comes second and suburb is the last. The result is logical and it proved the gray correlation analysis is an effective method to study the relationship between physical activity and environment. The factual environment evaluation outcome is not consistant with the perceived environment evaluation.To construction structural equation model (SEM) for the physical activity-health and human environment, one result of the path picture showed the relationship between physical activity-health and human environment clearly. Meanwhile, the following hypothesises except H3 were verified through SEM. H1:It has positive relationship between perceived environment and objective environment. H2:The objective environment has positive influence on health status. H3: The perceived environment has positive influence on health status. H4~H5:The perceived environment will influence the physical activity. H6:The objective environment will influence the physical activity. H7:Physical activity is the mediating variable between human environment and health. Through analyzing the human environment factors’ importance, the influencing sequence of objective environment factors is:accessibility, ecological planning, building environment. The influencing sequence of perceived environment factors is: traffic environment, environment safety, accessibility of land, natural and ecological environment, resident environment, environment design and environment pollution source. The simultaneous equations were given at last.Suggestions and measures about nature and ecological environment, green space, environmental sanitation, ecological planning, perceived environment, traffic environment, landscape and environment design, environment safety and so on were put forward to provide reference for construction of physical activity and health related human environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期