

A Study of the Employment Policies for Afircan Amercans in Affirmatie Action of the United States, 1965-2000

【作者】 杨超

【导师】 梁茂信;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 美国“肯定性行动”是1965年以总统行政命令形式发布的一项保障黑人等少数族裔平等就业的政策,后来又扩大到妇女、残疾人等人群。就业领域“肯定性行动”政策的制定是20世纪60年代美国社会政治、思想和民权运动等因素共同作用的结果,但更是美国政府经济政策尤其是就业政策的产物。在“肯定性行动”的发展过程中,它也始终与经济政策相始终。由于追求结果平等,一度导致“肯定性行动”陷入了配额制的误区,围绕政策的争议也随之甚嚣尘上。本文利用美国政府原始文献及中外学者的相关著述,运用历史学的研究方法,借鉴其他学科的研究手段,对1965—2000年期间美国就业领域的“肯定性行动”政策进行了考察,论证“肯定性行动”与美国政府经济政策之间的联系,分析其效用和局限。全文由绪论、五章正文、结语三部分构成。绪论部分包括本研究的选题背景、研究目标与意义、研究的创新与不足,同时也对中外学者对于该课题的相关研究成果做了一个概要的评述;第一章“‘肯定性行动’概述”,分析了“肯定性行动”的内涵,回顾了历史上美国政府黑人政策的变化,考察了就业领域“肯定性行动”从1965年到2000年的发展历程、政策变迁及不同时代的政策特点,并对整体进程进行了分期;第二章“60年代美国黑人平等就业政策的初步形成”着重分析了60年代美国黑人遭受就业歧视的悲惨处境及原因,阐述了约翰逊时期“肯定性行动”出台的背景,解析了“肯定性行动”是政府干预就业市场和消除歧视的产物;第三章“就业领域‘肯定性行动’的启动与发展”探讨了约翰逊政府时期“肯定性行动”在就业领域的实施状况,分析了从尼克松到卡特政府时期政策的发展历程、历史根源和实施效果;第四章“里根、布什政府时期对‘肯定性行动’的调整”着重研究了80年代及90年代初就业领域“肯定性行动”的演变、原因和执行效果;第五章“世纪之交的黑人就业”主要分析了克林顿政府时期在“肯定性行动”问题上的抉择和缘由,解析了世纪末黑人就业状况的主导因素;“结语”从总体上评价了“肯定性行动”的历史地位及政策发展、演变所揭示的美国宪政体制特点和内在矛盾。

【Abstract】 Affirmative Action is a policy of the United States government established in 1965 in the form of executive order. Its goal was to secure equal employment of African American, and later was applied to women, the disabled, and so on. Affirmative Action in employment resulted from American political, idealistic factors and civil rights movement. But it is also the outcome of American economic policies, especially of the employment policies. Its development has been accompanying with the change of the economic policies. For the goal of the equal result, the policy ever trapped into wrong way, establishing the quota, which gave rise to extensive controversy. By utilizing lots of original documents and scholars’writings and papers, this dissertation makes a historical investigation about Affirmative Action in employment from 1965 to 2000, demonstrates the relations between the policy and American governmental economic policies, and analyzes the effectiveness and limitation.This dissertation is composed of the introduction, five chapters of main body and the conclusion. The introduction offers the purpose I conduct the research, the brief introduction of Affirmative Action study in China and abroad, the method and importance this thesis has and the innovations and shortcomings of this dissertation as well.Chapter one analyzes the connotation of Affirmative Action, retrospects the history of the policies for African American, investigates the course and characteristics of the policies in different periods from 1965 to 2000, and divides it into some stages.Chapter two mainly analyzes the African Americans’unfavorable situation in employment and its reasons, explains the establishing background of the policy in Johnson era, and concludes that the policy is the result of the government’s intervenning the employment market except for extinguishing discrimination.Chapter three examines the implementing effectiveness of Affirmative Action in Johnson era and the courses, reasons and enforcement of the policy from Nixon to Carter era as well.Chapter four discusses the evolution, causes and enforcement results of Affirmative Action from 1980s to the beginning of the 1990s.Chapter five analizes the Affirmative Action policies by Clinton Government, and the main element of African Americans’employment status in the end of the century.The conclusion makes a comment on the historical position of Affirmative Action, and analyzes the characteristics and inner contradiction of American Constitutional System that was reflected by the history of Affirmative Action.

【关键词】 美国“肯定性行动”经济政策演变效用
【Key words】 AmericaAffirmative Actioneconomic policiesevolutionresults